List of Casualties
in the 148th Pennsylvania Volunteers
Company I
a Gettysburg, July 2-3, 1863
Source: Brookville Republican, July 15, 1863
The following is the list of killed and wounded in Capt. Marlin’s Company, at the Battle of Gettysburg, July 2nd and 3d, 1863:
Killed: Samuel Shaw
Lieutenant John McGuire, shoulder, slight
Fred Gilhousen
Harrison Long, left leg badly
Joseph Ernst, leg flesh wound
Alonzo Fowler, hand slight
John Howard, left breast and hand, dangerously
Serg’t. E Murphy, left leg amputated
Edward Pliler [Plyler], left arm amputated
Philip Boyer, both legs flesh wounds
John W. Smith, slight from concussion of shell
John W. Demott [Demotte], slight from concussion of shell
John Stallman [Stahlman], head and leg
Daniel Erringer, bruised on left side by shell
John Buzzard, hand
Sebasian Wilson, side and leg, slight
Hugh A. Barr, breast, slight
Robert Wadding, groin, severe
Corp. Thomas McCullough, left leg, dangerous
Joseph White, back
Richard Snyder, leg
Corp. John H. H. Shuster, leg
James W. Rea, head, slight
Andrew J. Haggerty.