119th Regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteers
Source: U. S. Army Heritage and Education Center
(formerly the U. S. Army Military History Institute)
laf;dan Apr 92Bates, Samuel P. History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-5. Wilmington, NC: Broadfoot, 1993. Vol. 7, pp. 1-29 (15 photocopied pages). E527B32.1993v6. (Brief history and roster of the regiment).
Dyer, Frederick H. A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion. Vol. 2. Dayton, OH: Morningside, 1979. E491D992. See p. 1613 (1 photocopied page) for a concise summary of the regiment’s service.
Gordon, Hermon Y. History of the First Regiment of Pennsylvania and Antecedent and Successor Echelons to the 103d Engineer Battalion (Infantry Division), Pennsylvania Army National Guard (The Dandy First), l777-1961. Phila: Legal Intelligencer, l96l. pp. 40-77 (19 photocopied pages). UA423.2.lst.G67.
Maier, Larry B. Rough and Regular: A History of Pennsylvania’s 119th Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, The Gray Reserves. Shippensburg, PA: Burd St. Pr, 1997. 359 p. E527.5.119th.M35.
Pennsylvania. Gettysburg Battlefield Comm. Pennsylvania at Gettysburg: Ceremonies at the Dedication of the Monuments Erected by the Commonwealth…. Vol. 2. Hbg, PA: Wm S Ray, 1914. pp. 646-62 (10 photocopied pages). E475.53P422v2. (Addresses delivered at the dedication of the regimental monument and a photo of that monument at Gettysburg National Military Park).
Sauers, Richard A. Advance the Colors!: Pennsylvania Civil War Battle Flags. Vol. 2. Hbg, PA: Capitol Preservation Comm, 1991. pp. 390-91 (2 photocopied pages). E527.4S38.1991v2. (Brief unit history with emphasis on the regimental flags).
Taylor, Frank H. Philadelphia in the Civil War. Phila: By the City, 1913. pp. 133-34 (2 photocopied pages). E527.97P54T39. (Brief history of the unit).
Our Photo Archive includes images of individuals of this unit.
The following pertinent personal papers are in the Institute’s Manuscript Archive:
Booze, George C. – CWMiscColl (Enlisted man’s letters and sketch, Sep l4, l863-Mar l4, l865)
Richmond, Cornelius – CWMiscColl (enlisted man’s letters, Sep 4, 1862 – Apr 22, 1863; letter from his wife, January 18, 1863; tentmate’s letters of May 24, 1863 and June 19, 1863; notes; pension claim)