119th Regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteers
Company B
Name |
Rank |
Date of Muster |
Remarks |
Peter W. Rodgers | Captain | August 26, 1862 | Killed at Salem Church, Va., May 3, 1863 |
Cephas M. Iodgson | Captain | August 26, 1862 | Promoted from 1st Lt., July 17, 1863; killed at Rappahannock Station Va., November 7, 1863 |
James W. Latta | Captain | September 1, 1862 | Promoted from 1st Lt., Company E. March 4, 1864; promoted to Captain and Ass’t Adjutant General, U. S. Volunteers., May 21, 1864; to brevet Lieut. Colonel; mustered out January 20, 1866 |
John F. Heritage | Captain | August 8, 1862 | Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 1st Lt., June 21, 1864; to Captain, July 24, 1864; wounded at Opequan, Va., September 19, 1864; mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
George C. Humes | 1st Lt. | August 15, 1862 | Promoted to Sergeant, March 22, 1863; to 2d Lieut., September 1, 1863; to 1st Lt., March 19, 1864; killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864 |
George W. Shriver | 1st Lt. | August 15, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, January 12, 1863; to Sergeant, September 1, 1863; to 1st Lt., July 25, 1864; wounded at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865; discharged by General Order, dated May 28, 1865 |
Edwin Nelson | 2d Lt. | August 2, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, June 4, 1863 |
William Ployd | 1st Sergeant | August 1, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, October 16, 1862; to Sergeant, June 1, 1864; to 1st Sergeant, May 31, 1865; wounded at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865; mustered out with Company; June 19; 1865 |
John R. Miller | 1st Sergeant | August 12, 1862 | Promoted from Sergeant, June 21, 1864; wounded at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865; discharged by General Order, May 31, 1865 |
Benj. A. A. Wildman | Sergeant | August 15, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, March 22, 1863; to Sergeant, July 25, 1864; wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864; mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Thomas W. Stapler | Sergeant | August 23, 1862 | Promoted to Sergeant, May 10, 1864; mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
James W. Mallen | Sergeant | August 8, 1862 | Promoted from Corporal, date unknown; discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, December 19, 1863 |
Ianson R. Lewis | Sergeant | August 14, 1862 | Promoted from Corporal, date unknown; discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, January 12, 1863 |
William P. Brazer | Sergeant | August 7, 1862 | Promoted to Sergeant, September 27, 1862; killed at Spottsylvania Court House, Va., May 10, 1864; buried in Burial Grounds, Wilderness |
Edward S. Nice | Sergeant | August 14, 1862 | Promoted to Sergeant, December 19, 1863; killed at Spottsylvania Court House, Va., May 10, 1864 |
John Searl | Sergeant | August 16, 1862 | Deserted September 27, 1862 |
John Phares | Corporal | August 13, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, March 23, 1863; mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Edwin A. Kelly | Corporal | August 23, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, May 16, 1863; mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Joseph R. Hibbs | Corporal | August 14, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, May 10, 1864; mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Alexander Miller | Corporal | August 16, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, May 13, 1864; wounded at Opequan, Va., September 19, 1864; mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Wm. E. Maybrey | Corporal | August 14, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
William Witeraft | Corporal | August l, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, date unknown; discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, December 9, 1864 |
William H. Heiser | Corporal | August 16, 1862 | Killed at Salem Church, Va., May 3, 1863 |
John Fornman | Corporal | August 12, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, December 19, 1863; killed at Spottsylvania Court House, Va., May 10, 1864 |
Wim. R. Simpson | Corporal | August 12, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, September 27, 1862; wounded at Salem Church, Va., May 3, 1863; missing in action at Spottsylvania Court House, May 10, 1864 |
Charles L. Stever | Corporal | August 16, 1862 | Deserted September 27, 1862 |
Naaman K. Ployd | Musician | August 15, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, March 4, 1863 |
George W. Dudrow | Musician | August 16, 1862 | Transferred to 1st Regiment Md. Vols., March 25, 1863 |
Alexander, Thomas | Private | August 18, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Amon, Jacob H. | Private | August 15, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Allen, Samuel | Private | August 15, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Berrell, Charles | Private | August 16, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Bole, William | Private | August 14, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Blakey, William T. | Private | August 15, 1862 | Wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864; mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Blakey, James W. | Private | August 22, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Branin, Mordica | Private | August 16, 1862 | Wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 6, 1864; mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Blakey, Thomas | Private | June 9, 1863 | Discharged by General Order, June 2, 1865 |
Blakey, Edward H. | Private | August 16, 1862 | Died at Camp Addicks, Md., October 5, 1862 |
Barrell, Henry | Private | August 13, 1862 | Died at Hagerstown, Md., November 14, 1862 |
Boyd, Thomas | Private | August 22, 1862 | Died at Washington, D. C., January 7, 1863 |
Bole, Kennedy | Private | August 14, 1862 | Wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, January 15, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 26, 1865 |
Bastobol, Patrick | Private | August 16, 1862 | Deserted August 29, 1862 |
Blake, Henry | Private | August 15, 1862 | Deserted September 1, 1862 |
Branin, Samuel | Private | September 11, 1863 | Drafted; deserted September 30, 1864 |
Cowan, Gilbert | Private | August 19, 1862 | Wounded at Spottsylvania Court House, Va., May 10, 1864; mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Christ, William H. | Private | August 4, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, December 8, 1862 |
Chandler, Amos M. | Private | August 4, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, May 17, 1865 |
Canouse, Samuel | Private | August 15, 1862 | Deserted July 11, 1863 |
Cook, William | Private | August 22, 1863 | Drafted; wounded at Rappahannock Station, Va., November 7, 1863; deserted January 31, 1864 |
Collins, Stephen | Private | August 26, 1863 | Drafted; wounded at Spottsylvania Court House, Va., May 11, 1864; deserted December 3, 1864 |
Dwyer, William | Private | August 3, 1863 | Drafted; deserted October 10, 1863 |
Davis, Edmund W. | Private | August 11, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, May 17, 1865 |
Duffee, William | Private | August 23, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, July 6, 1863 |
Davis, William H. | Private | August 15, 1862 | Killed at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865; buried in open field 200 yards S. E. of Poplar Grove Cemetery, Va. |
Emeneker, Charles | Private | August 14, 1862 | Wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 6, 1834; discharged by General Order, date unknown |
Fornaman, Mahlon | Private | August 12, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Flynn, John | Private | August 19, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Fry, Reuben | Private | August 18, 1862 | Wounded at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 16, 1865 |
Fay, Patrick | Private | August 25, 1862 | Drafted; deserted March 7, 1864 |
Graham, John | Private | August 15, 1862 | Wounded at Opequan, Va., September 19, 1864; mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Gilligan, Patrick | Private | August 22, 1862 | Killed at Salem Church, Va., Mlay 3, 1863 |
Haverstick, Patrick | Private | August 13, 1862 | Wounded at Spottsylvania Court House, May 11, 1864; mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Hilt, Allen | Private | August 16, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Heck, Martin | Private | August 14, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, June 13, 1865 |
Hoffman, Isaac | Private | August 15, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Hyneman, Isaac | Private | August 18, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Hughes, Joseph B. | Private | August 15, 1862 | Absent, on detached service, at muster out. |
Henderson, Wm. | Private | August 14, 1862 | Killed at Spottsylvania Court House, Va., May 12, 1854. |
Jackson, George | Private | August 22, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Jarrett, Richard | Private | August 23, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Johnson, James | Private | August 31, 1863 | Drafted; wounded at Spottsylvania Court House, Va., May 10, 1864; deserted November 30, 1864 |
Levezey, Theodore | Private | August 23, 1862 | Wounded at Spottsylvania Court House, May 10, 1864; discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, May 2, 1865 |
Long, Henry | Private | September 1, 1863 | Drafted; discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, June 5, 1865 |
Linker, John S. | Private | August 12, 1862 | Deserted July 2, 1862 |
Montgomery, Wm. | Private | August 20, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Martindell, Wm. N. | Private | August 22, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Miles, Thomas | Private | August 15, 1862 | Missing in action at Spottsylvania Court House, Va., May 10, 1864 |
Morris, James | Private | August 14, 1862 | Deserted September 1, 1862 |
Malony, Edward | Private | August 13, 1862 | Deserted September 1, 1862 |
M’Mullen, John H. | Private | August 19, 1862 | Wounded at Spottsylvania Court House, Va., May 18, 1864; discharged by General Order, May 26, 1865 |
M’Cluskey, James | Private | August 15, 1863 | Drafted; wounded at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, 1864; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, January 27, 1865; discharged for wounds, March 31, 1865 |
Nice, George T. | Private | August 14, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Nelson, Robert | Private | August 14, 1862 | Wounded at Salem Church, Va., May 3, 1863; discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, December 9, 1864 |
Nesbit, William | Private | August 14, 1862 | Deserted September 1, 1862 |
O’Donnell, Thomas | Private | August 29, 1862 | Wounded June 21, 1864; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, date unknown |
Owens, Richard | Private | August 31, 1863 | Drafted; deserted October 10, 1863 |
O’Neill, John | Private | September 1, 1863 | Drafted; deserted October 10, 1863 |
Potts, William N. | Private | August 9, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Palmer, Richard | Private | August 22, 1862 | Deserted February 21, 1863 |
Pepper, Joseph | Private | August 14, 1862 | Deserted July 11, 1863 |
Riley, Martin | Private | August 12, 1862 | Wounded at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Raab, Lykens P. | Private | August 13, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Rowland, Samuel | Private | August 14, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Riley, Patrick | Private | August 14, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Ricot, Leopold | Private | August 12, 1862 | Discharged by Special Order, October 13, 1862 |
Rice, Justice | Private | August 22, 1862 | Deserted November 19, 1862 |
Ratican, Peter | Private | August 21, 1862 | Deserted July 16, 1863 |
Raab, Barclay W. | Private | January 29, 1864 | Not on muster-out roll; Vet |
Souder, Harvey | Private | August 19, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Stackhouse, Wm. | Private | August 22, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Swope, Simpson T. | Private | August 19, 1862 | Died at Acquia Creek, Va., November 19, 1862 |
Shaffer, Benj. | Private | August 16, 1862 | Died in Montgomery county, Pa., December 6, 1864 |
Souder, Benjamin | Private | August 15, 1862 | Killed at Salem Church, Va., May 3, 1863 |
Steel, Josiah J. | Private | August 18, 1862 | Killed at Salem Church, Va., May 3, 1863 |
Seiser, Charles | Private | August 13, 1862 | Promoted to Commissary Sergeant, August 26, 1862 |
Stackhouse, George | Private | August 14, 1862 | Wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, January 15, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 29, 1865 |
Scott, James | Private | August 16, 1862 | Deserted April 3, 1863 |
Starratt, John W. | Private | August 13, 1862 | Deserted July 16, 1863 |
Seymour, Thomas | Private | August 31, 1863 | Drafted; deserted October 10, 1863 |
Stewart, William | Private | January 9, 1865 | Not on muster-out roll. |
Townsend, Jona. H. | Private | August 12, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 19, 1865 |
Thompson, Benj. F. | Private | August 11, 1862 | Deserted July 15, 1863 |
Thomas, Henry | Private | August 25, 1863 | Drafted; wounded at Spottsylvania Court House, Va., May 10, 1864; deserted February 20, 1865 |
Welsh, William | Private | August 19, 1862 | Discharged by General Order, Junoe 9, 1865 |
Widner, Benjamin | Private | August 14, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, February 9, 1863 |
Walton, Thomas B. | Private | August 14, 1862 | Died of wounds received at Salem Church, Va., May 3, 1863 |
Wiggins, Rufus | Private | August 12, 1862 | Died June 6, 1864; burial record, May 15, 1864; of wounds received at Spottsylvania Court House, Va., May 10, 1864; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va. |
Williams, Chas. A. | Private | September 3, 1863 | Drafted; transferred to Company E, 82d Regiment P. V., June 4, 1865 |
Wilson, James | Private | September 3, 1863 | Drafted; wounded at Spottsylvania Court House, Va., May 10, 1864; deserted May 26, 1864 |
Wolf, John | Private | August 25, 1863 | Drafted; wounded at Rappahannock Station, Va., November 7, 1863; deserted January 31, 1864 |
Welsh, William H. | Private | September 1, 1863 | Deserted October 10, 1863 |
Source:Â Â Bates, Samuel P. History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-1865 , Harrisburg, 1868-1871.