130th Regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteers
The companies in this regiment were recruited in:
- Company AÂ -Â Cumberland County
- Company BÂ -Â York County
- Company CÂ -Â York and Cumberland Counties
- Company DÂ -Â Cumberland County
- Company EÂ -Â Cumberland County
- Company FÂ -Â Cumberland County
- Company GÂ -Â Cumberland County
- Company HÂ -Â Cumberland, Dauphin, and Chester Counties
- Company IÂ -Â York County
- Company KÂ -Â York County
These companies were mustered into service from the 10th to the 15th of August, and on the 17th a regimental organization was effected, by the selection of the following field officers:
- Henry I. Zinn, of Cumberland county, Colonel
- Levi Maish, of York county, Lieutenant Colonel
- John Lee, of Cumberland county, Major
On the day following its organization, the regiment proceeded to Washington, and was immediately thrown across the river. At Camp Wells, two miles in rear of Arlington Heights, it remained for a week, and then moved to Fort Marcy, an earth-work near Chain Bridge, where it was in garrison during the terrible conflict of arms on the plains of Manassas, and at Chantilly, and until after the retreat of Pope to the defenses of Washington.
On the 7th of September, the regiment re-crossed the Potomac, and marched to Rockville, where it was assigned a place in French’s Division, of Sumner’s Corps, forming part of a brigade organized from raw recruits, comprising in addition to it, the Fourteenth Connecticut, and One Hundred and Eighth New York, commanded by Colonel Dwight Morris, of the Fourteenth Connecticut.
On the 13th, the corps reached Frederick, and on the following morning French’s Division moved forward, crossing the Catoctin mountains by a road which had been obstructed, and which the pioneers had to clear, and marched rapidly to the support of the troops already warmly engaged in front of Turner’s Gap. As night closed in, the sound of battle died away, and the men rested upon the field. At two in the morning the division was aroused, and led to the ground where the struggle of the previous evening had been most severe, and where the men rested upon their arms until morning. Daylight revealed a scene of horror and destruction; ruined houses, scarred trees, the dead stretched as they fell, and the wounded with their ghastly features, which parties with ambulances were busy in removing.
Battle of Antietam
During the day the army moved on over South Mountain, and on the 16th was massed in front of the enemy, on Antietam Creek, Sumner’s Corps holding the centre.
“My division,” says General French, in his official report, “composed of Brigadier Generals Max Weber’s and Kimball’s brigades, and three regiments of new troops, under the command of Colonel Dwight Morris, having been in readiness since day-break on the 17th instant, was put in motion by order of the General commanding the corps, at about half-past seven o’clock A. M. The Antietam Creek was forded by the division, marching in three columns of brigades, Max Weber on the left, the new regiments in the center, and Kimball’s Brigade on the right. When my left flank had cleared the ford a mile, the division faced to the left, forming three lines of battle, adjacent to, and contiguous with Sedgwick’s, and immediately moved to the front. The enemy, who was in position in advance, opened his batteries, under which fire my lines steadily moved, until the first line, encountering the enemy’s skirmishers, charged them briskly, and entering a group of houses on Roulett’s farm, drove back the force which had taken a strong position for defense.”
The position of the regiment was upon the crest of a hill with a field of corn in front, at the further edge of which, shielded by a stone-wall, the enemy lay. tHis flag was alone visible, and in this exposed position, only guided by the flash of the enemy’s guns, the regiment maintained the unequal contest. For hours it held its position, but at a fearful cost.
“The conduct of the new regiments,” says General French, “must take a prominent place in the history of this great battle. Un-drilled, but admirably armed and equipped, every regiment, either in advance or reserve, distinguished itself, but according to the energy and ability of their respective commanders. The report of Colonel Morris exhibits the services of his command. There never was such material in any army, and in one month these splendid men will not be excelled by any.”
The loss of the regiment was forty killed, and two hundred and fifty-six wounded, many of whom died of their wounds. Lieutenant William A. Givler was among the killed, and Lieutenant Colonel Maish, Captain Joseph H. Jenkins, and Lieutenants Levi M. Haversick, David Z. Seipe and William H. Tomes, among the wounded. Private Thomas Numbers, a Messenger and Assistant Clerk in this department, lost his left arm in the midst of the storm of battle that swept the heights in front of that fatal corn-field.
After the battle, the regiment moved to Harper’s Ferry, and soon after went into camp on the heights overlooking the town. Here the men suffered severely for want of shelter-tents and hospital supplies, the sick list rapidly increasing.
Battle of Fredericksburg
On the 21st of October, the regiment joined the corps in its march through Virginia, and soon after its arrival in the neighborhood of Falmouth, the brigade was detailed for fatigue and guard duty at Belle Plain Landing. On the 5th of December, the brigade was relieved from duty here, and after a toilsome march through deep mud and in the midst of a severe storm, re-joined the division, now busily employed in preparation for the impending battle.
At daylight on the 11th, the regiment formed, and with the division moved out to within a mile of the Rappahannock, where it halted, and remained during the day in the woods which skirt the road, the spires of Fredericksburg being visible above the hills where the Union artillery was engaged in bombarding the town. At night, the regiment was detailed with other troops to assist in laying a second pontoon bridge, just above the Lacy House, and opposite the upper end of the city. On the following morning the division crossed and bivouacked in the streets, parts of the city, fired by our shells, still burning. At night, the regiment occupied the ruins of a large brick building on Caroline street.
On the morning of the 13th-the day of the great battle-a heavy fog hung over all the valley, completely wrapping the two hostile armies in its heavy folds. As soon as it lifted, a brisk fire of artillery opened along the two wings, from either side. The infantry was finally put in motion, the division of French in advance. As soon as it began to move, and before emerging from the town, it came under a heavy fire of artillery. Proceeding along the plank and telegraph roads, and taking shelter behind a little rise of ground, it formed line of battle by brigade front and sounded the charge. After forming line of battle, the regiment made a charge upon the enemy’s breast-works, and were driven back a short distance. As it was re-forming to charge again, the rebels leaped from their defenses and charged in turn. Their advance was awaited until within a short distance, when the regiment again charged upon them, and hurled them back in confusion. It having become apparent that the enemy’s works could not be taken by assault, the shattered ranks of the division were ordered back to the city.
So fierce and destructive was the fire of the artillery in the rear of the line, that escape from this part of the field was attended with great risk, and many of the One Hundred and Thirtieth remained on the field, behind small elevations of ground that afforded them slight protection, until able to retire under cover of night.
“No sooner,'” says Swinton, “‘had this division burst out on the plain, than from the batteries above came a frightful fire, cross showers of shot and shell opening great gaps in the ranks; but closing up, the ever-thinning lines pressed on, and had passed over a great part of the interval, when, met by volleys of musketry at short range they fell back, shattered and broken, with a loss of more than half their number, amid shouts and yells from the enemy.”
The ranks of the One Hundred and Thirtieth had been greatly reduced by sickness and battle, Lieutenant Colonel Maish not having sufficiently recovered from his wound received at Antietam to re-join the command. Of the small number engaged sixty-two were killed and wounded. At the moment when the storm of battle was raging most fiercely, and when many of the troops around it were falling back, Colonel Zinn seized the flag-staff in his left hand and waiving his sword with the right, cried out,
“Stick to your standard, boys! The Hundred and Thirtieth never abandons its standard!”
The words had scarcely escaped his lips, when his brain was pierced by a minnie ball, and he fell dead. Captain William Laughlin and Lieutenant Franklin G. Torbert were also among the killed. Lieutenants L. M. Eaverstickl, D. Wilson Grove, and William G. Bosler were among the wounded.
On the night of the 15th the regiment re-crossed the river, and with the brigade returned to its camp above Falmouth.
Towards the close of December, shelter-tents were received, and the regiment settled down in comfortable winter-quarters, the monotony of camp life and regular details for picket duty, being little disturbed, with the exception of the movement involved in Burnsides second projected but abortive campaign, until the opening of Hooker’s decent upon Chancellorsville.
Battle of Chancellorsville
On the 28th of April the regiment took up the line of march for United States Ford, encamping near the stream on the night of the 30th. On the following day it crossed and moved out to Chancellorsville. A reconnoissance in force was made on the 1st of May by the Fifth and a part of the Second corps, towards Fredericksburg, in which the regiment participated, and the enemy was met. Returning to a position to the right and front of the Chancellor House, the troops were put to fortifying.
On the evening of the 2d, Stonewall Jackson drove the Eleventh Corps, holding the right of the line, and came in upon the flank and rear of the position where the regiment stood. It was accordingly ordered to the opposite side of the breast-works, and held in readiness to meet the enemy from a direction the reverse from that anticipated.
The mad onset of the foe in his triumph over the Eleventh Corps was checked by the artillery on the right before he had reached the position occupied by the regiment, and during the night it was led to a new line at right angles to that which it had, at first occupied, where it remained until morning. The battle opened early on the 3d, and until near midday raged with unparalleled fury. The division then retired to a line which had been selected for a final stand, where it remained until the close of the battle. Their loss in the was severe. Lieutenant Colonel Maish and Lieutenant John Hays were among the wounded.
On the 12th of May the term of expired, and returning to Harrisburg the regiment was, on the 21st, mustered out of service.
Source:Â Â Bates, Samuel P. History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-65, Harrisburg, 1868-1871.
Organized at Harrisburg August, 1862.
Moved to Washington, D.C., August 18, and duty there till September 7.
March to Rockville, Md., September 7-12.
Attached to 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 2nd Army Corps, Army of the Potomac.Service:
Maryland Campaign.
Battle of Antietam September 16-17.
Moved to Harper’s Ferry, W. Va., September 22,
and duty there till October 30.
Advance up Loudoun Valley and movement to Falmouth, Va.,
October 30-November 19.
Battle of Fredericksburg, Va., December 12-15.
Duty at Falmouth till April, 1863.
Chancellorsville Campaign April 27-May 6.
Battle of Chancellorsville May 1-5.
Mustered out May 21, 1863.Losses:
Regiment lost during service:
4 Officers and 56 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and
32 Enlisted men by disease.
Total 92.Source:Â Â Dyer, Frederick H. A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion Compiled and Arranged from Official Records of the Federal and Confederate Armies, Reports of he Adjutant Generals of the Several States, the Army Registers, and Other Reliable Documents and Sources.Des Moines, Iowa: The Dyer Publishing Company, 1908