149th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers The efficient service rendered by the original Bucktails, as skirmishers and sharp-shooters, during...
Day: January 15, 2018
Muffly, J. W., Editor. The Story of Our Regiment: A History of the 148th Pennsylvania Volunteers, Des...
Gayley, Alice Jane. The 148th Pennsylvania Volunteers: The Story of Company I, Butler, PA: Mechling Bookbindery, 1998....
The 148th Pennsylvania Volunteers in the War of the Rebellion by R. B. Lyle, R. F. D....
Letter to the Editor Aftermath of the Battle of Reams Station, August 25, 1864 Source: Brookville Republican,...
Death Notice Thomas W. McCullough On the 23d ult., at the 2d Corps Hospital, near Gettysburg, Thomas...
*Letter to the Editor, Brookville Republican from the 148th Pennsylvania Volunteers History
4 min read
Letter to the Editor, Brookville Republican from the 148th Pennsylvania Volunteers Source: Brookville Republican, November 11, 1863...
List of Casualties in the 148th Pennsylvania Volunteers Company I a Gettysburg, July 2-3, 1863 Source: Brookville...
148th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers LT Colonel James F. Weaver LT Colonel James Frederick Weaver, Milesburg,...
148th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers Monuments at Gettysburg The 148th Monument Dedicated September 11, 1889 Marker of...