148th Regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteers
LT Colonel James F. Weaver
LT Colonel James Frederick Weaver, Milesburg, Pennsylvania, recruited Company B. He was appointed Second Lieutenant to recruit the company and promoted to Captain of Company B on organization of the 148th <st1:statew:st=”on”>Pennsylvania; to Major March 7, 1865; and to Lieutenant Colonel May 15 1865. Commissioned Colonel June1, 1865. Not mustered because Regiment was below minimum standard.
Colonel Weaver was wounded at the Po River in Virginia on May 9, 1864. He was mustered out with the Regiment June 1, 1865.
The Story of Our Regiment: <spanclass=grame>A History of the 148th Pennsylvania Volunteers, edited by Adjutant J. W. <spanclass=spelle>Muffly, 1904.
Gayley, Alice Jane. The 148th <st1:statew:st=”on”>Pennsylvania Volunteers: The Story of CompanyI.<spanstyle=’font-style:normal’> Butler, PA: Mechlingand Associates, August 1998.