55th Regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteers
Company A
Name |
Rank |
Date of Muster |
Term/ |
Remarks |
James Carroll | Captain | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Discharged April 16, 1863 |
David W. Fox | Captain | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Promoted from 1st Lt., May 15, a1863res. February 15, 1865 |
Patrick F. Hodge | Captain | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Promoted from Sergeant to 1st Sergeant, January 1, 1863; to 2d Lt., August 8, 1863; to 1st Lt., November 9, 1863; to Capt., April 1, 1865; muster out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
John Lynch | 1st Lt. | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Promoted from Quartermaster Sergeant to 2d Lieutenant, November 8, 1863; to 1st Lieut., April 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
John Porter | 2d Lt. | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate November 1, 1862 |
Abram Alstead | 2d Lt. | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lt., January 23, 1863; commissioned 1st Lt., April 16, 1863, not mustered; resigned August 29, 1863 |
Celestine M’Mullen | 2d Lt. | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant to 1st Sergeant, February 15, 1865; to 2d Lt., April 29, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 30, 1865; Vet |
James Driskel | 1st Sergeant | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Promoted to Corporal, May 10, 1862; to Sergeant, January 1, 1863; to 1st Sergeant, January 1, 1864; to 1st Lieutenant and Quarter Master, February 14, 1865; Vet |
John Harlin | 1st Sergeant | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant, January 1, 1864; to 1st Sergeant, April 29, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 30, 1865; Vet |
Richard P. Sharp | Sergeant | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant, January 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 30, 1865; Vet |
Patrick F. Hughes | Sergeant | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Promoted to Sergeant, February 1, 1865; wounded in action, March 3, 1865; absent at muster out; Vet |
Peter Shoffer | Sergeant | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Promoted to Corporal, February 15, 1865; to Sergeant, April 29, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 30, 1865; Vet |
James A. Wharton | Sergeant | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1864; to Sergeant, July 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 30, 1865; Vet |
August. Flanagan | Sergeant | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Promoted to Corporal, January 1, 1864; to Sergeant, September 1, 1864; discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, June 16, 1865; Vet |
Samuel Herter | Sergeant | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Killed at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862 |
Michael A. Kline | Sergeant | .January 1, 1864 | 3 | Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864; Vet |
James C. Fagana | Corporal | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Promoted to Corporal, January 1, 1864; wounded in action, May 16, 1864; absent at muster out-Vet |
Casper Flaugh | Corporal | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 30, 1865; Vet |
G. P. Barnacle | Corporal | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 30, 1865; Vet |
Leopold Baker | Corporal | March 23, 1864 | 3 | Promoted to Corporal, May 7, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 30, 1865; Vet |
Theodore F. Devlin | Corporal | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Prisoner from May 16, to November 19, 1864; promoted to Corporal, June 6. 1865; mustered out with Company, August 30, 1865; Vet |
Francis O’Neal | Corporal | February 24, 1864 | 3 | Promoted to Corporal, June 6, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
John Keating | Corporal | March 1, 1864 | 3 | Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
John W. Long | Corporal | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Promoted to Corporal, August 12, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 30, 1865 |
Robert M’Combie | Corporal | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Promoted to Corporal, December 1, 1861; mustered out, October 31, 1864, expiration of term |
Michael P. Short | Corporal | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Died at Beaufort, S. C., December 1, 1862 |
Richard P. M’Guire | Corporal | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Killed at Drury’s Bluff, Va., May 16, 1864; Vet |
Henry Bennett | Corporal | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Wounded and prisoner at Drury’s Bluff, Va., May 16, 1864; died at Petersburg, Va., May 18, 1864; Vet |
Ber’d M’Atamany | Corporal | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Wounded and prisoner at Drury’s Bluff, Va., May 16, 1864; died at Richmond, Va., May 31, 1864; Vet |
Peter M’Guire | Corporal | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Captured; died at Millen, Ga., October 15, 1864; Vet |
Franklin Billings | Musician | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Died at Hilton Head, S. C., April 15, 1862 |
John Masoner | Musician | February 13, 1864 | 3 | Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, November 13, 1864; Vet |
Attig, James H. | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Mustered, out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Amigh, Ressler | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Bender, Englebert | Private | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1864; Vet |
Bender, Gebhart | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Bender, David | Private | February 3, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Bender, Demet’s A. | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1865 |
Brown, William D. | Private | March 8, 1864 | 3 | Deserted; returned’ mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Bart, Peter | Private | February 29, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Butler, James | Private | January 27, 1865 | 1 | Absent, sick, at muster out |
Byerline, George | Private | February 25, 1864 | 3 | Captured September 18, 1864; absent at muster out |
Behey, Nicholas | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1864 |
Baker, Charles | Private | October 12, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1864 |
Brennenan, Edw’d. | Private | July 14, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1864 |
Brindle, Samuel | Private | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Captured; died at Millen, Ga., October 10, 1864; Vet |
Brown, George | Private | March 4, 1864 | 3 | Captured; died September 11, 1864; burial record, September 15, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga., grave, 8,794 |
Beck, Michael | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Wounded and prisoner at Chapin’s Farm, Va., September 29, 1864; died at Salisbury, N. C., January 7, 1863 |
Bruce, George | Private | October 12, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; deserted March 2, 1864 |
Behey, Michael | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Not on muster-out roll |
Conrad, Cornelius | Private | February 25, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Conrad, David | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Cummings, Henry | Private | October 7, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C. April 27, 1864 |
Cole, William | Private | October 6, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April27, 1864 |
Conrad, George | Private | October 6, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1864 |
Campbell, James | Private | October 20, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1864 |
Clanick, Samuel | Private | October 20, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1864 |
Cawley, Michael | Private | October 20, 1861 | 3 | Wounded and Drisoner at Drurv’s Bluff, Va., May 16, 1864; died at Richmond, Va., June 1, 1864 |
Cramer, Philip | Private | February 29, 1864 | 3 | Captured; died at Millen, Ga., October 29, 1864, section A, grave, 288 |
Conway, John A. | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Died at Annapolis, Md., May 28, 1865, of injuries received on railroad; burial record, captured; died at Richmond, Va., April 23, 1864 |
Carsey, Patrick | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Deserted March 17, 1864 |
Donaldson, Robert | Private | February 25, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Donevan, John | Private | February 27, 1864 | 3 | Absent, sick, at muster out |
Durbin, Stephen A. | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Deserted; returned December 16, 1864; mustered out with Company August 30, 1863 |
Dougherty, Robert | Private | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1865; Vet |
Dougherty, And’w. | Private | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Absent, sick, at muster out; Vet |
Delgier, Lawrence | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, April 24, 1863 |
Delaney, Bernard J. | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Mustered out, October 31, 1864, expiration of term |
Delaney, George J. | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Mustered out, October 31, 1864, expiration of term |
Dunmire, Geo. W. | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Mustered out, October 31, 1864, expiration of term |
Dasher, James | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Prisoner from May 16, 1864, to April 29, 1865; discharged by General Order, May 20, 1863 |
Delgier, Lawrence | Private | February 18, 1864 | 3 | Discharged by General Order, July 12, 1865 |
Davis, George | Private | October 1, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1864 |
Dufar, John | Private | October 10, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1864 |
Donaldson, John | Private | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Killed at Drury’s Bluff, Va., May 16, 1864; Vet |
Daisey, Patrick | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Captured; died at Savannah, Ga., September 17, 1864 |
Dufar, Robert | Private | February 27, 1864 | 3 | Captured; died at Millen, Georgia, October 9, 1864; section A, grave, 58 |
Engoldsby, Owen | Private | March 4, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Ehrenfelt, John | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, April 14, 1865 |
Edmiston, Elias | Private | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Prisoner from May 16, to August 11, 1864; discharged by General Order, June 19, 1865; Vet |
Eagan, James | Private | July 20, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1864 |
Estead, John | Private | October 6, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1864 |
Eahl, Anthony | Private | October 7, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1864 |
Flenner, Henry | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Fry, John | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Flanagan, Henry C. | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Ferree, Isaac | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Absent, sick, at muster out |
Flowers, Josiah | Private | October 24, 1862 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Fluke, James | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Discharged by Special Order, January 23, 1863 |
Fry, Edward D. | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, February 15, 1865 |
Flenner, John. | Private | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Prisoner from May 16, 1864, to April 21, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865; Vet |
Franklin, William | Private | October 12, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1864 |
Fagan, John | Private | October 7, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1864 |
Gibson, Abram. | Private | October 24, 1862 | 3 | Deserted March 12, 1864; returned June 20, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Gallagher, Wim. B. | Private | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1865; Vet |
George, Philip | Private | February 25, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Grew, John | Private | March 1, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Gross, Joseph | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, December 21, 1862 |
George, Paul | Private | March 1, 1864 | 3 | Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1863 |
George, Morris | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Discharged by General Order, July 12, 1863 |
Grasseoph, Nichols | Private | October 1, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1864 |
Glass, William | Private | July 14, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1864 |
Grant, George | Private | July 22, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1864 |
Gibson, David | Private | February 17, 1864 | 3 | Capt’d; died at Andersonville, Ga., August 9, 1864 |
Hanlin, John | Private | February 16, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Hefferty, Henry | Private | February 8, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Helsel, Jacob | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Captured September 18, 1864; absent at muster out |
Hartman, Samuel | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Discharged by Special Order, January 23, 1863 |
Hammond, Wm. J. | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Mustered out, October 31, 1864, expiration of term |
Hainey, Robert H. | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Mustered out, October 31, 1864, expiration of term |
Hussey, Michael | Private | September 12, 1864 | 1 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, June 3, 1863 |
Hutcher, George | Private | September 19, 1864 | 1 | Discharged by General Order, June 13, 1863 |
Howell, William | Private | February 27, 1864 | 3 | Discharged by General Order, August 16, 1863 |
Honeger, Casper | Private | October 10, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1864 |
Holieron, James | Private | October 6, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1864 |
Hart, Albert | Private | October 6, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1864 |
Howard, William | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Died November 28, 1864; buried in United States General Hospital Cemetery, Annapolis, Maryland |
Hite, Samuel C. | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Captured; died at Andersonville, Ga., September 15, 1864; burial record, July 16, 1864; grave, 3,379 |
Hurd, Paul | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Died at Philadelphia, August 19, 1864 |
Howard, Michael | Private | February 25, 1864 | 3 | Deserted March 12, 1864 |
Ingham, William H. | Private | July 27, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1864 |
Johnson, Wm. B. | Private | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Absent, on detached duty, at muster out-Vet |
Jordan, Edward | Private | February 25, 1864 | 3 | Deserted March 12, 1864 |
Kaylor, Charles | Private | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, Aug 30, 1865; Vet |
Krise, William G | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Mustered out, October 31, 1864, expiration of term |
Kerigan, Michael | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Mustered out, October 31, 1864, expiration of term |
Krouse, Henry | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Promoted to Corporal Company I, November 15, 1861 |
Kaylor, Lewis | Private | August 12, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1863 |
Kaylor. Robert | Private | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Killed at Drury’s Bluff, Va., May 16, 1864; Vet |
Kline, James | Private | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Died August 17, 1865; buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia; Vet |
Kennedy, John H. | Private | August 28, 1861 | 3 | Not on muster-out roll |
Lingerfelt, Abram | Private | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Absent, on detached duty, at muster out; Vet |
Lingerfelt, Aaron | Private | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1865; Vet |
Lingerfelt, Josiah | Private | February 25, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Long, John F. | Private | February 27, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Lynch, Joseph H. | Private | February 26, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Litzinger, James | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, February 2, 1863 |
Leary, William A. | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, May 7, 1863 |
Lauffer, Valentine | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Discharged by General Order, June 17, 1865 |
Laugham, Samuel | Private | February 16, 1864 | 3 | Prisoner from May 16, 1864, to April 29, 1865; discharged by General Order, May 20, 1863 |
Lammers, William | Private | October 12, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1864 |
Leonord, Anthony | Private | October 10, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1864 |
Lance, Jacob J. | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Died July 15, 1864; burial record, at Beaufort, South Carolina, August 16, 1864 |
Martz, Henry | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Wounded in action, May 16, 1864; absent at muster out |
Marts, Rufus O. | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1865; Vet |
M’Closkey, John | Private | March 8, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
M’Alear, John | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Absent, sick, at muster out |
Merryman, John | Private | October 4, 1864 | 1 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
M’Connell, Thomas | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Discharged by speial order, January 23, 1863 |
Mills, James | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Discharged by Special Order, January 23, 1863 |
M’Combie, Wm. | Private | March 22, 1862 | 3 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, February 11, 1863 |
M’Mullen, Alex | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Mustered out, October 31, 1864, expiration of term |
M’Kim, Robert | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Mustered out, November 15, 1864, to date October 30, 1864, expiration of term |
Marlett, Harry | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Mustered out, November 4, 1864, expiration of term |
M’Guire, John P. | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Mustered out October 31, 1864, expiration of term |
M’Girr, Philip S. | Private | September 27, 1864 | 1 | Drafted; discharged by General Order, June 13, 1865 |
Mouse, John | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Wounded at Hatcher’s Run, Va., March 30, 1865; discharged by General Order, May 27, 1863 |
Moore, John | Private | October 9, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1864 |
Markley, Charles H. | Private | August 10, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1864 |
M’Dowell, John. | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Died at Beaufort, S. C., September 28, 1862 |
M’Atamany, Hugh | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Killed at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862 |
M’Combie, George | Private | April 22, 1862 | 3 | Killed at Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864 |
M’Gough, Winm. D. | Private | February 25, 1864 | 3 | Died July 21, 1864; burial record, July 2, 1864, of wounds received at Petersburg, Va., June 15, 1864; buried at Hampton, Va. |
M’Laughlin, John | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Died at Point of Rocks, Va., September 15, 1864 |
M’Guire, Felix J. | Private | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Captured; died at Millen, Ga., October 17, 1864; Vet |
Montgomery, Jas. | Private | February 27, 1864 | 3 | Wounded and prisoner at Drury’s Bluff, Va., May 16, 1864; died at Richmond, Va., June 6, 1864; burial record, June 14, 1864 |
M’Call, Michael | Private | – February 23, 1864 | 3 | Wounded and prisoner at Drury’s Bluff, Va., May 16, 1864; died at Richmond, Va., June 7, 1864 |
Martz, Alfred | Private | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Died in Buckingham Company, Va., August 10, 1865; Vet |
Moreland, John D. | Private | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Captured; died at Florence, S. C., November 17, 1864; Vet |
M’Devitt, Walter | Private | January 27, 1865 | 1 | Deserted May 4, 1863 |
Nagle, John N | Private | October 30, 1861 | Private | Mustered out, October 30, 1864, expiration of term |
Noel, John C | Private | March 4, 1864 | 3 | Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1863 |
Norberry, Smith | Private | October 12, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; trainsferred to Company C. April 27, 1864 |
Omer, John | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Wounded and prisoner at Drury’s Bluff, Va., May 16, 1864; died at Richmond, Va., June 23, 1864 |
O’Neil, Patrick | Private | October 12, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; deserted March 20, 1864 |
Plummer, Henry | Private | February 25, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Phalan, Philip | Private | February 25, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Porter, Thomas H | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Pittman, James. | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Plummer, Levi. | Private | September 29, 1864 | 1 | Discharged by General Order, June 13, 1863 |
Penrose, Henry | Private | October 10, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1864 |
Parker, David M. | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Died July 2, 1864, of wounds received at Drury’s Bluff, Va., May 16, 1864; buried at Hampton, Va. |
Plummer, Lloyd | Private | September 29, 1864 | 1 | Not on muster-out roll |
Rupe, Theodore | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1865 |
Rainey, Joseph | Private | February 25, 1864 | 3 | Deserted; returned; mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Reniger, Jacob B. | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Discharged by Special Order, January 23, 1863 |
Riley, James H. | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, March 14, 1863 |
Reinhard, Rudolph | Private | September 23, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1864 |
Rupe, Thomas | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, April 12, 1863 |
Robinson, Thomas | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Died at Beaufort, S. C., October 11, 1862 |
Renyer, David | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Died at Beaufort, S. C., December 11, 1863 |
Rainey, William A. | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Deserted March 12, 1864; returned March 13, 1865; discharged by General Order, July 1, 1863 |
Shoffner, Augustine | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Swinehart, James | Private | February 22, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Stoy, Peter U. | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Shaw, Alexander | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Seymour, George | Private | February 25, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1865; Vet |
Seymour, Peter | Private | March 4, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Seymour, Nicholas | Private | February 25, 1864 | 3 | Absent, sick, at muster out |
Storm, John A. | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Discharged by Special Order, January 23, 1863 |
Storm, Joseph | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Discharged by Special Order, January 23, 1863 |
Stiffler, Henry M. | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Discharged by General Order, May 26, 1863 |
Smith, John | Private | October 9, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1864 |
Smith, John F. | Private | July 20, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1864 |
Scott, Robert | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Died at Hilton Head, S. C., July 20, 1862 |
Simmers, George | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Killed at Bermuda Hundred, Va., May 26, 1864 |
Sweeny, Patrick | Private | March 1, 1864 | 3 | Killed at Petersburg, Va., June 23, 1864 |
Stanley, Michael | Private | March 1, 1864 | 3 | Wounded and prisoner at Drury’s Bluff, Va., May 16, 1864; died at Richmond, Va., May 30, 1864; burial record, June 12, 1864 |
Sweeny, Hugh | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Died at Hemlock, Pa., February 19, 1865, of wounds received at Petersburg, Va., June 15, 1864 |
Troxell, John A. | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Topper, Jeremiah | Private | February 25, 1864 | 3 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, June 28, 1865 |
Varley, John | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Killed at Drury’s Bluff, Va., May 16, 1864 |
Warner, Francis | Private | March 1, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1863 |
Williamson, Joshua | Private | March 1.’64 | 3 | Absent. sick, at muster out |
Wilt, David H | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1865 |
Wherry, Joseph M. | Private | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1865; Vet |
Wagner, James H. I. | Private | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out with Company, August 30, 1865; Vet |
Wible, Peter C. | Private | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Wounded in action, November 18, 1864; ab. at muster out-Vet |
Wills, Augustine | Private | October 30, 1864 | 3 | Mustered out, October 31, 1864, expiration of term |
Wible, Andrew | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Mustered out, October 31, 1864, expiration of term |
Wilt, John H. | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Captured at Drury’s Bluff, Va.. May 16, 1864; discharged by General Order, June 30, 1863 |
Wilhelm, D. K. | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, April 24, 1863 |
Wilt, John | Private | February 23, 1864 | 3 | Died at Hampton, Va., July 8, 1864 |
Wible, Paul | Private | January 1, 1864 | 3 | Captured; died at Andersonville, Ga., July 24, 1864; Vet |
Young, John | Private | October 12, 1863 | 3 | Drafted; transferred to Company C, April 27, 1864 |
Zerbie, August C. | Private | October 30, 1861 | 3 | Mustered out, October 31, 1864, expiration of term |
Source: Bates, Samuel P. History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-65, Harrisburg, 1868-1871.