111th Regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteers
This regiment was principally recruited in the counties of Erie, Warren, and Crawford, under authority granted by the Secretary of War, on the 2d of September, 1861, to M. Schlaudecker, a citizen of Erie. The men rendezvoused by squads, at Camp Reed, near the city of Erie, where they were mustered into service, and where, on the 24th of January, a regimental organization was effected, with the following field officers: 3. Schlaudecker, Colonel; George A. Cobham, Jr., Lieutenant Colonel; Thomas M. Walker, Major. Orders had been previously received from Governor Curtin, directing that the regiment ” march on the 24th inst., from its present quarters, to the city of Baltimore, reporting at Harrisburg, on the way, long enough to receive its equipments.” Transportation could not be secured until the 25th, when it moved by rail, via Cleveland and Pittsburg, and arrived at Harrisburg on the 27th. On the following day, arms and equipments were delivered, and while drawn up in line in front of the Arsenal, on the Capitol grounds, the State colors were presented by Governor Curtin, who spoke in a patriotic and feeling manner, and was responded to by Colonel Schlaudecker, pledging the fidelity of his command, which was heroically kept, on many a hard fought field. On the first of March it arrived at Baltimore, and was quartered at the M’Kim Mansion Barracks. It was at once put upon drill and guard duty, which were continued until the middle of May, when it was thrown forward to Harper’s Ferry, to reinforce General Banks, then retreating down the Shenandoah Valley, before an overwhelming force of the enemy under Stonewall Jackson. From the Ferry, it moved by rail towards Winchester, but had proceeded only about five miles, when two trains were met, bringing the news of Banks’ defeat at Winchester, and his retreat on Martinsburg. The regiment at once returned to Harper’s Ferry, and took position on Bolivar Heights. On the morning of May28th, it moved out, in connection with the First Maryland Cavalry and a section of Reynolds’ Battery, on a reconnoissance in the direction of Charlestown, ten miles distant. When within two miles of the town, the enemy’s skirmishers were met, and driven through, and beyond it. Having developed the fact that the enemy was in force in front, the regiment retired with a loss of one man wounded. It was subsequently attached to Cooper’s Brigade, of Sigel’s Division, and remained for some time in the Valley, about Kernstown, Middletown, and Cedar Creek.
Upon the organization from the corps of Fremont, Banks, and M’Dowell, of the Army of Virginia, under General Pope, towards the close of June, the One Hundred and Eleventh was assigned to Prince’s Brigade,* of Augur’s Division. Early in July, the command moved to Warrenton, where it remained until the 16th, and then proceeded to Little Washington. About this time, considerable sickness prevailed. Assistant Surgeon, John Nicholson, died, Colonel Schlaudecker received a furlough, on account of sickness, and when the regiment moved for Cedar Mountain, on the 6th of August, large numbers were left in the hospital, among them Lieutenant Colonel Cobham. In the battle of the 9th, which was principally fought by Banks’ Corps, Greene’s Brigade occupied the extreme left. General Prince stood next, then Generals Geary, Crawford, and Gordon. As soon as the enemy’s batteries opened, which were posted on the breast of the mountain, General Prince advanced his brigade, and passing Knapp’s and Best’s batteries, crossed an open field and entered the cornfield. The struggle here was desperate; the fire from his artillery and from the masses of his infantry, being incessant and deadly. The fighting continued from half-past two P. M., until dark, during which time the regiment held its ground, but was finally forced back with the remnants of the line. The regiment was led in the engagement by Major Walker, and lost nineteen killed or mortally wounded, sixty-one wounded, and thirteen missing.
On the morning of the 19th, the regiment moved to Rappahannock Bridge, and crossing the stream, remained for some days in defence of the position. Upon the abandonment of the line of the river, it marched to Sulphur Springs, and followed the fortunes of the corps until withdrawn to the defences of Washington. With the division, it soon after proceeded on the march through Maryland, and participated in the battle of Antietam, where, for eight hours, it was engaged in severe fighting. For the gallantry exhibited in this engagement, and especially for the heroic daring displayed in the charge which cleared the enemy from the grove, where stood the little church, around which was the severest fighting, Colonel Stainrook, the brigade commander, presented the regiment on the field, with a stand of colors. General George S. Greene, commanding the division, in a letter to Governor Curtin, says, �The One Hundred and Eleventh Regiment behaved gallantly at the battle of Antietam, where I was witness to its good conduct.’ It went into the fight with three hundred muskets, and lost thirty-three killed or mortally wounded, seventy-one wounded, and seven missing. Captain Arthur Corrigan was among the killed. Major Walker, Captain Frank Wagner, and Lieutenants Martellus H. Todd, Peter S. Bancroft, Joseph Cronenberger, Albert E. Black and Charles Woeltge, were among the wounded. Lieutenant Bancroft had an arm shattered above the elbow, the bone of which was disjointed at the shoulder socket and removed-a most painful operation-the effect of which was anticipated to prove mortal, but from which he recovered and afterwards served in the Invalid Corps.
On the 19th, the regiment moved from the field at Antietam, and fording the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers, near Harper’s Ferry, encamped on London Heights. A month later, it participated in a reconnoissance towards Leesburg. On the 10th of December it moved with the Twelfth Corps-to which it had been assigned, and which had been left upon the Maryland borders, as an army of observation, when the main body moved southward-towards Fredericksburg, and on the 16th, settled down in winter quarters at Fairfax Station, the battle, in the meantime, having been fought and lost. On the 19th of January, the regiment moved to Acquia Creek via Dumfries and Stafford Court House, arriving on the 25th, a part of the general movement of the army on the Mud March. About a month later, it was transferred to the Second Brigade, General Kane, Second Division, General Geary, Twelfth Corps, General Slocum. While stationed at Acquia Creek, it was engaged in drill and routine duties of the camp. Colonel Schlaudecker had been honorably discharged in November previous, and Lieutenant Colonel Cobham had been promoted to succeed him, Major Walker to Lieutenant Colonel, and Adjutant John A. Boyle to Major. In an order issued by General Hooker, on the 3d of March, especially complimenting ten regiments, selected out of the whole army for the excellent condition in which they were found upon inspection, the One Hundred and Eleventh stood pre-eminent among Pennsylvania Regiments. Part six of that order was in these words:’ The following regiments and batteries, appearing from the inspection reports, to have earned high commendation from inspecting officers, it is left to the discretion of the corps commanders, having regard to the efficiency of the command, to increase the leaves of absence and furloughs, for the fifteen days following the receipt of this order, to three, instead of two enlisted men to every one hundred present for duty, and three officers instead of two, in the following named commands First, Second, and Twentieth Massachusetts, Tenth and Nineteenth Maine, Fifth and Tenth New York, One Hundred and Eleventh Pennsylvania, Third Wisconsin, and First Minnesota Volunteers.�
At seven o’clock, on the evening of the 27th of April, the regiment broke camp and moved via Stafford Court House, Hartwood Church, Kelly’s Ford, on the Rappahannock, and Germania Ford, on the Rapidan, to Chancellorsville, where it arrived at four P. M., of the 30th, a distance of over sixty miles. On this march, the men carried each one hundred rounds of ammunition, and eight days’ rations. On the 1st of May, it was in position in a dense growth of young oaks, on the right of the Plank Road leading to Fredericksburg, and directly in front of the Chancellor House. At mid-day, the regiment, holding the right of the division, joined in a reconnoissance into the woods in front of the position it had occupied, and in the direction of Fredericksburg, and when the division retired, covered the withdrawal of a section of Knapp’s Battery, upon which the enemy’s skirmishers and sharp-shooters were making a demonstration. On the afternoon of the 2d, with other regiments of the division, it was ordered, up the Plank Road, to capture a battery posted in its front. Taking position on the right of the column, it advanced through the woods on the right of the road, under a sharp fire of the enemy’s skirmishers. But before attempting to accomplish this design, it was ordered back, and returned to the position in line which it had vacated. At nine on the morning of the 3d, suffering severely from an enfilading fire of artillery from its right flank, it was ordered to withdraw, and formed again in the woods to the rear of the Chancellor House. Here, too, it was exposed to a destructive fire of shells, and was again moved down the road towards United States Ford, taking position on the left of the Eleventh Corps, where intrenchments were thrown up. At four A. M., of the 6th, it re-crossed the Rappahannock, and returned to its old encampment at Acquia Creek. Its loss in the campaign was six killed, eight wounded, and three missing. Lieutenant Casper M. Kingsbury was killed, and Lieutenant William L. Patterson, wounded.
Until the 13th of June, the regiment remained in camp at Acquia Creek. Early on the morning of that day, it broke camp and proceeded to Leesburg, where it arrived on the 18thb and was at once put to fortifying, Here it remained engaged in fatigue and picket duty, until the 26th, when it crossed the Potomac, and marched on the Pennsylvania campaign, arriving on the1st of July, within two miles of Gettysburg, and taking position on the left of the Baltimore Pike. On the morning of the 2d, it moved a mile to the front, to a position on Culp’s Hill, where it joined in building breastworks. Behind these it rested undisturbed until five P. M., when it was led, with other troops of the division, to the assistance of the left, then being hard pressed. The enemy on the left having been repulsed, General Geary led his troops back to re-occupy his abandoned breast-works. But, in the meantime, the enemy had pushed through and taken. possession of the fortifications and the ground, far out towards the Baltimore Pike. At, eleven o’clock P. M., Lieutenant Colonel Walker was ordered to lead the regiment forward, and post the men in the trenches. He proceeded to, execute this command, under the supposition that no enemy was in the vicinity. Two companies on the left, which were in front, had been brought into position, when they received a volley from the hill, scarcely six rods from the flank and rear of the command. The remaining companies were immediately brought into line, perpendicular to the works, and facing in the direction from which the fire had come. Scouts were at once sent out, who soon discovered that the whole hill and woods on the right, were occupied by the enemy. This fact was reported to Colonel Cobham �then engaged with General Kane, still enfeebled by his wounds, in bringing up, the brigade who again ordered the regiment to be led into the breast-works; but, on being shown that the line would then be exposed to an enfilading fire from the enemy, the position already taken was ordered to be held. In this it remained, keeping close watch upon the enemy in front, until three in the morning, when it was determined that the line should be moved a little to the rear, so as to get the advantage of a wing of the breast-works held by General Greene. “I was endeavoring,” says Lieutenant Colonel Walker to move my men, a man at a time, with the utmost caution, when our watchful enemy detected a move, and supposing we were about to retire, opened fire upon us. My men returned the fire, silencing theirs, and then moved to the position assigned them, awaiting daylight for the work to begin. At about a quarter before four, the line of the enemy advanced with a yell. We opened fire briskly, quickly compelling them to take the shelter of the rocks, and of our trenches that were in their possession. We continued fighting in this way until four minutes of six o’clock, when we were relieved, and retired for the purpose of renewing our ammunition. After filling our boxes and wiping our guns, we returned to the position which we had left. At eleven o’clock the enemy gave up the contest, and we reoccupied the works we had built for defence. In this fight, about half of my regiment was in open line, fighting a desperate enemy, to regain possession of the very rifle pits we had built for our protection. We expended one hundred and sixty rounds of ammunition to the man. ” The regiment lost six killed and seventeen wounded. Lieutenant William L. Patterson was among the wounded. On the 4th, the regiment assisted in burying the dead, a large number of whom were lying close up to the breast-works.
After it was ascertained that the enemy had retreated, the regiment joined in the pursuit, and crossing the Potomac, moved on south of the Blue Ridge, to the Rappahannock, crossing at Kelly’s Ford, on the 31st. On the 3d of August, it was moved to Kemper’s Ford, where for six weeks it was engaged on picket duty. On the 15th of September it was relieved, and crossing the river at Kelly’s Ford, moved forward with the army towards the Rapidan. When arrived near the stream, orders were received detaching the Eleventh and Twelfth Corps from the Army of the Potomac, and transferring them to the army of Rosencrans, at Chattanooga. Withdrawing from the front on the 24th, the regiment returned to Washington, and was thence taken by rail via Harper’s Ferry, Belleair, Columbus, Indianapolis, Louisville, and Nashville, to Murfreesboro, where it arrived on the 6th of October. On this journey, the regiment lost, of drafted men, who had been recently added to its ranks, one hundred by desertion. On the 10th it marched to Christiana, and after a halt of ten days, moved on to Stevenson, Alabama. A counter move to Anderson was made, but on the 26th it again moved forward, crossing the Tennessee River, at Bridgeport, arriving at Wauhatchie on the 28th. The movements of the command-which consisted of a part of Geary’s Division, of the Twelfth Corps-on the afternoon of that day, were closely watched by the enemy’s Signal Corps, from a station on Lookout Mountain, overlooking the valley along which the Union troops were marching. At about five o’clock in the evening the command bivouacked, at the junction of the roads to Kelly’s and Brown’s fords, over which the trains were moving for the relief of the beleaguered army of Rosencrans, a few miles away at Chattanooga. Between eleven and twelve o’clock that night, a sustained and very determined attack was made upon the feeble force in bivouac, by three brigades of the rebel army, which had moved stealthily from their lines on Lookout Mountain, with the design of surprising and making of it an easy prey. The One Hundred and Eleventh was the first to get into line, taking position facing the mountain, and was the first struck, receiving the attack on its left flank, the enemy advancing in heavy lines up the valley. Discerning the direction from which the attack was to come, it immediately, under a heavy fire, changed front to rear on first company, and presented a barrier to his further advance, until the other regiments of the brigade could form on its left, and prolong the line. The attack was made with much determination, but was met with a valor unsurpassed, and when the line was once formed, it stood immovable until the enemy yielded the ground, and withdrew, with ranks fearfully decimated, from the contest. The regiment sustained a loss of two officers and eleven men killed, six officers and twenty-five men wounded, and one missing. Major Boyle and Lieutenant Marvin D. Pettit were killed, and Lieutenant Colonel Walker, Captains Wallace B. Warner, and James M. Wells, and Lieutenants John J. Haight, Andrew W. Tracy, and Albert E. Black, were wounded.
After the battle, the regiment moved to a spur of Raccoon Mountain, where it lay in camp for nearly a month. On the 24th of November, it proceeded early from quarters, to join in a movement upon Lookout Mountain. The part taken by the regiment in this and in the subsequent movements, which swept Bragg from his strongholds environing the Union army, and sent him in flight and confusion from its front, will be best shown by the following extracts from Lieutenant Colonel Walker’s report, Colonel Cobham having been for some time previous in command of the brigade: “I was aroused at about five o’clock of the 24th, by an order to report forthwith, without knapsacks, and with one day’s rations, at head-quarters. We were soon under way, and arriving at the head quarters of the division, were conducted to the ford over Lookout Creek, some three miles above the north point of the mountain. On the road, we were joined by the Twenty-ninth Pennsylvania, the Third Brigade, and Whitaker’s Brigade, of the Fourth Corps. Together with these troops, we were massed and screened from view behind one of a series of knobs that lie adjacent to the creek, until the pioneers and some details had succeeded in constructing a footbridge over the stream. This was soon accomplished without resistance, and at nine o’clock A. M., my regiment was crossing the creek, following the Twenty-ninth Pennsylvania, and closely followed by the Third Brigade, the Sixtieth New York joining us. We continued marching by the flank, until we hid gained about two thirds of the slope of the mountain, when we halted, fronted, dressed, threw out a strong skirmish line to cover the front, and awaited the order of the General commanding, to move forward. The front line had thus attained its position, and the reserve-General Whitakers Brigade-was well on its way, when the order was brought. As we went forward, our skirmishers soon became engaged, and pressed the enemy’s, without being for a moment delayed. We continued to move in line, excepting two short halts for breathing spells, until we approached and could get a glimpse of the point of the mountain. The line now moved so that the Twenty-ninth Pennsylvania, which had the right, should crown the main spur just below the peak. The enemy was now pouring a sharp fire, from the cover of every rock; but with cheers the line moved steadily on, capturing and sending to the rear many prisoners, without escort. The position of the One Hundred and Eleventh, in conjunction with the Twenty-ninth, in the line, was such, that our advance continually turned the entrenchments of the enemy, while regiments on our left, charged to their very teeth. As we crowned the north ridge, immediately under the point of the mountain, we saw the enemy lying in their intrenchments below us, and the troops of the Third Brigade rushing forward with the bayonet. We fired but few shots here, as our superior position and the steel of our troops, was too much for the enemy, and they either surrendered or fled. At twelve o’clock M., in conjunction with the Twenty-ninth, we were in line from the point of the mountain down the main spur. From this position we faced to the right, and filed to the left, close around the cliffs, going to the east side. We here fronted, occupying the highest available part of the slope, and remained until relieved, about ten o’clock P. M., by fresh troops. We bivouacked, after supplying ourselves with one hundred rounds of ammunition per man, in the old camp of the enemy.** Early on the morning of the 25th, we were moved out by the left, the Twenty-ninth following, and posted on the west slope of the mountain, the left resting against the cliffs, to guard against any approach, along this side of the mountain. We left this position about twelve o’clock M., marched down the east slope of the mountain, across the valley to Missionary Ridge, and turning to the left, kept down the ridge for some distance, moving in column doubled on the centre, until ordered up the slope. Before reaching the summit, the enemy had fled. We now bivouacked at the foot of the hill, and at a little past ten A. M., of the 26th, we started on the road to Ringgold. We marched this day without provisions, and at night reached Pidgeon Ridge, where we bivouacked. We were under arms at daylight, and started again, hungry-the supply trains not having come up-and reached the town of Ringgold, about eleven o’clock A. M., and were ordered into line in the old cornfield, on the right front of the depot, where we lay, submitting, without return shots, to the fire of the enemy’s sharp-shooters, concealed in the forest that lined the slope of Taylor’s Ridge, on which they were posted. We remained here until the heights were carried on the left, when my regiment was moved forward to hold the gap. ” In this series of engagements, the regiment lost three killed and seven wounded, Captain William A. Thomas, and Lieutenant Plympton A. Mead, being of the latter.
The campaign was now ended, and on the 1st of December, the regiment marched back to its old camp, on Raccoon Mountain. Having re-enlisted for a second term, the regiment departed for home on the 28th, on its well earned veteran furlough, arriving at Erie, on the afternoon of the 14th of January,1864, where it was most cordially received by the citizens. At the expiration of the furlough, the command rendezvoused at Pittsburg, and moved thence, by rail, to Bridgeport, Alabama, where it reported to General Geary, and was assigned by him to the Third Brigade, Second Division, Twentieth Corps. Early in May, Sherman’s Campaign on Atlanta opened, and on the morning of the 3d, the division crossed the Tennessee, and moving via Shell Mound, Whiteside and Wauhatchie, crossed Lookout Mountain, Chickamauga Hills, and Taylor’s Ridge, and on the 8th, came up with the enemy, where the regiment acted as support to the cavalry. Early in the day, it went into position at Snake Creek Gap, where it awaited the arrival of McPherson’s column, moving via Lafayette. At five P. M., it was relieved, and countermarching, re-joined the division at Mill Creek Church. On the 12th,the command marched through Snake Gap, towards Resaca, and on the following day went into position in reserve, at the junction of the Dalton, Calhoun, and Sugar Valley roads, where it entrenched. The morning of the 14th found it on its way to the left of the army, and upon taking position, was engaged in covering the front with rifle-pits. On the following day, it returned to the right, where the entire corps was massed, to charge the enemy upon the opposite hills. The One Hundred and Eleventh moved against a four-gun battery, posted in a natural basin, a little in front of the fortified line of the enemy. The advance was gallantly made, and at the parapet, the men took shelter and picked off the rebel gunners, but were unable to gain the interior, on account of the enemy’s concentrated fire. At nightfall, tools were brought, and the work of digging through the parapet to obtain the guns, was commenced. At half, past ten, fresh troops were sent in, who commenced the work, and before midnight, the guns were reached and triumphantly brought off. The regiment lost in this assault, four killed, twenty-four wounded, and two missing. Captain Charles Woeltge was among the killed, and Captain James M. Wells among the wounded
During the night the enemy fell back, and the Union troops pressed on in pursuit, the regiment crossing the Connessauga River, at Fite’s Ford, and the Coosawaltee, at M’Clure’s Ford, and with skirmishers deployed, advanced on the 19th, to within three-fourths of a mile of Cassville. On the 23d, the division moved by Cassville Station and Etowah Cliffs, to the south side of the Etowah River, followed up Raccoon Creek, crossed the Allatoona Mountains, and on the 25th passed over Pumpkin Vine Creek, which, by recent rains, was soon at flood tide. The division here met the advance of the enemy, and halted, while Lieutenant Colonel Walker, with the One Hundred and Eleventh, was sent through the woods to the right, to open communication with General Williams’ Division, which had crossed below. This was successfully accomplished, and the regiment had returned, when, at night-fall, it was advanced through a wood against the enemy, in position near New Hope Church. In this night encounter, the regiment lost five killed or mortally wounded, thirty-five wounded, and three missing. Captain Martellus H. Todd was among the killed, and Lieutenant Andrew W. Tracy among the wounded.
On the morning of the 26th, the command moved to the right, taking position on the extreme right of the corps, where a strong line of entrenchments was thrown up, but on the following day, was moved forward on the Dallas Road, where severe skirmishing ensued, resulting in a loss to the regiment, of three killed and four wounded. Until the close of the month, skirmishing was almost continuous, with a loss, on the 28th, of one killed, on the 29th of one killed and one wounded, and on the 31st, of three killed. The division was relieved on the 1st of June, and bivouacked in rear of the Fourth Corps, on the road to Ackworth. On the 3d, the brigade was posted to hold the bridge across the Allatoona Creek, near Ackworth, and two days after, re-joined the division at the cross roads leading to Big Shanty, where a heavy line of breastworks was thrown up. A week later, it moved forward to Pine Mountain, and again entrenched. On the 15th, the enemy abandoned his position on the mountain, and in the pursuit which was ordered, the regiment was, thrown forward as skirmishers, pressing hard upon his rear, and losing in the encounter, four killed and ten wounded. The enemy’s works were occupied, but the advance was soon sounded, and on the 17th, again skirmished, losing three killed and six wounded, and on the 19th, one wounded. On the 31st, it was ordered, in conjunction with the One Hundred and Thirty-seventh New York, to carry a hill on Grier’s Plantation, occupied by the enemy, which was successfully accomplished, with a loss of one killed and eight wounded; Lieutenant John J. Haight, being among the wounded. On the following day, the hill was completely occupied and intrenched. Remaining but a few days, the lines again pressed steadily forward, skirmishing and intrenching as they went. The regiment losing on the 27th, one killed, on the 28th, one killed and one missing, on the 1st of July, two wounded, on the 10th, two wounded, and on the evening of the 19th, arrived on the bank of Peach Tree Creek. This was crossed before dark, the enemy’s skirmishers being driven from the opposite bluffs-the regiment losing in the charge, one killed and three wounded. A line of works was thrown up, but at noon of the following day, the brigade was moved forward and massed, as was understood, in rear of the First and Second Brigades. At three o’clock P. M., the enemy attacked in full force, and with singular impetuosity. The One Hundred and Eleventh was immediately thrown forward to meet him, and advancing across a ravine, and up the opposite slope, found, on arriving at the summit, its right suddenly enveloped, front, flank, and rear, by the foe, who was advancing through a gap in the line, and was now struggling fiercely for the mastery. Without support, and taken at a great disadvantage, the regiment made a heroic stand, but was finally forced back a short distance, where the line was re-formed and held. The fighting was, for the most part, hand to hand, and very severe. Near the close of the struggle, Colonel Cobham fell, mortally wounded, and expired on the field. The loss was seventeen killed and twenty-seven wounded. Lieutenants William C. Hay, Jesse Moore, Christian Sexauer, William P. Gould, and Henry Dieffenbach, were among the wounded, and Lieutenants Cyrus A. Hayes, Hamilton R. Sturdevant, and Hiram Bissel, taken prisoners.
On the 22d, a further advance was made, and passing through the enemy’s outer works, the command approached within two miles of the city of Atlanta, and immediately proceeded to throw up a strong line of defences, preparatory to bombarding the city. Until the night of the 26th, the work of fortifying was pushed vigorously forward, when the division moved to the left, and occupied the position fortified by the Third Division, where, for a month, it remained, making repeated feints, and having, in the meantime, some severe skirmishing. On the 25th of August, retiring quietly from its works, the command proceeded to Pace’s Ferry, on the Chattahoochee River, where a formidable redoubt for infantry was built, and a line of rifle-pits was thrown up. On the morning of the2d of September, a force consisting of the One Hundred and Eleventh and Twenty-ninth Pennsylvania, the Sixtieth and One Hundred and Second New York, and twenty men of the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, all under command of Lieutenant Colonel Walker, was sent forward on a reconnoissance towards the city. Pushing rapidly forward in pursuit of General Ferguson’s Rebel Cavalry, who retired as it advanced, the command arrived at ten A. M. in front of the city, and soon after, with the colors of the One Hundred and Eleventh, and the Sixtieth New York, at the head of the column, moved in and occupied Atlanta, displaying the colors from the City Hall, amidst the wildest enthusiasm of the troops.
The One Hundred and Eleventh was ordered to report to the Post Commander, for provost ditty, and was assigned to the public square for camping ground. Until the 16th of November, it remained on duty here, when, the army having already marched on the Campaign to the Sea, the regiment, together with the Third and Thirty-third Massachusetts, moved in rear, overtaking their respective commands at Milledgeville. ” This, “says an officer, ” was glorious campaigning. Eating up a fat land, and meeting a feeble enemy.” On the 10th of December, the army arrived in front of Savannah, and at once began to erect works. On the night of the20th, it having been discovered that the enemy was evacuating, the division moved into the city, and at daylight, the colors of ‘the regiment, with those of the division, were unfurled from the Exchange. The regiment was assigned to provost duty, and encamped in the public squares of the city. On the 27th of January, 1865, the division started on the Carolina campaign, and on the 20th of March, arrived at Goldsboro, North Carolina, where supplies-by this time much needed-were received. The regiment lost three killed, in this campaign, while out on foraging duty. The One Hundred and Ninth, and One Hundred and Eleventh Regiments, having served side by side, since the Spring of 1862, at the request of their commanding officers, seconded by the men, were here consolidated, eight hundred and eighty-five strong, as the One Hundred and Eleventh Regiment. After the surrender of Johnston, which soon followed, the command moved to Raleigh, and thence, by way of Richmond, to Washington, where it participated in the grand review of the National armies. The regiment was here ordered to report to General Augur, commandant of the city, by whom it was assigned to duty in guarding the Old Capitol, Carroll, and other prisons, and where it remained until the 19th of July, when it was mustered out of service.
* Organization of the Second Brigade, General Prince, Second Division, General Augur, Second Corps, General Banks. Battalions of the Eighth and Twelfth Regulars, Captain Pitcher; One Hundred and Eleventh Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Schlaudecker; Third Maryland Volunteers, Colonel Stephen W. Downy; One Hundred and Ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Henry J. Stainrook.
** Quartermaster General Meigs, who was on the field at the headquarters of General Grant, in full view of the operations of Geary’s Division, as it swept around the breast of Lookout Mountain, in this ever memorable battle, in a letter written at half-past eleven on the night of the 26th, to the Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War, says: “It… skirmishing and cannonading continued all day on the left and centre. General Hooker scaled the slopes of Lookout Mountain, from the valley of Lookout Creek, drove the rebels around the point, captured some two thousand prisoners, and established himself high up the mountain side, in full view of Chattanooga. All night, the point of Mission Ridge, on the extreme left, and the side of Lookout Mountain, on the extreme right, blazed with the camp fires of loyal troops. The day had been one of driving mists and rains, and much of Hooker’s BATTLE WAS FOUGHT ABOVE THE CLOUDS, which concealed him from our view, but from which his musketry was heard. At night-fall the sky cleared, and the full moon-the hunter’s moon shone upon the beautiful scene. Till one A. M., twinkling sparks upon the mountain side, showed that picket skirmishing was still going on; then it ceased. “At daylight of the25th, the stars and stripes were discerned on the peak of Lookout. The rebels had evacuated the mountain. Hooker moved to descend the mountain, and striking Mission Ridge at the Rossville Gap, sweep it on both sides and on its summit. “The other assault to the right of our centre, gained the summit, and the rebels threw down their arms, or fled. Hooker, incoming in from Rossville, swept the right of the ridge, and captured many prisoners. Bragg’s remaining troops left early in the night, and the battle of Chattanooga, after three days of manoeuvering and fighting, was won. The strength of the rebellion in the centre was broken Burnside relieved from danger, East Tennessee rescued, Georgia and the South-east threatened in the rear, and another leaf added to the chaplet of ‘Unconditional Surrender’ Grant.’ The expression, Battle Above the Clouds, here used by General Meigs, which is given prominence in the printing above, first gave this title to the battle of Lookout Mountain.”
Source:Â Â Bates, Samuel P. History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-1865, Harrisburg, 1868-1871.
Organized at Erie December, 1861, to January, 1862.
Moved to Harrisburg, Pa., thence to Baltimore, Md., February 25-March 1, 1862.
Duty there till May.
Moved to Harper’s Ferry, W. Va., May 16.
Defence of Harper’s Ferry May 24-30.
Reconnoissance to Charlestown May 28.
Attached to Cooper’s 1st Brigade, Sigel’s Division, Dept. of the Shenandoah, to June, 1862.
1st Brigade, 1st Division, 2nd Corps, Army of Virginia, to August, 1862.
2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 2nd Corps, Army of Virginia, to September, 1862.
2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 12th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to October, 1862.
3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 12th Army Corps, to January, 1863.
2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 12th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to October, 1863, and Army of the Cumberland to April, 1864.
3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 20th Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland, to July, 1865.
Operations in the Shenandoah Valley till August, 1862.
Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9.
Pope’s Campaign in Northern Virginia August 16-September 2.
Guard trains during Bull Run Battles.
Maryland Campaign September 6-24.
Battle of Antietam, Md., September 16-17 (Reserve).
Duty at Bolivar Heights till December.
Reconnoissance to Rippon, W. Va., November 9.
Reconnoissance to Winchester December 2-6.
March to Fredericksburg December 9-16.
Burnside’s 2nd Campaign, “Mud March,” January 20-24, 1863.
At Stafford Court House till April.
Chancellorsville Campaign April 27-May 6.
Battle of Chancellorsville May 1-5.
Gettysburg (Pa.) Campaign June 11-24.
Battle of Gettysburg July 1-3.
Pursuit of Lee July 5-24.
Duty near Raccoon Ford till September.
Movement to Bridgeport, Ala., September 24-October 3.
Reopening Tennessee River October 26-29.
Battle of Wauhatchie, Tenn., October 28-29.
Chattanooga-Ringgold Campaign November 23-27.
Battles of Lookout Mountain November 23-24; Mission Ridge November 25;
Ringgold Gap, Taylor’s Ridge November 27.
Duty on Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad till April, 1864.
Atlanta (Ga.) Campaign May 1-September 8.
Demonstration on Rocky Faced Ridge May 8-11.
Battle of Resaca May 14-15.
Near Cassville May 19.
New Hope Church May 25.
Operations on line of Pumpkin Vine Creek and
battles about Dallas, New Hope Church and Allatoona Hills May 25-June 5.
Operations about Marietta and against Kenesaw Mountain June 10-July 2.
Pine Hill June 11-14.
Lost Mountain June 15-17.
Gilgal or Golgotha Church June 15.
Muddy Creek June 17.
Noyes Creek June 19.
Kolb’s Farm June 22.
Assault on Kenesaw June 27.
Ruff’s Station, Smyrna Camp Ground, July 4.
Chattahoochee River July 5-17.
Peach Tree Creek July 19-20.
Siege of Atlanta July 22-August 25.
Operations at Chattahoochee River Bridge August 26-September 2.
Occupation of Atlanta September 2-November 15.
Expedition to Tuckum’s Cross Roads October 26-29.
Near Atlanta November 9.
March to the sea November 15-December 10.
Davidsboro November 28.
Siege of Savannah December 10-21.
Campaign of the Carolinas January to April, 1865.
Battle of Bentonville, N. C., March 19-21.
Occupation of Goldsboro March 24.
Advance on Raleigh April 9-13.
Occupation of Raleigh April 14.
Bennett’s House April 26.
Surrender of Johnston and his army.
March to Washington, D.C., via Richmond, Va., April 29-May 20.
Grand Review May 24.
Duty at Washington till July.
Mustered out July 19, 1865.
Regiment lost during service:
7 Officers and 138 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and
4 Officers and 155 Enlisted men by disease.Total 304.
Source:Â Â Dyer, Frederick H. A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion Compiled and Arranged from Official Records of the Federal and Confederate Armies, Reports of he Adjutant Generals of the Several States, the Army Registers, and Other Reliable Documents and Sources.Des Moines, Iowa: The Dyer Publishing Company, 1908