109th Regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteers
Early in December, 1861, recruiting for this regiment was commenced, under the direction of Henry J. Stainrook, a citizen of Chester county. Headquarters and barracks were established on Chestnut street, Philadelphia, opposite the State House, and with the exception of two companies, the regiment was recruited in that city. It was organized with the following field officers, their commissions dating from November 8th, 1861:
- Henry J. Stainrook, Colonel
- Charles I. Harris, Lieutenant Colonel
- William A. Gray, Major
On the 28th of March, 1862, it went into camp at Oxford Park, and eight days thereafter removed to Nicetown. On the 9th of May a set of colors was presented at the hands of ex-Governor Pollock, and on the following day it proceeded to Washington. The State arms were here exchanged for Belgian rifles, and drill and discipline were studiously prosecuted.
On the 24th of May, the enemy having gained the battle of M’Dowell a few days previous, and now concentrating in the upper Shenandoah Valley, the regiment was ordered to Harper’s Ferry, to the support of Banks, and was posted on Bolivar Heights, pickets being thrown out as far as the village of Halltown. Stragglers fron the front soon made their appearance, followed by the trains and entire force of Banks, set upon and closely pursued by Jackson in vastly superior numbers. On the 29th the enemy made his appearance on the regiment’s front, and the first hostile shots were heard, the roar of artillery awakening echoes across the mountain streams. At night the regiment was withdrawn from the Virginia shore.
Without crossing the Potomac, or pausing on reaching it, Jackson rapidly retraced his steps and made the best of his way to join Lee before Richmond. Banks followed, and finding that his adversary had escaped, crossed the Blue Ridge, into the valley of Virginia. In the meantime, the One Hundred and Ninth had been assigned to the Second Brigade,1 Second Division, of Banks’ Corps, subsequently the Second of the army of Northern Virginia, commanded by General Pope.
At the opening of the battle of Cedar Mountain, on the 9th of August, where Jackson, with the advance of the rebel army after his return from the Richmond front, attacked the corps of Banks, the One Hundred and Ninth was near Culpepper Court House, marching towards the field, to the sound of the enemy’s guns, having been until after midnight upon he march. The firing had died away as it neared the battle ground, and upon emerging from the wood which skirts the road, filed suddenly to the left into the open fields.
On the brow of a hill, three hundred yards in front, Knap’s Battery was stationed, and towards this the regiment was rapidly led and was posted a few paces in its rear. As the men came into line they were ordered to lie down. Scarcely had the last man got his place when the enemy opened with heavy artillery, planted upon the breast of Slaughter Mountain, nearly a mile away. Knap’s Battery was the target at which he aimed.
At first the enemy’s shells passed over and struel in the woods beyond, but soon he got the range and the terrible missiles began to burst in the very midst of the artillerists and their supports. At this juncture the word ” forward” was given, and springing to their feet the command moved rapidly but in well dressed lines to the brow of the hill. In front was an open field, and beyond, tall corn, in which the enemy’s infantry was concealed. Breasting the fire of infantry and artillery, now fairly directed upon it, the regiment dashed down across the open ground, scaled the fence which skirted it, and entered the corn. It now opened fire, and its rapid volleys told fearfully upon the masses of the foe in its front. For two hours the battle raged with unabated fury, but finally, just as night was closing in, the’ enemy was able to bring up fresh forces in overwhelming numbers, outflanking and forcing back the Union line. The regiment held its position untilit received a volley from its right flank, which told too plainly that the enemy was gaining its rear, when the order to retire was given. It entered the engagement with about three hundred and fifty, rank and file, and of these nearly one-half were either killed, captured, or wounded. Colonel Stainrook was among the wounded.
“The brigades of Generals Geary and General Prince,” says an eye witness, “fought with the most desperate courage. There was no running, sirking, or skulking whatever. I saw them as they went into the battle, and I saw their ranks, thinned and bleeding, return. Truly has the spot where lie so many dead and wounded been called Slaughter Mountain.”2
At evening Sigel’s Corps came upon the field, but during the night the enemy withdrew. Pope, however, soon discovered that the whole body of the rebel army was concentrating in his front, and he accordingly fell back across the Rappahannock, and at the fords posted strong guards, which for several days successfully disputed the passage, the fire of artillery from the opposite banks being almost continuous and very heavy. But the enemy, moving on up the stream, turned Pope’s right flank, Jackson marching around by Thoroughfare Gap and coming in upon his rear at Manassas Junction, compelling him to fall back rapidly. In this movement the impedimenta of the entire army were committed to the care of Banks’ Corps, and while the battles at Bull Run were being fought, his troops were busy in saving the immense trains, and in destroying such of the stores as could not be got away. This duty required the utmost vigilance, and night and day the weary troops were kept at their posts and goaded to watchfulness.
By the 1st of September the command had reached the fortifications at Alexandria. Resting here until the 5th, the brigade, now under command of Colonel Stainrook, Captain Seymour leading the regiment, marched through Washington and entered on the Maryland campaign, reaching Frederick on the 13th. In the battles of South Mountain and Antietam the One Hundred and Ninth did not actively engage, being still held for duty with the trains.
Immediately after the withdrawal of the rebel army, the division, to the command of which General Geary had been assigned, crossed to Loudon Heights, where it went into camp, and with the exception of an expedition to Leesburg, on the 21st of October, and an occasional reconnoissance, it remained here until the movement of the army into Virginia.
After the death of General Mansfield, who fell at Antietam, the Second Corps, which he had commanded, was re-organized, and from part of it the Twelfth Corps was formed to the command of which General Slocum was assigned: the One Hundred and Ninth forming part of Greene’s Brigade of Geary’s Division. When M’Clellan with the main body, moved south, through Virginia, the Twelfth Corps was left to garrison Harper’s Ferry, and Geary’s Division was moved across the Shenandoah River and encamped on Bolivar Heights.
On the 2d of December the division moved upon Winchester, and met and defeated the enemy under Jones. On the 9th, upon the eve of the battle of Fredericksburg, the corps moved by forced marches towards the front, and on the 17th, after great suffering from the inclemency of the weather and in crossing swollen streams, reached Dumfries. Here intelligence of the army, broken and dispirited from the gory field of Fredericksburg, was received, and the corps immediately turned back to Fairfax, where it went into camp. As soon as settled, General Greene, whowas a strict disciplinarian, commenced in earnest, brigade drill, and daily, when the weather would permit, officers labored industriously to bring their commands to a high state of efficiency. On the 20th of January, 1863: the regiment again moved in hostile array, on Burnside’s second campaign, but beyond experiencing great suffering from the inclemency of weather, it met no enemy, and on its return proceeded to Acquia Landing, the base of supply of the army, where it was employed on severe fatigue duty.
General Hooker succeeded General Burnside in command of the army, and in the re-organization which he effected the One Hundred and Ninth was assigned to a brigade in which were the Twenty-ninth, One Hundred and Eleventh, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth, and One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Pennsylvania regiments, General Kane-rendered famous by his command of the Bucktails being assigned to its leadership. On the 27th of April the regiment broke camp at the Landing, and moved with the brigade on the Chancellorsville campaign, crossing the Rappahannock at Kelly’s, and the Rapidan at Germania Ford, meeting the skirmishers of the rebel General Anderson’s command as it wended its way through the low tangled woods, and arriving at the open ground about the Chancellor House at four on the afternoon of the 30th. The proper disposition of the troops was at once made, the division being posted in the young forest in front of the mansion, and facing south. At dark the advance of the enemy arrived in front and opened a skirmish fire.
Early on the morning of the 1st of May the division was put in motion, Kane’s Brigade moving south a mile on the United States Ford Road, where it made a sharp turn to the right, and leaving knapsacks, was quickly formed and advanced into the woods to the south of the road. In the meantime, the battle had been raging on the left, and towards evening orders were received for the brigade to retire. Moving back to the road in its rear, it again went into position behind a pile of cord wood stretching along the way. The order to retire to the position of the morning was repeated, and as it went back the enemy came in upon its right flank, endangering, for the moment, its way of retreat. It received several volleys, but succeeded in reaching its position in line. At evening skirmishers were thrown out, and all night long was heard the sound of marching troops on their front, moving from left to right.
At four o’clock on the afternoon of the 2d the division was ordered to advance, and leaping the breast-works, crossed the open ground in front. As it approached the wood beyond it was suddenly assailed by a hot fire of musketry and artillery, the enemy being well established in breast-works upon the crest but fifty yards distant. Taking position along the edge of the woods his fire was returned, and for half an hour the unequal contest was maintained, when it was again re-called to the breast-works. A strong line of skirmishers was kept well out in front, which was sorely annoyed by a battery which the enemy brought up and posted so as to rake the skirmish ground.
The night was one of wild commotion, the roar of battle rising at times to a perfect tornado. Early in the evening Stonewall Jackson had fallen upon the right flank of the Eleventh Corps, driving it in rout, and had only been checked by double shotted charges of artillery, delivered from forty pieces most favorably and opportunely massed in a field a little to the right of where the regiment lay, and later in the night Berry’s Brigade of the Third Corps had routed the enemy from breast-works, lost in the evening. At nine P. M. the brigade was moved from the position which it had held for fifty hours, farther to the right, facing the west.
Until noon of the 3d the men hugged the breast-works, kept in nervous excitement in the momentary expectation of an attack, the fire of artillery and of the sharp-shooters being constant. At a little past noon the enemy began to press upon the left flank, endangering the integrity of the command, pressing at the same time upon the front. The order was accordingly given to retire, but at that instant a rebel sharp-shooter, not twenty paces distant, shot and instantly killed Colonel Stainrook. Lieutenant Kidney, of Company G, who had witnessed the act, seizing a musket and skillfully awaiting his opportunity, sent a bullet in reply which effectually silenced the sharp-shooter’s fire.
Retiring along the trenches to the rear of the artillery, under a murderous fire, the brigade took position on the left of the new line, facing to the east, where it was at once set to work building breast-works, and where, with slight changes, it remained to the close of the battle. On the night of the 6th the army retired from the contest, and the brigade returned to its camp at Acquia Landing. In addition to the Colonel killed, Lieutenant Charles W. Norris was mortally wounded, the regiment suffering otherwise severely.
Lee having repulsed the Union army in its advance upon him at Chancellorsville, elated by his success, early in June put his legions in motion northward. Hooker followed, and the two armies met at Gettysburg, Meade having succeeded Hooker in the meantime.
The Twelfth Corps reached Littlestown on the evening of the 30th of June, where a small body of the enemy was encountered, who rapidly retreated. On the morning of the 1st the columns moved forward, and, while resting by the way, the dull sound of distant battle was borne upon the sultry noontime air. The march was hurriedly resumed, and at the moment when the broken lines of the First and Second Corps were coming into position on Cemetery Hill, the head of the column came in sight of the field, the sulphurous smoke hanging heavy over all the valley. Filing to the left, the division moved over to the neighborhood of Round Top, the brigade resting at night upon an eminence overlooking the field. General Kane, who had been absent since the battle of Chancellorsville on account of wounds, returned the day previous, and, although still unable to sit his horse, assumed command.
At nine o’clock on the morning of the 2d the division was ordered to move from the left to the centre, and later to the extreme right of the line, at Culp’s Hill. As it went, a battery passed the column going to the rear, the begrimmed gunner crying out as he went
“Give it to them boys! We have come from the front; we would not be here, but our pieces are now too hot to use.”
Along the brow of Culp’s Hill a heavy breastwork was thrown up, its line conforming to tie rugged ground, the men cutting the heavy timber and bringing it into position, and filling the interstices with broken stone and earth with a hearty good will. The brigade held the extreme right of the division. The enemy was now in its front, but, as yet, had made no demonstrations. Just at dark General Geary was ordered to move, with two brigades, to the left, to the relief of the Third Corps. The First and Second brigades were taken. Before they had reached the menaced lines the fighting was over, and Geary was accordingly ordered to return.
Crossing the Baltimore Pike and moving rapidly over the fields towards the works which they had left, the lines were approaching the edge of the woods, when a stentorian voice from the opposite side of the stone wall called out “‘Who comes there?” “The One Hundred and Ninth,” was the reply. The response was hardly uttered, when a terrible fire of musketry was opened upon the command. Dropping upon the ground until the first volley had passed, the troops rapidly retired to the pike, and moving in above, approached by the rear of the brigade which had been left, when it was ascertained that the enemy had broken through on the right, and was now holding the works which the First and Second brigades had vacated. General Geary immediately brought his men into line, nearly at right angles to his former works, the enemy bringing up his men and making his front conform to the new position. fhe fire of musketry sprang up fitfully during the night, and at break of day opened and flamed out with violence all along the line. The One Hundred and Ninth fortunately had a sheltered position behind sheltering rocks, and pausing for deliberate aim, sent its missiles with deadly effect.
“By nine o’clock,” says a member3 of the command, “our ammunition was being used up at a fearful rate. Several had been killed and wounded in our vicinity. The ground in front of Company A was more sloping than on other parts of the line, so that in order to get a good shot we were obliged to run out in advance of the rest behind a large tree, and await an opportunity, which constantly offered, to shoot rebels. This tree was in constant use by our company, each taking his turn at skirmishing. When one had discharged his piece and run back, another ran forward to occupy his place. This tree shortly became a mark for the rebels, and the face towards them soon became stripped of its bark by the constant battering it got.”
To crush the Union right and take the line in reverse was the daring purpose of the rebel leader, Johnson, who commanded Jackson’s old division, was ordered to form and charge Geary. Gallantly that veteran legion came forward, and met for a time, unflinching, the firey blast that swept it. On it came within twenty yards of the Union line, still confident of success, but here so fearful was the shock that it could go no further, and, thinned and broken, it fell back behind its breast-works, receiving a hot flank fire from the First Division as it went.
“Then did the shouts of victory resound,” says the soldier above quoted, “and echo from all parts of the line on the right flank, telling our comrades miles away of the result and Lee’s discomfiture. Men cheered themselves hoarse, laughed, rolled themselves upon the ground, and threw their caps high in air, while others shook hands with comrades and thanked God that the Star Corps had again triumphed.”
Geary, elated by the success in this terrible encounter, ordered a counter-charge, swept the enemy back and re-gained his stolen works. The One Hundred and Ninth, in the meantime, had been relieved, and was reposing in a grove a short distance to the rear, when the terrible artillery duel of the two entire armies opened, the shells and solid shots falling in rapid succession among the men, and obliging them to take refuge behind the rocks near by until again re-called to the breast-works on the right of the division. Early on the morning of the 5th4 it was discovered that the enemy was gone and that the victory was complete.
After the close of the Gettysburg campaign, and the return of the army to Virginia, the Eleventh and Twelfth Corps, under command of General Hooker, were detached from the Army of the Potomac and sent west, to the relief of Rosecrans’ Army, cooped up in a precarious condition at Chattanooga. Starting from Brandy Station on the 28th of September, the regiment proceeded to Washington, and thence, by the Baltimore and Ohio and connecting roads, through Columbus, Indianapolis, and Louisville, to Nashville. Here its course was impeded by rebel cavalry, which was hovering in great numbers upon the line of railway south, by which men and stores were forwarded. Pausing and fortifying by the way to secure protection to the road, it finally reached Stevenson, Alabama, on the 25th of October. Here it commenced the march up the Tennessee River towards Chattanooga. The presence of the enemy soon began to be felt. At Bridgeport the knap-sacks were revised and four days’ rations and twenty extra rounds of ammunition supplied.
On the evening of the 28th a part of the division, under the immediate command of General Geary, reached Wauhatchie Junction, a point of vital consequence to the Union army, as on its possession depended the integrity of the two main lines of supply. On the right flowed Lookout Creek, and from its right bank rises Lookout Mountain, an abrupt ridge, terminating on the north at the Tennessee River, near Chattanooga. On its summit could be distinctly seen the rebel signal flags, and after dark the colored lights from his signal station.
The command went into bivouac for the night in a wood near the station. At eleven o’clock P. M. the camp was startled by the sound of rapid musketry firing from the direction of the creek. Muskets were grasped and the men fell rapidly into line, but the firing soon ceased and quiet again reigned in the camp. Scarcelyan hour had passed when the stillness was again broken by the crash of musketry, the enemy having crossed Lookout Creek in heavy force for a night attack, and now encountering the picket-guard of the Twenty-ninth Regiment, posted in the direction of the bridge. About fifty feet from a farm house near by, was a fence, running at right angles with the railroad, and behind this, with the One Hundred and Eleventh on its right, the regiment took position, connecting on the left with the fragment of General Greene’s Brigade present.
The men were hardly in position when the pickets of the Twenty-ninth were driven, who reported the enemy’s strong lines advancing close upon them. Anxiously peering through the darkness, the long dusky lines were described moving slowly forward. “Steady, steady!” “Come out on the centre,” rang out from a rebel leader’s voice. “Forward,” he again commanded. The men, who had thus far lain for the most part upon the ground, could be restrained no longer, and opened a rapid fire.
The enemy answered and with a wild scream came rushing on, but their impetuosity was soon checked. Knap’s Battery was with the command, but for nearly ten minutes was the musketry fire kept up before it opened. Finally a bright flash, followed by a heavy explosion, gave assurance that this faithful ally was not wanting in the hour of peril. Nearer and nearer came the enemy, his fire being directed upon the battery, and his best efforts given to capturing it. Lieutenant Geary5 and many of the men were killed, and a large number of the horses killed or disabled, but the guns were steadfastly defended, the ground in the front being held bythe One Hundred and Ninth and One Hundred and Eleventh, the missiles flying over the heads of the men. Foiled in front, the enemy advanced upon the left, and gaining a position upon the flank, poured in a fire that was for a time very annoying, but here again he was met and driven; and now he advanced upon the right, taking shelter behind the railroad embankment. A few shots from Knap’s pieces, which had been moved across the track below, soon sent him flying in confusion. Matched at all points, after three hours of desperate conflict, he finally yielded the ground and betook himself to flight. The regiment lost in this engagement four killed and thirty wounded; Lieutenant James Glendening was among the killed.
It was soon after posted, with two other regiments of the brigade, upon a hill in front of, and to the right of Raccoon Mountain, facing Lookout, which it proceeded to fortify. Soon afterwards Captain Ralston, who had been sent to Philadelphia to bring in recruits and conscripts, returned; and was commissioned Lieutenant Colonel, Captain Gimber having in the meantime had command of the regiment. In the battle of Lookout Mountain, which occurred a month later, the regiment did not participate, being left as guard to the camp.
Early in January, 1864, it was ordered back to Bridgeport for guard duty. Soon after its arrival the regiment, almost to a man, re-enlisted for an additional term of three years, and on the 20th departed for Philadelphia for a veteran furlough. Returning in April as far as Louisville, it was ordered to Taylor Barracks, where it remained about three weeks, and received, in the meantime, new Springfield muskets. On the 29th of April it resumed the journey to the front, and re-joined the division on the 5th of May, forming part of the First Brigade, commanded by Colonel Buschbeck. Already had commenced the memorable Atlanta campaign, in which the fighting was kept up on some part of the line, almost uninterruptedly, until the fall of the city. At Resaca, on the 15th, the regiment came under fire, and in the operations in front of a four gun battery, before which a portion of the Fourteenth Corps had suffered a bloody repulse, was engaged until the enemy was routed and the guns captured. In the battle of Dallas the regiment was on the front line, where the men were obliged to take shelter behind trees and irregularities of ground to escape the enemy’s bullets-he being well protected in his breast-works, from which he kept up a deliberate and fearfully accurate fire-and suffered severely killed and wounded. At three P. M. on the 15th of June, the enemy having been pushed into his intrenchments at Pine Knob, the brigade was formed fora charge, the Seventy-third, One Hundred and Ninth Pennsylvania, and One Hundred and Nineteenth New York on the front line, supported by the Thirty-third New Jersey. At a steady pace and well ordered front, with inspiriting cheers, it moved upon the foe, covered by a heavy breast-work of logs and earth. His skirmishers were driven in, and when within range of his muskets he opened with an unerring fire. At the brow of the hill on which his works were situated the line halted, and dropping upon the ground, commenced throwing up some shelter. At five P. M. the One Hundred and Ninth was relieved, but during the two hours it had been under fire it had lost from its already thinned ranks forty-six in killed and wounded. A member of Company I had nineteen bullet and buck-shot marks upon his person, and yet survived his wounds. At Lost and Kennesaw mountains the regiment was kept constantly employed fortifying and advancing the lines as advantages were gained, the men suffering much from the severe labor, under a burning sun, and from the fire of the enemy’s skirmishers. In the battle of Peach Tree Creek, on the 20th of July, the regiment occupied a position on the right of the brigade line, next to Bundy’s, formerly Wheeler’s, Battery, and connecting with the left of the First Brigade. The impetuosity of the enemy’s attack had not been equaled during the campaign. The Thirty-third New Jersey, which was sent forward as skirmishers, was swept away by his first onset. The guns of Bundy’s Battery did fearful execution, and by them the fragment of the regiment which was left remained to the last, and until a complete victory was assured. Colonel Cobham, in command of the brigade, was killed.
The enemy soon after retired within the fortifications of the city and the siege commenced. Gradually and securely the lines were more closely drawn about it, and on the 2d of September it fell. With the victorious army under Sherman the regiment moved on the march to the sea, and on the 21st of December entered Savannah. Pausing for a month, Sherman again started northward, through the Carolinas, and on the 21st of March, 1865, after having met and defeated the enemy at Averysboro and Bentonville, reached Goldsboro.
Near the close of the month the regiment was consolidated with the One Hundred and Eleventh, the supernumerary officers being mustered out of service. On the 26th General Johnston surrendered to General Sherman, and the latter moved by rapid marches to the neighborhood of Washington, where, on the 19th of July, with the One Hundred and Eleventh, the command was finally mustered out of service.
1 Organization of Prince’s Brigade, Augur’s Division, Banks’ Corps. Battalions of Eighth and Tenth Regulars, Captain Pritchard; One Hundred and Eleventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel M. Schlaudecker; Third Regiment’ Maryland Volunteers, Colonel Stephen W. Downey; One Hundred and Ninth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Henry J. Stainrook.
2Moore’s Rebellion Record, Vol. V, page 327, Does.
3August E. Zeitter, M. D., who served in this regiment throughout the entire term of service, has prepared a volume devoted to its history, of some eight hundred manuscript pages, illustrated with numerous well executed maps, from which I have seen kindly permitted by the author to draw many of the facts contained in the above narrative.
4‘We awoke early on the 5th,” says Zeitter, “as we had on the three preceding mornings, and discovered that the foe had disappeared from our front. A number of us immediately sprang over the breast-works and descended the hill towards the creek. Before advancing many paces we came upon numberless forms clad in grey, either stark and stiff or else still weltering in their blood. It was the most sickening and horrible sight I had yet witnessed. Many of the dead bodies had lain here for twenty-four hours, and had turned to a purplish black, being greatly distended and emitting a horrible stench. Turning whichever way we chose the eye rested upon human forms, lying in all imaginable positions, some upon their backs, others upon their faces, and others still upon their knees, the body supported against a rock. Not a few were killed while in readiness to discharge their pieces, the bodies still in position. Some of them had erected a slight protection of stone against the front and right flank fire, yet the fatal bullet reached them even there.We were surprised at the accuracy, as well as the bloody results of our fire. It was indeed dreadful to witness. Further down the hill we found Major Leight, Assistant Adjutant General on Ewell’s staff, dead, as well as his horse, which lay partly upon him. One of the rebel wounded informed us that he had been killed while superintending one of the advances made against us during the night. We turned from the sickening spectacle of the dead to the wounded, of whom there were many, all helpless, those who could be having already been removed. To these we gave the contents of our canteens, their haver-sacks were better filled than our own, for they had good bacon and pork, which they had foraged from the farmers of the Cumberland Valley.”
5Lt. E. R. Geary of Knap’s Battery, son of General John White Geary.Source:Â Â Bates, Samuel P. History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-65, Harrisburg, 1868-1871.
Organized at Philadelphia March to May, 1862.
Moved to Washington, D.C., May 10; thence to Harper’s Ferry May 24, 1862.
Attached to 1st Brigade, Sigel’s Division, Dept. of the Shenandoah, to June, 1862.
1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 2nd Army Corps, Army of Virginia, to August, 1862.
2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 2nd Army Corps, Army of Virginia, to September, 1862.
2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 12th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to October, 1862.
3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 12th Army Corps, to January, 1863.
2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 12th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to October, 1863, and Army of the Cumberland to April, 1864.
2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 20th Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland, to March, 1865.
Defence of Harper’s Ferry, W. Va., May 24-30, 1862.
Operations in the Shenandoah Valley till August. Battle of Cedar Mountain August 9.
Pope’s Campaign in Northern Virginia August 16-September 2.
Guarding trains during Battles of Bull Run. Maryland Campaign September 6-22.
Battle of Antietam September 16-17 (Reserve).
Duty at Bolivar Heights till December.
Reconnoissance to Rippon, W. Va., November 9.
Reconnoissance to Winchester December 2-6.
March to Fredericksburg December 9-16.
Burnside’s 2nd Campaign, “Mud March,” January 20-24, 1863.
At Stafford Court House till April 27.
Chancellorsville Campaign April 27-May 6.
Battle of Chancellorsville May 1-5.
Gettysburg (Pa.) Campaign June 11-July 24.
Battle of Gettysburg July 1-3.
Pursuit of Lee July 5-24.
Duty near Raccoon Ford till September.
Movement to Bridgeport, Ala., September 24-October 3.
Reopening Tennessee River October 26-29.
Battle of Wauhatchie, Tenn., October 28-29.
Chattanooga-Ringgold Campaign November 23-27.
Lookout Mountain November 23-24.
Mission Ridge November 25.
Ringgold Gap, Taylor’s Ridge, Ga,, November 27.
Duty on Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad till April, 1864.
Atlanta (Ga.) Campaign May 1-September 8.
Demonstration on Rocky Faced Ridge May 8-11.
Battle of Resaca May 14-15.
Near Cassville May 19.
New Hope Church May 25.
Operations on line of Pumpkin Vine Creek and battles about Dallas, New Hope Church and Allatoona Hills May 25-June 5.
Operations about Marietta and against Kenesaw Mountain June 10-July 2.
Pine Hill June 11-14.
Lost Mountain June 15-17.
Gilgal or Golgotha Church June 15.
Muddy Creek June 17.
Noyes Creek June 19.
Kolb’s Farm June 22.
Assault on Kenesaw June 27.
Ruff’s Station or Smyrna Camp Ground July 4.
Chattahoochie River July 5-17.
Peach Tree Creek July 19-20.
Siege of Atlanta July 22-August 25.
Operations at Chattahoochie River Bridge August 26-September 2.
Occupation of Atlanta September 2-November 15.
Expedition to Tuckum’s Cross Roads October 26-29.
Near Atlanta November 9.
March to the sea November 15-December 10.
Siege of Savannah December 10-21.
Campaign of the Carolinas January to March, 1865.
Battle of Bentonville, N. C., March 19-21.
Consolidated with 111th Pennsylvania Infantry March 31, 1865.
Regiment lost during service:
3 Officers and 61 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and
71 Enlisted men by disease.
Total 135.Source:Â Â Dyer, Frederick H. A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion Compiled and Arranged from Official Records of the Federal and Confederate Armies, Reports of he Adjutant Generals of the Several States, the Army Registers, and Other Reliable Documents and Sources.Des Moines, Iowa: The Dyer Publishing Company, 1908