119th Regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteers
Field and Staff Officers
Name |
Rank |
Date of Muster |
Remarks |
Peter C. Ellmaker | Colonel | September 1, 1862 | Resigned January 12, 1864 |
Gideon Clark | Lt. Colonel | September 1, 1862 | Brevet Colonel and Brigadier General, March 13, 1865; mustered out with Regiment, June 19, 1865 |
William C. Gray | Major | August 10, 1862 | Promoted from Captain, Company E, June 29, 1864; mustered out with Regiment, June 19, 1865 |
Charles C. Knight | Major | September 1, 1862 | Discharged August 4, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862 |
H. P. Truefitt, Jr. | Major | August 19, 1862 | Promoted from Captain, Company G, April 4, 1863; killed at Spottsylvania Court House, Va., May 12, 1864; buried in Wilderness Burial Grounds |
John D. Mercer | Adjutant | September 1, 1862 | Killed at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865; buried in open field, 200 yards south-east of Poplar Grove National Cemetery |
John J. Hess | Quarter Master | August 8, 1862 | Discharged February 27, 1864 |
Deo Witt C. Hanline | Quarter Master | August 9, 1862 | Promoted from 1st Lieut., Company H, April 24, 1864; mustered out with Regiment, June 19, 1865 |
Philip Leidy | Surgeon | September 16, 1862 | Mustered out with Regiment, June 19, 1865 |
H. C. Ickstein | Assistant Surgeon | August 7, 1862 | Never joined Regiment. |
Thomas Newman | Assistant Surgeon | August 11, 1862 | Resigned December 3, 1862 |
W. C. Byington | Assistant Surgeon | October 1, 1862 | Promoted to Surgeon 183d Regiment P. V., March 6, 1864 |
George W. Mitchell | Assistant Surgeon | February 14, 1863 | Mustered out with Regiment, June 19, 1865 |
Benj. R. Miller | Chaplain | September 19, 1862 | Discharged September 26, 1864 |
Wm. R. West, Jr. | Sergeant Major | September 15, 1862 | Promoted from Sergeant, Company K, July 27, 1864; mustered out with Regiment, June 19, 1865 |
David S. Hassinger | Sergeant Major | August 18, 1862 | Promoted from Sergeant, Field and Staff Officers, July 29, 1863; to 1st Lt., Field and Staff Officers, July 27, 1864 |
Wm. Ellis Tucker | Quarter Master Sergeant | September 9, 1862 | Mustered out with Regiment, June 19, 1865 |
Charles Seiser | Commissary Sergeant | August 13, 1862 | Promoted from priv., Company B, August 26, 1862; commissioned 2d Lieut Company B, June 9, 1865, not mustered; mustered out with Regiment, June 19, 1865 |
John R. Dessalate | Hospital Steward | August 11, 1862 | Promoted from private, Company I, January 19, 1863; mustered out with Regiment, June 19, 1865 |
Albe’t Lineaweaver | Hospital Steward | August 20, 1862 | Promoted from priv., Company K, August 20, 1862; discharged January 20, 1863. |
H. C. C. M’Cartey | Principal Musician | August 12, 1862 | Promoted from private, Company D, January 1, 1864; mustered out with Regiment, June 19, 1865 |
Frank. A. Cleell | Principal Musician | August 29, 1862 | Promoted from private, Field and Staff Officers, January 1, 1864; mustered out with Regiment, June 19, 1865 |
Source:Â Â Bates, Samuel P. History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-1865 , Harrisburg, 1868-1871.