147th Regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteers
Company K
A muster roll for Company K does not appear in Dr. Samuel P. Bates’ History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-1865, and the muster rolls for the Pennsylvania and New York Volunteer Regiments are not on microfilm at the National Archives. Therefore, I am attempting to recreate a muster roll for this company. The names that follow are from the National Park Service Soldier’s and Sailor’s database. The information presented about each solider is from one or more of these sources: The soldier’s Compiled Military Service Record on file at the National Archives, the Pennsylvania Archives ARIAS Civil War Veterans Card Index database, and the organizational index to the Civil War Pension files. This is a work in progress; if you have any information about the members of this company, I would appreciate your input.
Name |
Rank |
Date of Muster |
Remarks |
Nicholas C. Glace/ Glase |
Captain | August 24, 1861 | Enrolled August 17, 1861 at Hazelton (aged 22); promoted from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lt., February 17, 1862; promoted from 2d Lt. to 1st Lt., March 1, 1863; transferred from 28th Regiment P. V. and promoted to Captain, Company C, March 19, 1864; sick in General Hospital, Bridgeport, AL, November 23, 1863 to March 17, 1864; resigned on Surgeon’s Certificate, Chattanooga, TN, July 13, 1864; Vet; applied for a pension, April 27, 1896; Application Number: 1,176,528, Certificate Number: 950,751; died January 12, 1919 at National Soldiers’ Home, Tenn.; prior service in Company I, 6th P. V., and Company N, 28th P. V. |
George T. Barnes | Sergeant | July 6, 1861 | Transferred from Company D, 28th Regiment P. V.; enrolled June 6, 1861 at age 25 in Philadelphia; promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1861; promoted to Sergeant, December 28, 1861; wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863; commissioned 2d Lt. May 14, 1863, not mustered; promoted to 1st Sergeant, May 24, 1863; reduced to Sergeant, June 1, 1864; discharged July 6, 1864, expiration of term; discharge cancelled; mustered out with Company January 4, 1865 at Camp Discharge, Pa., by order of Major C. C. Gilbert, 19th U. S. Infantry. Applied for a pension December 16, 1889; Application No. 743,984; Certificate No. 496,482 |
Albert Moore | Sergeant | Transferred from Company D, 28th Regiment. Applied for a pension December 16, 1889; Invalid: Application No. 1,311,951, Certificate No. 1,084,188; Widow: Application No. 1,162,157, Certificate No. 894,222. Died July 19, 1920, at Sewickley. | |
Henry Shadel | Sergeant | July 5,1861 | Transferred from Company D, 28th P. V. I.; enrolled June 6, 1861 at Philadelphia, age 27; promoted to Corporal, December 8, 1862, to Sergeant, July 15, 1864; wounded at Middleburg, Va., March 29, 1862 and at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term. Applied for a Federal pension June 14, 1865: Application No. 42,520, Certificate No. 46,959. Died November 17, 1915 at Philadelphia |
Speakman, Charles Y. | Sergeant | Enrolled July 18, 1861 as a Corporal at Philadelphia; promoted to Sergeant, March 14, 1863, per Regular Order No. 36, dated March 16, 1863; absent, sick at Fairfax Seminary, Va., June 28, 1863 through September 14, 1863; transferred from Company I, 28th Regiment P. V., July 20, 1864; re-transferred to Company I, 28th Regiment P. V., March 17, 1864; discharged at Chattanooga, Tenn., expiration of term, July 20, 1864; mustered out Alexandria, Va., July 18, 1865, age 26; applied for a Federal pension March 25, 1892: Application No. 1,100,803, Certificate No. 1,015,781; died December 4, 1904 at Sunbury | |
Edward Tague | Sergeant | July 14, 1861 | Enrolled June 14, 1861, at Pittsburg; mustered in as private in to 28th Regiment, P. V., July 14, 1861, at Philadelphia; age at enrollment: 20; promoted to Sergeant, at Chattanooga, Tenn. by order of General Thomas; transferred from Company H, 28th P. V. I; discharged July, 20, 1864, expiration of term. Applied for Federal pension July 15, 1890; Application No. 890,243; Certificate No. 683,?05 |
Musselman, Joseph | Corporal | October 29, 1862 | Born in Snyder County; enrolled October 20, 1862 at Selinsgrove; Occupation: Boatman; Physical description: 5′ 8.5″, brown hair, hazel eyes, dark complexion; missing in action at Chancellorsville, presumed to have been killed. |
Robert Sands | Corporal | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company H, 28th P. V. I.; enrolled June 14, 1861 at Pittsburgh, age 26; promoted to Sergeant, March 9, 1863, Chattanooga, Tenn., Order of General Thomas; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term; Vet, also served in |
George R. Stevens | Corporal | July 20, 1861 | Transferred from Company K, 28th P. V., enrolled at Philadelphia, July 1, 1861, age 23; promoted to Sergeant, September 1, 1862; reduced to private per order of S. F. Chapman, Major, February 1863; promoted to 1st Sergeant, March 1, 1863; sick, in hospital at Louisville, Ky., October 28, 1863; reduced to Corporal per Special Order No. 8, January 25, 1864; re-transferred to Company K, 28th P. V. I., under General Order No. 47, Department of the Cumberland; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term per General Order No. 176. Applied for Federal pension May 4, 1904; Application No. 1,315,754 Certificate No. 1,181,727; died 1908 |
John Wickersham | Corporal | July 21, 1861 | Transferred from Company I, 28th P. V.; enrolled July 21, 1861 at North Cumberland, age 21; promoted to Corporal; discharged August 1, 1864, expiration of term. Applied for Federal pension July 17, 1888; Application No. 664,645 Certificate No. 492,377; died February 25, 1910; his widow applied for a pension September 18, 1916; Application No. 1,073,405, Certificate No. 836,689 |
John Trunick | Wagoner | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company G, 28th P. V. I., December 1863; enrolled at Sewickleyville, July 1, 1861; age at enrollment: 23; reduced in rank, January 25, 1863; appointed to Wagoner, July 1, 1863 per Regimental Order No. 65; detached service, as teamster, Headquarters, 2d Division, 12th Army Corps, November 17, 1863; transferred back to Company G, 28th P. V. I., April 1864; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term. Applied for Federal pension January 25, 1882; Application No. 438,357, Certificate No. 819,326; died April 1917 at Moon Township, Allegheny County; his widow applied for a pension April 15, 1917; Application No. 1107319, Certificate No. 834,531 |
Edward Lauenberg | Musician | May 23, 1864 | Enrolled at Harrisburg, May 23, 1863, age 17; residence: Schuylkill County; occupation: Student; physical description: 5′ 4″, hazel eyes, sandy hair, fair complexion; admitted to U. S. General Field Hospital No. 2, Chattanooga, Tn., June 30, 1864; returned to duty April 10, 1865; promoted to Musician; mustered out with the Company, July 15, 1865 |
Bean, Charles F. | Private | July 6, 1861 | Transferred from Company F, 28th Regiment P. V., December 27, 1863 by order of Major-General Slocum; enrolled July 1, 1861 at Elizabeth, Allegheny County; captured at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863; paroled prisoner at Camp Parole, Md.; paroled at City Point, Va., May 14, 1863; re-transferred to Company F, 28th P. V. I., March 28, 1864; wounded in side May 25, 1864; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term at Chattanooga, Tn. Applied for a Federal pension December 15, 1879; Application No. 327,108, Certificate No. 253,459; died August 7, 1899. Widow’s Application No. 706,197, Certificate No. 501,564 |
Beer, Thomas | Private | July 6, 1861 | Transferred from Company F, 28th Regiment P. V., July 20, 1864; enrolled July 1, 1861 at Elizabeth, age 19; wounded in shoulder at Antietam, September 17, 1862; wounded seriously in thigh in action at Ringgold, Ga., November 27, 1862; slightly wounded in shoulder, June 15, 1864; wounded at battle of Taylor’s Ridge, Ga., November 27, 1863; re-transferred to Company F, 28th P. V. I., March 17, 1864; discharged July 20, 1864 expiration of term. Applied for a Federal pension May 16, 1879; Application No. 288,201, Certificate No. 205,021; Died January 4, 1932. |
Behe, Luke | Private | July 6, 1861 | Transferred from Company F, 28th Regiment P. V., July 20, 1864; enrolled July 1, 1861 at Elizabeth, age 23; mustered in as Corporal; reduced in rank at his own request; discharged July 20, 1864 expiration of term; applied for a Federal pension June 12, 1873; Application No. 184,401, Certificate No. 124,796; died 1902. Widow’s Application No. 761,470, Certificate No. 540,520 |
Bracey, Leander | Private | July 11, 1861 | Enrolled at Pittsburg June 14, 1861, age 21; transferred from Company H, 28th Regiment P. V.; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term |
Bradley, Francis | Private | July 6, 1861 | Transferred from Company F, 28th Regiment P. V., July 20, 1864; enrolled at Elizabeth July 1, 1861, age 26; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term; applied for and was awarded a pension: Application Number: 830,260; Pension Certificate Numbers: 1058797/C2530694. Died 1908 |
Bradley, John | Private | Transferred from Company F, 28th Regiment P. V., July 20, 1864; enrolled at Elizabeth July 1, 1861, age 37; promoted to Corporal, September 1, 1861; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term; applied for a pension, August 7, 1890: Application Number: 864,876; Pension Certificate Number: 691,237; died October 5, 1898; Widow’s Pension Application No. 684,727, Certificate No. 477,387 | |
Bryan, Benjamin | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company G, 28th Regiment P. V., July 20, 1864; enrolled at Philadelphia, July 1, 1861, age 21; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term; applied for a pension, February 20, 1880: Application Number: 357,330; Pension Certificate Number: 259,481. |
Calmus, Daniel | Private | July 11, 1861 | Enrolled at age 19 in Pittsburgh; transferred from Company H, 28th Regiment P. V.,; discharged July 20, 1864 at Chattanooga, Tn., expiration of term; Pension Application Number: 1,340,790; Certificate Number: 1,117,101; widow’s Application Number: 1,029,593; Certificate Number: 780,709; died March 5, 1919 at Pittsburgh |
Collins, Michael | Private | July 12, 1861 | Enrolled July 7, 1861 at Pittsburg for 3 years; transferred from Company H, 28th Regiment, by Special Order No. 346 of General Slocum, Department of the Cumberland; transferred by Order No. 47 to Company K, 28th Regiment; discharged July 30, 1864, expiration of term, Chattanooga, Tn. |
Cooley, Ferman/Firman/Furman | Private | July 6, 1861 | Transferred from Company F, 28th Regiment P. V.; enrolled at Elizabeth, July 1, 1861, age 22; discharged August 15, 1864, expiration of term; Pension Application Number: 175,684; Certificate Number: 120,822; widow’s Application Number: 939,825; Certificate Number: 702,490 |
Cronin, Andrew | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company H, 28th P. V.; enrolled June 14, 1861 at Pittsburgh; mustered in as Private at Philadelphia, July 11, 1861, age 22; discharged, July 20, 1864, expiration of term; applied for a pension, May 5, 1890: Application No. 791,747, Certificate No. 582,708, Widow’s Application No. 1,000,727, Certificate No. 757,713 |
Crownover/Cronnover, John B. | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company G, 28th P. V.; Pension Application Number: 139,620; Certificate Number: 98,505,; widow’s Application Number: 1,157,690; Certificate Number: 889,826; died May 11, 1920, at Lycoming |
Cunningham, Isaac | Private | July 12, 1861 | Transferred from Company F, 28th; enrolled at Elizabeth, July 1, 1861, age 22; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term; applied for a pension, July 12, 1892: Application Number: 1,121,224; Certificate Number: 958,493; died May 26, 1909 at Elizabeth, Pa. |
Dalzell, James | Private | July 11, 1861 | Served in Company G, 28th P. V.; enrolled at Sewickleyville, July 1, 1861; mustered in at Philadelphia, July 11, 1861; age at enrollment: 20; wounded at Rocky Face Ridge, Ga.; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term; Applied for a pension, November 22, 1896; Application Number: 227,903; Certificate Number: 145,909; widow’s Application Number: 1,101,056; Certificate Number: 837,208; died April 19, 1917 at Pittsburgh, Pa. |
Dalzell, Robert | Private | July 11, 1861 | Served in Company H, 28th P. V.; enrolled at Pittsburgh, July 7, 1861; age at enrollment: 28; transferred to Invalid/Veteran Reserve Corps, February 18, 1864 |
Darts/Dout, Eli | Private | June 28, 1861 | Transferred from Company A, 28th Regiment P. V.,; minor child applied for a pension, September 16, 1892; Application Number: 560,005 |
Davis, George | Private | July 11, 1861 | Enrolled July 1, 1861 at Sewickleyville at age 19; transferred from Company G, 28th Regiment P. V.; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term; his mother applied for a pension, May 8, 1871: Application No. 195,998, Certificate No. 198,817 |
Dugdale, William | Private | July 11, 1861 | Enrolled July 1, 1861 at Sewickleyville at age 28; sick in hospital, Harper’s Ferry, Va., December 18, 1862; December 20, 1862 – October 1863, in General Hospital, Baltimore, Md.; transferred from Company G, 28th Regiment P. V. by order of Major General Slocum; absent, sick in General Hospital, Louisville, Ky., November 2, 1863 – February 1, 1864; re-transferred to Company G, 28th P. V., April 1864; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term; transferred to 158th Company 2d Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps; applied for a pension, June 23, 1890; Application Number: 789,483; Certificate Number: 706,881; widow’s Application Number: 388,189; Certificate Number: 500,110; died April 19, 1917 at Pittsburgh, Pa. |
Earle, Albert | Private | July 11, 1861 | Enrolled July 1, 1861 at Sewickleyville at age 21; transferred from Company G, 28th Regiment P. V., December 1863, by order of Major General Slocum; re-transferred to Company G, 28th Regiment P. V., per General Order No. 47, Department of the Cumberland; discharged Chattanooga, Tn., July 20, 1864, expiration of term; present in action of Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Dug Gap, Reseca, Dallas, Pine Knob, Paydue; applied for a pension November 21, 1892: Application No. 1,107,345, Certificate No. 943,407 |
Estman, William/ Eastman, Wm. |
Private | October 29, 1862 | Enrolled as Blacksmith October 24, 1862, at Allentown, age 25; |
Garn, Benjamin F. | Private | July 6, 1861 | Transferred from Company F, 28th Regiment P. V., July 20, 1864; enrolled at Elizabeth, July 1, 1861; age 22 |
Gerwig, John C. | Private | July 11, 1861 | Enrolled July 11, 1861 at age 19, Sewickley; promoted to Corporal, January 1, 1863, Regimental Order No. 11, dated January 17, 1863; detached service to procure drafted men, per General Order No. 51, dated HQ, 12th Army Corps, July 21, 1863; transferred from Company G, 28th Regiment P. V., November 1863; re-transferred to Company G, 28th P. V., per General Order No. 47 of the Department of the Cumberland; seriously wounded in right lung at Battle of Rocky Fall Ridge/Mill Creek, Ga., May 8, 1864; wounded in right breast, Dug Gap, Ga., May 8, 1864; applied for a pension December 20, 1879: Application No. 324,907, Certificate No. 200,526, Widow’s Application No. 1, 181,032, Certificate No. 912,478; died November 1, 1821 at Canton, Ohio |
Gibson, William R. | Private | July 11, 1861 | Enrolled July 1, 1861 at Sewickleyville at age 24; transferred from Company G, 28th Regiment P. V., July 20, 1864; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term; applied for a pension March 5, 1875: Application No. 201,254, Certificate No. 137,180; Widow’s Application No. 986,850, Certificate No. 744,739; died May 11, 1812, West Bridgewater, Pa. |
Glass, Augustus/Augustine | Private | July 6, 1861 | Enrolled July 1, 1861 at Elizabeth, age 38; transferred from Company F, 28th Regiment P. V., July 20, 1864; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term |
Gooderham, Abraham B. | Private | July 6, 1861 | Transferred from Company F, 28th Regiment P. V., July 20, 1864; applied for a pension June 19, 1873: Application No. 184,705, Certificate No. 156,669; died September 14, 1909 |
Grimes, James | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company G, 28th Regiment P. V., July 20, 1864; widow applied for a pension May 22, 1865: Application No. 94,965, Certificate No. 543,386 |
Hackett, Lawrence | Private | July 11, 1861 | Enrolled July 1, 1861 at Sewickleyville at age 36; transferred from Company G, 28th Regiment P. V., July 20, 1864; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term; applied for a pension August 12, 1879: Application No. 303,374, Certificate No. 525,530; Widow’s Application No. 759,546, Certificate No. 536,776; died May 15, 1902 |
Hagan, Henry O. | Private | July 6, 1861 | Enrolled July 1, 1861 at Elizabeth, age 21, grey eyes, sandy hair and complexion, 5′ 8.75″, growth on left eyebrow; born: Berks County; occupation: farmer; detached as ammunitions guard on Brigade wagon trains, August 18, 1862 through December 1862; detached to Brigade Headquarters, January 1864; assigned as orderly at Telegraph Office, February 20, 1864; transferred from Company F, 28th Regiment P. V., December 27, 1863; re-transferred to 28th Regiment, March 28, 1864 per General Order 47 of March 17, 1864, Department of the Cumberland; discharged at Chattanooga, Tn., July 20, 1864, expiration of term |
Haldoffer/Haldolpher/ Haldopher/Holdoffer, Andrew |
Private | Enrolled June 14, 1861, at Pittsburgh, age 21, blue eyes, sandy hair, dark complexion, 5′ 8″; born: Baltimore, Md.; occupation: Glass Blower; on daily duty as wood chopper, November 18, 1862; transferred from Companies H, 28th Regiment P. V., December 27, 1863; daily duty 1st Brigade Pioneer Corps, October 8, 1863 to June 1864; re-transferred to 28th Regiment, March 24, 1864 per General Order 47 of March 17, 1864, Department of the Cumberland; discharged at Chattanooga, Tn., July 20, 1864, expiration of term; applied for a pension November 8, 1901: Application No. 1277,038, Certificate No. 1,044,272; Widow’s Application No. 1231,468; died March 22, 1925, Millersville, Pa. | |
Harris, James M. | Private | July 11, 1861 | Enrolled June 14, 1861 at Pittsburgh by Captain T. H. Ahl, age 19; detached service as Provost Guard, October 7 to October 31, 1862; detached service as Provost Guard, January 7 1863 to June 1864; Provost guard near Ellis Ford, July & August 1864; near Stafford Court House, Va., September to October 31, 1863; transferred from Company H, 28th Regiment P. V., December 1863; retransferred to 28th Regiment, March 28, 1864; discharged at Chattanooga, Tenn., July 20, 1864, expiration of term; applied for a pension February 4, 1892: Application No. 1,093,111, Certificate No. 865,921; Widow’s Application No. 971,126, Certificate No. 721,658; died August 11, 1911, Marion, Ind. |
Harrison, William H. | Private | July 11, 1861 | Enrolled June 14, 1861 at Pittsburgh, age 21; occupation: upholsterer; promoted to Corporal, March 1863; to Sergeant, March 1, 1864; sick in General Hospital, Wauhatchie, Tenn., July 28, 1863 to November 1863; discharged by virtue of re-enlistment as a Veteran Volunteer, December 26m 1863; wounded at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., April 20, 1864; transferred from Company H, 28th Regiment P. V., July 20, 1864; discharged July 20, 1864, on Surgeon’s Certificate of Disability; applied for a pension May 28, 1894: Application No. 1,093,111, Certificate No. 1,025,772; Widow’s Application No. 1,188,734, Certificate No. 923,350; died April 16, 1918, Cincinnati, Oh. |
Hartman, David S. | Private | July 12, 1861 | Enrolled July 7, 1861 at Pittsburgh, age 28, occupation: Roll Turner, Physical Description: black eyes, black hair, dark complexion, 5′ 8.5″; wounded at Battle of Dallas, Ga., May 25, 1864 (minie ball in thumb of left hand); transferred from Company H, 28th Regiment P. V., July 20, 1864; discharged September 7, 1864, expiration of term |
Hastings, Hamilton | Private | July 11, 1861 | Enrolled June 14, 1861 at Pittsburgh, age 28; detached service as brigade teamster, August 1862; detached service as Ambulance Corps cook, December 1862 to December, 1863; wounded in thigh, May 26, 1864; transferred from Company H, 28th Regiment P. V., March 28, 1864; discharged July 20, 1864 at Chattoonaga, Tn., expiration of term |
Hendershott, Isaac | Private | July 6, 1861 | Enrolled July 1, 1861 at Elizabeth, Allegheny County, age 25; on detached service at Tasker’s Ferry, March & April 1862; sick in Lincoln General Hospital, Washington, D. C., July 27, 1863 to December 1864; transferred from Company F, 28th Regiment P. V., December 27, 1863; re-transferred to Company F, 28th Regiment P. V., March 28, 1864; discharged by Captain R. H. Wilbur at Chattoonaga, Tn., July 20, 1864; expiration of term; applied for a pension February 18, 1897: Application No. 1,186,143, Certificate No. 941,470 |
Hill, Alexander | Private | July 11, 1861 | Enrolled July 1, 1861 at Sewickleyville, age 18; sick in General Hospital, David’s Island, Fort Schyler, N. Y., September 1, 1862 to October 1863; transferred from Company G, 28th Regiment P. V., December 27, 1863; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term |
Hogan, Henry | Private | July 6, 1861 | Transferred from Company F, 28th Regiment P. V.,; applied for a pension July 25, 1895: Application No. 830,466, Certificate No. 590,829; died April 23, 1922, National Military House, Oh. |
Hornbeck, George/ Hornbeck, George H. |
Private | July 11, 1861 | Enrolled July 1, 1861,at Sewickley, age 22 or 25; physical description: grey eyes, dark hair, dark complexion, 5′ 5.5″, small scar on left forefinger; born: Ohio, occupation carpenter; on detached service at Harper’s Ferry, March and April 1862; sick in hospital at Camp Tyndale; wounded at Antietam, September 17, 1862; captured at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863; paroled prisoner at Camp Convalescence, Alexandria, Va., transferred to Camp Parole at Annapolis, Md., December 1863; transferred from Company F, 28th Regiment P. V., December 27, 1863; retransferred to Company F, 28th Regiment, March 28, 1864; discharged July 20, 1864m expiration of term; applied for a pension February 2, 1889: Application No. 731,795, Certificate No. 991,618; died November 14, 1917, Corbin, Mont. |
Jacobs, Henry | Private | July 6, 1861 | Enrolled July 12, 1861, at Elizabeth, age 20; wounded during Battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862; in General Hospital, Frederick, Md., until August 1863; transferred to Mt. Pleasant Hospital, Washington, D. C.; transferred from Company F, 28th Regiment P. V. I., December 27, 1863; re-transferred to Company F, 28th Regiment, March 28, 1864 per General Order 47 of March 17, 1864, Department of the Cumberland; discharged July 28, 1864, expiration of term |
Johnston, William | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company G, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled July 1, 1861, at Sewickley, age 18; wounded in foot at Antietam, September 17, 1862; treated at General Hospital in Washington, DC; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term; present at Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Lookout Missouri Ridge, Ringgold, Dug Gap, Reseca, Dallas, and Pine Knob. Source: Compiled Military Service Record. Applied for a Federal pension in 1879 Application No. 270,607 Certificate No. illegible; widow applied for pension January 26, 1911: Application No. 956,892, Certificate No. 727,326. |
Jones, William E. | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company H, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled June 14, 1861, at Pittsburgh, age 22; minor child applied for a pension, July 23, 1890, Application No. 445,358; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term |
Kolb, John L. | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company G, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; applied for a pension December 31, 1897: Application No. 246,446, Certificate No. 178, 207 Widow’s Application No. 1,091,672, Certificate No. 845,449; died January 5, 1916, Valley Park, Mo. |
Leonard, James | Private | June 28, 1861 | Transferred from Company B, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled June 21, 1861, at Mt. Pleasant, age 22; re-enlisted December 25, 1862; mustered out July 18, 1865, applied for a pension July 5, 1904: Application No. 1,320,415, Certificate No. 1,098,761; died August 16 1915, National Military Home, Oh.
Linn/Lynn, Thomas A. | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company G, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled July 1, 1861, at Sewickleyville, age 21; mustered out July 20, 1864, expiration of term |
Lowman, Harrison | Private | July 6, 1861 | Transferred from Company F, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled July 1, 1861, at Elizabeth, age 23; mustered out July 20, 1864, expiration of term; applied for a pension March 19, 1883: Application No. 484,194, Certificate No. 338, 008; Widow’s Application No. 739,657, Certificate No. 516,193 |
Lucas, William | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company G, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled July 1, 1861, at Sewickleyville, age 18; mustered out July 20, 1864, expiration of term; applied for a pension March 12, 1880: Application No. 350,348, Certificate No. 325,934; Widow’s Application No. 1,044,529, Certificate No. 792,670; died March 12, 1915, Montoursville, Pa. |
Lysle, John M. D. | Private | September 1, 1861 | Transferred from Company H, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled September 1, 1861, at Pittsburgh, age 18; discharged September 1, 1864, expiration of term |
Mahaffie/Mahaffy, George W. | Private | July 6, 1861 | Enrolled July 1, 1861, at Elizabeth at age 25; served as Musician in Company F, 28th P. V.; discharged July 24, 1864 |
Mailey/Maily, William | Private | July 6, 1861 | Transferred from Company F, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled July 1, 1861, at Elizabeth, age 18; mustered out July 20, 1864, expiration of term; applied for a pension December 15, 1891: Application No. 1,178,367, Certificate No. 842,694; died June 22, 1903 |
Marshall, James | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company H, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled June 14, 1861, at Pittsburgh, age 20; mustered out July 20, 1864, expiration of term |
McCann, John | Private | July 6, 1861 | Transferred from Company F, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled July 1, 1861, at Elizabeth, age 23; mustered out July 20, 1864, expiration of term |
McCanna/McCarmer, Thomas | Private | July 6, 1861 | Transferred from Company F, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled July 1, 1861, at Elizabeth, age 34; mustered out July 20, 1864, expiration of term |
McDade/McDaid, Thomas | Private | July 6, 1861 | Transferred from Company F, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled July 1, 1861, at Elizabeth, age 34; mustered out July 20, 1864, expiration of term; applied for a pension February 21, 1880: Application No. 346,331 |
McDonough, John | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company G, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled July 1, 1861, at Sewickleyville, age 35; mustered out July 20, 1864, expiration of term; applied for a pension March 31, 1865: Application No. 64,759, Certificate No. 355,422; Widow’s Application No. 835,177, Certificate No. 792,670; died August 1, 1905, Chewton, Pa. |
McElhaney, John | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company G, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled July 1, 1861, at Sewickleyville, age 22; mustered out July 20, 1864, expiration of term |
McFadden, Arthur | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company G, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled July 1, 1861, at Sewickleyville, age 19; mustered out July 20, 1864, expiration of term; applied for a pension September 20, 1901: Application No. 1,275,251, Certificate No. 1,034,761; Widow’s Application No. 982,054, Certificate No. 740,195; died February 21, 1912 |
McGilley, Patrick | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company G, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled July 1, 1861, at Sewickleyville, age 29; mustered out July 20, 1864, expiration of term; applied for a pension February 12, 1886: Application No. 562,114, Certificate No. 507,308; Widow’s Application No. 627,652; died January 21, 1896 |
McKay, Alexander A. | Private | July 12, 1861 | Transferred from Company H, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled July 7, 1861, at Pittsburgh, age 25; mustered out July 20, 1864, expiration of term |
McKee, Elias | Private | July 6, 1861 | Transferred from Company F, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled July 7, 1861, at Elizabeth, age 18; mustered out July 20, 1864, expiration of term; applied for a pension July 11, 1887: Application No. 615,860, Certificate No. 382,424; Widow’s Application No. 883,464, Certificate No. 642,783 |
McKindley, William H. | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company G, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled July 7, 1861, at Sewickleyville, age 24; mustered out July 20, 1864, expiration of term; applied for a pension February 4, 1889: Application No. 688,136, Certificate No. 532,509; Widow’s Application No. 759,215, Certificate No. 539,261 |
Meyers, Charles | Private | May 31, 1864 | Substitute; transferred from Company G, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; age 48; discharged May 23, 1865; born in Germany, occupation: cigar maker; substitute for William P. Way |
Michael, John | Private | ||
Miller, Peter W. | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company G, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled July 7, 1861, at Sewickleyville, age 29; mustered out July 20, 1864, expiration of term |
Moran, Patrick | Private | July 6, 1861 | Transferred from Company F, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled July 1, 1861, at Elizabeth, age 26; mustered out July 20, 1864, expiration of term; applied for a pension June 3, 1891: Application No. 166,094, Certificate No. 118,743; Widow’s Application No. 715,709, Certificate No. 503,192 |
Mourie, Josiah | Private | ||
Muselman, Jacob | Private | ||
Myars, John | Private | ||
Niblock, James | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company H, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled June 14, 1861, at Pittsburgh, age 19; mustered out July 20, 1864, expiration of term |
Norris, Daniel | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company C, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled July 1, 1861, at Sewickeyville, age 19; mustered out July 20, 1864, expiration of term; applied for a pension March 1, 1893: Application No. 1,145,977 Certificate No. 877,265; Widow’s Application No. 898,790, Certificate No. 656,913 |
O’Hara, John | Private | July 6, 1861 | Transferred from Company F, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled July 1, 1861, at Elizabeth, age 28; discharged May 31, 1864, at Madison, Ind., on Surgeon’s Certificate of Disability; applied for a pension September 3, 1890: Application No. 914,607 Certificate No. 676,343; Widow’s Application No. 900,864, Certificate No. 674,380 |
Raymond, Leander A. | Private | July 6, 1861 | Transferred from Company F, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; applied for a pension July 20, 1877: Application No. 665,263 Certificate No. 476,198; Widow’s Application No. 766,689, Minor Application No. 659,696; died June 20, 1897, Grand Rapids, Mich.; Vet |
Roberts, John A. | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company H, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; applied for a pension August 13, 1887: Application No. 612,231, Certificate No. 656,640; died December 5, 1915, Emeryville, Cal. |
Robinson, William H. H. | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company H, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled June 14, 1861, at Pittsburgh, age 24; mustered out July 20, 1864, expiration of term; applied for a pension June 6, 1870: Application No. 157,107, Certificate No. 447,907; Widow’s Application No. 1,156,895, Certificate No. 896,282; died April 12, 1920, Pittsburgh, Pa. |
Scahill/Schall, Thomas | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company H, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled June 14, 1861, at Pittsburgh, age 20; mustered out July 20, 1864, expiration of term; applied for a pension July 10, 1890: Application No. 797,514, Certificate No. 559,385; died March 24, 1909, National Military Home, Ohio |
Shearer, Hiram | Private | Applied for a pension January 19, 1880: Application No. 338,630, Certificate No. 638,116; died July 5, 1922, Pittsburgh, Pa.; also served in Independent Battery E, Pa. Light Artillery; Vet | |
Slaven, John | Private | ||
Smith, Patrick | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company C, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled July 1, 1861, at Sewickeyville, age 25; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term |
Stephens, Franklin B. | Private | July 6, 1861 | Transferred from Company F, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; applied for a pension April 19, 1884: Application No. 511,995, Certificate No. 788,220; died April 2, 1917, Cainesville, Mo. |
Sutham, John | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company H, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled June 14, 1861, at Pittsburgh, age 25; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term; applied for a pension June 20, 1885: Application No. 542,922, Certificate No. 527,734; Widow’s Application No. 557,032, Certificate No. 368,080; died August 9, 1892 |
Syberts, George | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company F, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled July 1, 1861, at Elizabeth, age 22; promoted to Corporal, February 1, 1863; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term; his widow applied for a pension January 16, 1903: Application No. 776,800, Certificate No. 611,032 |
Taylor, William | Private | September 8, 1863 | Substitute; transferred from Company F, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; age at enlistment: 23; mustered out July 18, 1865, expiration of term |
Thornberg, George | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company G, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled July 1, 1861, at Sewickeyville, age 19; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term |
Thrasher, Charles | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company G, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled July 1, 1861, at Sewickeyville, age 20; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term |
Vance, James R. | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company H, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled June 14, 1861, at Pittsburgh, age 20; promoted to Corporal; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term |
Walbert, Jacob | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company G, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled July 1, 1861, at Sewickeyville, age 24; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term |
Walker, Stephen G. | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company H, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled June 14, 1861, at Pittsburgh, age 21; promoted to Corporal; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term |
Ward, Owen | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company F, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; enrolled July 1, 1861, at Elizabeth, age 32; promoted to Corporal, February 1, 1863; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term |
Wardrope, William | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company G, 28th Regiment P. V. I.; applied for a pension May 28, 1891: Application No. 1,028,302, Certificate No. 755,018 |
Wharton, Archibald/Archy | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company G. 28th P. V. I.; enrolled July 1, 1861 at Sewickleyville, age 19; wounded at Antietam, September 17, 1862; admitted to Finley General Hospital, Washington, DC, September 23, 1862, with gunshot wound to arm; transferred and admitted to Mower General Hospital, Philadelphia, September 23, 1863, with gunshot wound to left thigh; returned to duty October 22, 1863; examined at Convalescent Camp., Va., November 23, 1863; transferred to Company B, 24th Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps, December 4, 1863; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term |
Wilhelm, Moses | Private | July 6, 1861 | Transferred from Company F, 28th P. V. I., December 23, 1863; enrolled July 1, 1861 at Elizabeth, Allegheny, County, age 31; on detached duty at Harper’s Ferry, March & April 1862; on pioneer duty, April 1-10, 1863; transferred back to Company F, 28th P. V. I., March 17, 1864; discharged July 20, 1864, expiration of term; applied for a pension September 18, 1889: Application No. 731,627, Certificate No. 462,912 Widow’s Application No. 692,999, Certificate No. 481,266 |
Wilson, William H. | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company G. 28th P. V. I.; enrolled July 1, 1861 at Sewickleyville, age 23; deserted March 24/14, 1863, from Dumfries, Va., while on furlough; returned from desertion, September 6, 1863; re-transferred to Company G, 28th P. V. I., April 1864; discharged July 20, 1861, expiration of term; present in actions at Antietam, Dug Gap, Reseca, Dallas, and Pine Knob; physical description: Height: 5′ 6″, Light hair, blue eyes, florid complexion; Occupation: Pilot; born in Pillsbury; applied for a pension November 14, 1890: Application No. 961,528, Certificate No. 1,027,452 |
Wilt, John/Joseph | Private | July 11, 1861 | Transferred from Company H, 28th Regiment P. V. I., June 25, 1864; promoted to Corporal, October 8, 1861; reduced to private for transfer to 147th by Special Order No. 8; re-transferred to Company H, 28th P. V. I., March 28, 1864; killed in battle near Dallas, Ga., May 25, 1864 |