William H. Phillips
Company E
149th Pennsylvania Volunteers
These photos were submitted by Sarah Phillips,
great-granddaughter of William H. Phillips
This photo was copied from a tintype, enlarged and color added by Frederick Phillips, youngest son of William and Sarah Phillips. Frederick Phillips opened a photography shop in Osceola Mills in 1908. In 1928 he purchased the Fuoss Studio in Tyrone and renamed it “Phillips Studio.”
William H. Phillips and Sarah Smith on their wedding day in 1864.
Phillips Family Portrait, circa 1890
Back, l. to r.: Sarah A., b. 1881; William Earl, b. 1877; Mathias, b. 1875; Peter, b. 1872; JohnWesley, b. 1869; Mary, b. 1867; Henry Essington, b.1865.Front, l. to r.: Elizabeth Ellen, b.1883; Sarah A. (Mother), b.1844; William Hoffman Phillips (Father), b.1841; Fredrick, b.1885-1975
l. to r.: Unknown, Unknown, William H Phillips, Unknown. (If you can identify any of the others, please contact me.)