68th Regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteers
Company G
Name |
Rank |
Date of Muster |
Remarks |
Warren L. Young | Captain | August 26, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, April 15, 1864 |
Levi F. Jackson | Captain | August 26, 1862 | Promoted to 1st Lt, December 4, 1863; to Captain, June?? |
John R. Reynolds | 1st Lt. | August 26, 1862 | Promoted from 2d to 1st Lieutenant, December 2, 1862; dismissed October 12, 1863 |
Jonathan M. Hart | 1st Lt. | ?? | Promoted from Sergeant Major to 2d Lt. to 1st Lt, July 6, 1864; mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Montg’y P. Young | 2d Lt. | August 10, 1861 | Promoted from private 72d Regiment P.V. to 2d Lt, December 24, 1862; dismissed August 15, 1863 |
William W. Childs | 1st Sergeant | August 26, 1862 | Promoted to 1st Sergeant, January 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
James Tinney | Sergeant | August 26, 1862 | Promoted to Sergeant, January 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
James M’Mackin | Sergeant | August 26, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
James Davis | Sergeant | August 26, 1862 | Promoted to Sergeant, January 23, 1863; mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Charles C. M’Nar | Sergeant | August 26, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, February 18, 1863; to Sergeant, September 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
James Smith | Sergeant | August 26, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, January 23, 1863 |
Joseph C. Pearson | Sergeant | August 26, 1862 | Killed at Gettysburg, Pa, Jul 2, 1863 |
Jeremiah Crowley | Corporal | August 26, 1862 | Wounded at Gettysburg, Pa, July 2, 1863; absent, in hospital, at muster out |
Albert C. Freas | Corporal | August 26, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Furman Garretson | Corporal | August 26, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, December 24, 1862; mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
S. H. M’Cormick | Corporal | August 26, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1863; mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Geo. C. Jackson | Corporal | August 26, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Christian Ottinger | Corporal | August 26, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
James Crothers | Corporal | August 26, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Alvin Smith | Corporal | August 26, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Wm. Garretson | Corporal | August 26, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, February 18, 1863 |
Joseph W. Jackson | Corporal | August 26, 1862 | Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, April 10, 1864; discharged by General Order, July 5, 1865 |
Robert Lourie | Corporal | September 9, 1862 | Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, July 12, 1863; discharged by General Order, June 29, 1865 |
Peter Hilt | Corporal | August 26, 1862 | Killed at Gettysburg, Pa, July 3, 1863; buried in National Cemetery, section B, grave, 48. |
Marcillus Rhodes | Musician | August 26, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, January 5, 1863 |
Archer, Benjamin | Private | August 26, 1862 | Killed at Gettysburg, Pa, July 3, 1863 |
Barnard, Wm. C. | Private | August 26, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, December 10, 1862 |
Brown, Thos. C. | Private | August 26, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, January 12, 1863 |
Barker, Douglass P. | Private | August 26, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate. April, 1863 |
Barnett, Peace | Private | August 26, 1862 | Discharged by General Order, May 26, 1865 |
Brannon, Michael | Private | August 26, 1862 | Deserted December 1, 1862 |
Boyle, James | Private | August 26, 1862 | Deserted July 15, 1863 |
Corley, John | Private | August 26, 1862 | Discharged by General Order, June 10, 1865 |
Connolly, John | Private | July, 1864 | Deserted; ret’d; mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Caskey, Huh | Private | August 26, 1862 | Transferred to Company B, date unknown |
Cherry, William | Private | August 26, 1862 | Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, September 7, 1863; discharged by General Order. June 28, 1865 |
Dougherty, James | Private | August 26, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Dougherty, Casper | Private | August 26, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Dickenson, Thos. H. | Private | August 26, 1862 | Deserted October 27, 1862 |
Fish, Josiah W. | Private | August 26, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Fitzpatrick, Wm. | Private | August 26, 1862 | Wounded at Chancellorsville, Va, May 3, 1863absent, in hospital, at muster out |
Flinn, John W, | Private | August 26, 1862 | Deserted May, 1863 |
Gay, Thomas | Private | August 26, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Glenn, John | Private | August 26, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Graner, Henry | Private | August 26, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Garretson, Aaron H. | Private | August 26, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, April, 1863 |
Gefford, Gustave | Private | August 26, 1862 | Deserted September 1, 1862 |
Grieves, Robert | Private | August 26, 1862 | Deserted September 1, 1862 |
Hamilton. Samuel | Private | August 26, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Haney, Augustus | Private | August 26, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Hazzard, Wm. H. | Private | August 26, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Hulings, George H. | Private | August 26, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Htazzard, John | Private | August 26, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, April, 1863 |
Hesselpoth, Jno. F. | Private | August 26, 1862 | Died at Andersonville, Georgia, Sepember 1I, 1864; grave, 8,526 |
Hatz, William H. | Private | August 26, 1862 | Deserted September 1, 1862 |
Jones, William | Private | August 26, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Jackaway, John | Private | August 26, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, July 15, 1863 |
Jackson, John | Private | August 26, 1862 | Deserted September 1. 1862 |
Kurtz, Henry | Private | August 26, 1862 | Discharged by General Order, May 17, 1865 |
Lewis, Hezekiah | Private | August 26, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Lewis, William | Private | August 26, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Lynch, Michael | Private | August 26, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, December 9, 1862 |
Lourie, James | Private | August 26, 1862 | Discharged to accept promotion in Colored Troops |
Lawler, Patrick | Private | August 26, 1862 | Deserted September 1, 1862 |
Marsden, James M. | Private | August 26, 1862 | Wounded at Gettysburg; transferrred to Veteran Reserve Corps, date unknown; discharged by General Order June 29, 1865 |
Marsden, John | Private | August 26, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Middieton, John | Private | August 26, 1862 | Wounded at Gettysburg; absent at muster out |
Mitchell, John | Private | August 23, 1864 | Deserted; ret’d; mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Marsden, Thomas | Private | March 3, 1865 | Mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Morrow, James | Private | July 30, 1863 | Drafted; deserted; returned; mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Melhose, Robert. | Private | August 26, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, January 7, 1863 |
Marshall, William | Private | August 26, 1862 | Discharged by General Order, May 31, 1865 |
Meyers, Charles W. | Private | August 26, 1862 | Transferred to Company B, date unknown |
Matthews, Charles | Private | 26, 1862 | Killed at Chancellorsville, Va, May 3, 1863 |
Mench, Frank | Private | August 26, 1862 | Deserted December, 1862 |
Myers, Jacob | Private | August 26, 1862 | Deserted October 16, 1862 |
Middleton, Wm. | Private | August 26, 1862 | Deserted September 8, 1862 |
M’Cool. Barnard | Private | August 26, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
M’Renary, James | Private | August 26, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, September 3, 1862 |
Nuttall, Edward A. | Private | August 26, 1862 | Wounded at Gettysburg, Pa.; absent, on detached duty, at muster out |
Nolan, Thomas | Private | August 26, 1862 | Deserted; returned; mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Naylor, Charles | Private | August 26, 1862 | Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, November 1, 1863; discharged August 14, 1865, expiration of term |
Potts, Matthew | Private | August 26, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, January 24, 1863 |
Pickel, Adam H. | Private | August 26, 1862 | Killed at Gettysburg, Pa, July 2, 1863 |
Quinn, Thomas | Private | August 26, 1862 | Deserted October 27, 1862 |
Riley, William O, | Private | August 26, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Ruark, Thomas | Private | August 26, 1862 | Killed at Gettysburg, Pa, July 2, 1863 |
Scott, Warren B. | Private | August 26, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Summers, Charles . | Private | August 26, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Stout, George | Private | August 26, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Smith, Anton | Private | August 26, 1862 | Deserted; returned; mustered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Steinmetz, John J. | Private | August 21, 1862 | Discharged August 25, 1862 |
Smith, William | Private | August 21, 1862 | Transferred to Company B, date unknown |
Seely, Thomas | Private | August 26, 1862 | Discharged August, 1862 |
Trouten, Roberts | Private | August 26, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, July 9, 1865 |
Touhey, John | Private | August 26, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, February 18, 1863 |
Truax, George | Private | August 26, 1862 | Killed at Chancellorsville, Va, May 3, 1863 |
Trotler, Robert | Private | March 6, 1865 | Deserted June 3, 1865 |
Whitekemper, P. | Private | August 26, 1862 | Mutered out with Company, June 9, 1865 |
Zeek. Charles | Private | January 3, 1865 | Died at City Point, Va, January 31, 1865 |