107th Regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteers
Company B
Name |
Rank |
Date of Muster |
Remarks |
Jas. Mac Thompson | Captain | February 20, 1862 | Promoted to Major, October 19, 1862 |
Jacob V. Gish | Captain | November 15, 1861 | Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lt., July 24, 1862; to Captain, January 5, 1863; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, February 18, 1864; discharged April 14, 1864 |
James Hemphill | Captain | November 15, 1861 | Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lt., January 5, 1863; to 1st Lt., April 17, 1863; to Captain, April 15, 1864; brevet Major, March 13, 1865; wounded at Petersburg, Va., June 17, 1864; discharged January 12, 1865, expiration of term |
Wm. R. Sturgeon | Captain | November 15, 1861 | Promoted from Sergeant to 2d Lt., April 28, 1863; to 1st Lt., April 13, 1864; to Captain, May 13, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865 |
T. H. N. M’Pherson | 1st. Lt. | January 25, 1862 | Resigned January 12, 1863 |
Aaron Treher | 1st. Lt. | May 8, 1863 | Promoted to 2d Lt., December 20, 1864; to 1st Lt., May 21, 1865; wounded at Dabney’s Mills, Va., February 6, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865 |
William Greff | 2d Lt. | February 20, 1862 | Resigned July 23, 1862 |
George Smith | 2d Lt. | January 25, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, January 31, 1862; to Sergeant, October 16, 1864; to 2d Lieut., May 27, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865; Vet |
David Noel | 1st Sergeant | January 9, 1862 | Prisoner from August 30, to December 8, 1862; promoted to Corporal, October, 18, 1864; to Sergeant, January 1, 1865; to 1st Sergeant, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865; Vet |
David W. Wagner | 1st Sergeant | January 25, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, July 25, 1862; to Sergeant; to 1st Sergeant, May 1, 1864; captured at Weldon R. R., Va., August 19, 1864; died at Salisbury, N. C., November 14, 1864; Vet |
Wm. A. Comers | Sergeant | February 19, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, October 16, 1864; to Sergeant, January 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865; Vet |
Samuel Sugars | Sergeant | February 8, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal; to Sergeant, April 1, 1862; discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, January 26, 1863 |
Abra’ml R. Kindig | Sergeant | April 4, 1862 | Wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862; promoted to Corporal, December 31, 1862; to Sergeant, May 16, 1863; died at Bealton Station, Va., November 21, 1863 |
John Kozier | Sergeant | February 27, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, July 24, 1862; to Sergeant, May 1, 1863; prisoner from August 30, to December 21, 1862; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863; died at Washington, D. C., August 5, of wounds, with loss of leg, received at Petersburg, Va., June 21, 1864; Vet |
Jos. R. M’Elhany | Sergeant | January 9, 1862 | Promoted to Sergeant, July 24, 1862; killed at Weldon Railroad, Va., August 19, 1864; buried in Poplar Grove National Cemetery, Petersburg, Va., division A, section D, grave, 31; Vet |
George C. Fraser | Sergeant | January 9, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, March 13, 1862; to Sergeant, May 1, 1863; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862, and at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863; captured at Weldon Railroad, Va., August 19, 1864; died at Salisbury. N. C., December 29, 1864; Vet |
Charles Fisher | Corporal | September 12, 1864 | Substitute; promoted to Corporal, January 1, 1865; wounded at Dabney’s Mills, Va., February 6, 1865; absent, in hospital, at muster out |
Peter Altmyer | Corporal | June 3, 1864 | Drafted; promoted to Corporal, January 1, 1865; missing in action at Dabney’s Mills, Va., February 6, 1865 |
Wm. H. Gilbert | Corporal | May 3, 1864 | Wounded in action, May 30, 1864; promoted to Corporal, May 6, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865 |
Benjamin Keck | Corporal | January 23, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, February 18, 1862 |
William Carr | Corporal | June 21, 1864 | Drafted; promoted to Corporal, January 1, 1865; wounded at Dabney’s Mills, Va., February 6, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865 |
James Kell | Corporal | January 9, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1864; prisoner from August 19, 1864, to June 2, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 20, 1865; Vet |
John M. Duff | Corporal | August 3, 1864 | Substitute; promoted to Corporal, February 6. 1865; discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865 |
Peter Pislee | Corporal | February 20, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, December 31, 1862; killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863 |
David Sugars | Corporal | February 22, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, July 24, 1862; died September 26, of wounds received at Antietam, Md., September 17, l862 |
Samuel Shuler | Musician | January 23, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865; Vet |
Samuel Dubbs | Musician | January 9, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, June 14, 1865 |
Albic, Joseph | Private | August 3, 1864 | Substitute; never joined Company |
Andrews, Peter | Private | January 8, 1862 | Discharged January 8, 1865, expiration of term |
Amne, Henry | Private | September 3, 1864 | Substitute; discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865 |
Burns, Isaac | Private | February 27, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865; Vet |
Burns, Andrew | Private | February 11, 1862 | Deserted January 4, 1864; returned January 5, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865; Vet |
Bice, Nicholas | Private | May 27, 1864 | Drafted; never joined Company |
Baker, Samuel | Private | June 8, 1864 | Drafted; mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865 |
Bire, Harmon | Private | October 6, 1864 | Substitute; mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865 |
Beaver, Levi J. | Private | June 18, 1864 | Drafted; mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865 |
Boshinger. Amos | Private | October 3, 1864 | Drafted; mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865 |
Brown, John | Private | July 20, 1864 | Substitute; never joined Company |
Brown, Philip | Private | January 4, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, May 10, 1862 |
Baker, John | Private | September 24, 1864 | Substitute; discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865 |
Blakeley, Daniel | Private | September 6, 1864 | Substitute; discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865 |
Bautz, John | Private | July 21, 1864 | Drafted; discharged by General Order, May 31, 1865 |
Burns, William S. | Private | January 9, 1862 | Discharged for promotion, May 10, 1863 |
Byers, William S. | Private | February 25, 1862 | Died near Culpepper Court House, Va., August 7, 1863 |
Bennett, Aros. | Private | January 9, 1862 | Deserted May 18, 1863 |
Brenner, John | Private | January 23, 1862 | Deserted February 23, 1864 |
Blidler, Joseph | Private | January 9, 1862 | Not on muster-out roll |
Cooper, Carry | Private | August 30, 1864 | Substitute; mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865 |
Cole, Daniel | Private | August 30, 1864 | Substitute; mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865 |
Corininan, Isaac | Private | July 17, 1863 | Drafted; deserted; returned August 20, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865 |
Campbell, John | Private | August 2, 1864 | Substitute; never joined Company |
Calumon. Lawson. | Private | January 9, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, February 16, 1863 |
Cole, Jacob D. | Private | September 6, 1864 | Substitute; discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865 |
Cresswell, William | Private | September 9, 1864 | Substitute; discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865 |
Castor, Benjamin | Private | September 1, 1864 | Substitute; discharged by General Order, June 7. 1865 |
Camleat, Julius | Private | August 21, 1864 | Substitute; discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865 |
Commers, Christian | Private | February 26, 1862 | Wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, October 7, 1863 |
Clark, Zachariah | Private | October 21, 1864 | Drafted; died at Alexandria, Va., May 15, 1865 |
Coll, John | Private | November 16, 1862 | Deserted July 6, 1863 |
Ditz, Noah | Private | October 5, 1864 | Substitute; mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865 |
Dottery, William | Private | February 27, 1862 | Missing in action at Dabney’s Mills, Va., February 6, 1865; Vet |
Davis, James | Private | August 5, 1864 | Substitute; never joined Company |
Deiter, William | Private | July 27, 1864 | Substitute; deserted; returned; mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865 |
Dadia, Alexander | Private | August 2, 1864 | Substitute; never joined Company |
Dice, Lewis | Private | January 23, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, October 1, 1862 |
Dice, John | Private | January 3, 1862 | Wounded at South Mountain, Md., September 14, 1862; discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, November i8. 1862 |
Deitrick, John | Private | August 9, 1864 | Substitute; wounded at Dabney’s Mills, Va., February 6, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865 |
Deaud, Samuel | Private | September ], 1864 | Substitute; discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865 |
Donzison, John | Private | September 4, 1864 | Substitute; discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865 |
Davis, Wilbur | Private | September 17, 1864 | Substitute; discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865 |
Davis, William H. | Private | January 9, 1862 | Transferred to Company B, date unknown |
Dever, Eli | Private | January 23, 1862 | Killed at Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864; Vet |
Eyler, Charles | Private | August 5, 1864 | Substitute; never joined company |
Easterlig,. Peter | Private | September 17, 1864 | Drafted; discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865 |
Ezer, Wesiey | Private | January 9, 1862 | Died at City Point, Va., June 23, of wounds received at Petersburg, June 18, 1864 |
Evans, Wilson | Private | July 5, 1864 | Deserted December, 1864; returned; discharged by General Order, May 18, 1865 |
Files, John M. | Private | August 5, 1864 | Substitute; never joined Company |
Finley, Hugh G. | Private | November 29, 1861 | Wounded at Fredericksburg. Va., December 13, 1862; missing in action at Weldon R. R., August 19, 1864; Vet |
Fish, Reuben | Private | January 3, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, March 8, 1863 |
Fry, George | Private | January 25, 1862 | Discharged May 4, 1865, for wounds, with loss of arm, received at Cold Harbor, Virginia, June 3, 1864; Vet |
Fry, John H. | Private | January 25, 1862 | Died at Mitchell’s Station, Va., February 14, 1864 |
Foulk, Charles | Private | January 23, 1862 | Wounded and captured at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863; died at Richmond, Va., January 2, 1865; burial record, January 22, 1864 |
Foust, William | Private | November 15, 1861 | Captured at Weldon Railroad, Va., August 19, 1864; died at Salisbury, N. C., January 2, 1865; Vet |
Fuche, Gottlieb | Private | January 30, 1864 | Substitute; deserted February 19, 1865 |
Gleason, Patrick | Private | June 8, 1864 | Drafted; mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865 |
Grimes, Joseph | Private | September 10, 1864 | Substitute; never joined Company |
Goshorn, Joseph B. | Private | February 6, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, October 23, 1862 |
Graham, Roland | Private | January 9, 1862 | Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, February 16, 1864 |
Grimes, Solomon | Private | January 9, 1862 | Deserted, date unknown; Vet |
Hutzell, Lester | Private | October 6, 1864 | Substitute; discharged by General Order, August 25, 1865 |
Hancock, William | Private | February 27, 1862 | Wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 8, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865 |
Harvard, George | Private | August 1, 1864 | Substitute; never joined Company |
Hoke, William | Private | August 2, 1864 | Substitute; never joined Company |
Hover, Augustus | Private | September 2-, 1862 | Killed at Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864 |
Hancock, Adam | Private | February 27, 1862 | Captured at Weldon Railroad, Va., August 19, 1864; died at Salisbury, N. C., December 25, 1864; Vet |
Hill, Martin C. | Private | January 9, 1862 | Deserted December 9, 1862 |
Henthorne, George | Private | January 25, 1862 | Captured at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863; died at Richmond, Va., October 15, 1863 |
Johnson, James | Private | March 27, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, July 11, 1865 |
Johnson, Joseph | Private | March 27, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865 |
Johnson, James | Private | August 20, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, November 29, 1862 |
Jeffers, Jesse | Private | January 9, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, January 14, 1862 |
Kurtz, Stephen | Private | October 1, 1864 | Substitute; mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865 |
Kurtz, John | Private | August 17, 1864 | Substitute; mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865 |
Kern, David | Private | January 23, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, August 16, 1862 |
Keller, Reuben | Private | January 23, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, November 28, 1862 |
Kauffman, John | Private | January 9, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, November 27, 1862 |
Kneffer, Henry S. | Private | February 20, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, April 29, 1862 |
Keiper, Henry | Private | September 20, 1864 | Drafted; discharged by General Order, May 18, 1865 |
Kling, Elisha B. | Private | January 9, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, November 26, 1863 |
Kauffnman, Lewis | Private | January 9, 1862 | Wounded at Bull Run, Va., August 30, 1862; prisoner from August 30, to December 8, 1862; captured at Weldon R. R., August 18, 1864; died at Salisbury, N. C., October 7, 1864; Vet |
Kindig, William A. | Private | April 5, 1862 | Died October 2, of wounds received at Antietam, Md., September 17, 1662 |
King, Samuel | Private | January 6, 1862 | Deserted December 29, 1862 |
Kissawoter, Henry | Private | January 23, 1862 | Deserted; date unknown |
Lumhart, William | Private | August 4, 1864 | Substitute; never joined Company |
Leach, James D. | Private | July 20, 1864 | Drafted; discharged by General Order, May 5, 1865 |
Losh, Daniel | Private | October 6, 1864 | Substitute; wounded at Dabney’s Mills, Virginia, February 6, 1865; discharged by General Order, May 18, 1865 |
Linn, George W. | Private | February 14, 1865 | Promoted to Hospital Steward, July 1, 1865 |
Loughery, John | Private | February 15, 1863 | Killed at Petersburg, Va., June 24, 1864 |
Myer, John E. | Private | January 10, 1864 | Drafted; mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865 |
Murray, John | Private | August 5, 1861 | Substitute; never joined Company |
Morran, Michael | Private | June 6, 1864 | Drafted; never joined Company |
Miller, George | Private | January 23, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, August 31, 1862 |
Mander, George | Private | January 23, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, February 26, 1863 |
Moore, Peter | Private | January 28, 1864 | Drafted; discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, December 22, 1864 |
Martin, Josiah | Private | October 6, 1864 | Substitute; wounded at Five Forks, Va., March 31, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 5,1865 |
Miller, John | Private | January 23, 1862 | Killed at Antietam, Md., September 17, 1862 |
M’Witty, John | Private | August 6, 1864 | Substitute; never joined Company |
M’Gowan, Harvey | Private | October 1, 1864 | Substitute; discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865 |
M’Garr, John | Private | January 9, 1862 | Deserted January 28, 1862 |
Naylor, Joseph | Private | August 3, 1864 | Substitute; never joined Company |
Nave, George | Private | January 9, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, June 21, 1862 |
Nave, William | Private | January 9, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, July 1, 1862 |
Noel, Charles | Private | January 9, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, June 12, 1862 |
Nie, Jesse | Private | February 14, 1862 | Wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, November 27, 1863 |
Obenderf, Michael | Private | September 12, 1864 | Substitute; never joined Company |
Pennell, Thomas | Private | January 25, 1862 | Died at Alexandria, Va., July 13, 1862; grave, 87 |
Quinn, Thomas | Private | August 5, 1864 | Substitute; never joined Company |
Rettick, Anthony | Private | June 13, 1861 | Drafted; mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865 |
Reifsnyder, Enos | Private | September 2, 1862 | Discharged July 11, to date July 1, l865 |
Reader, George N. | Private | February 27, 1862 | Wounded at Bull Run, Va., August 30, 1862; prisoner from August 30, 1862, to January 2, 1863; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863; mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865; Vet |
Runshaw, John L | Private | April 12, 1864 | Wounded in action, May 18, 1864; discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865 |
Riter, Abraham | Private | February 20, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, November 30, 1862 |
Ritter, Charles | Private | August 23, 1864 | Substitute; wounded at Five Forks, Va., March 31, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 21, 1865 |
Reinard, John | Private | January 23, 1862 | Discharged February 8, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862 |
Reinard, James | Private | February 20, 1862 | Discharged February 28, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862 |
Rockwell, John A. | Private | January 9, 1862 | Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, February 16, 1864 |
Ruppart, Gideon | Private | February 14, 1862 | Killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863 |
Ramer, Andrew | Private | January 30, 1862 | Wounded at Antietam, Md., September 17, 1862; captured at Weldon Railroad, Va., August 19, 1864; died at Salisbury, N. C., December 29, 1864; Vet |
Reinard, Adam | Private | January 23, 1862 | Deserted June 12, 1862 |
Shiree, Charles | Private | January 23, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, July 13, lS65; Vet |
Sixrever, Henry | Private | November 15, 1861 | Mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865; Vet |
Shirk, David | Private | January 9, 1862 | Wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863; prisoner from August 1, 1864, to May 23, 1865; absent, sick, at muster out; Vet |
Smith, Philip | Private | August 5, 1864 | Substitute; never joined Company |
Styles, Jonas | Private | July 29, 1864 | Substitute; never joined Company |
Shiree, Martin | Private | May 14, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, July 31, 1862 |
Shields, William | Private | January 9, 1862 | Discharged April 23, 1863, for wounds received at Bull Run, Va., August 30, 1862 |
Sophrell, Jacob | Private | September 13, 1864 | Substitute; discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865 |
Swover, Francis J. | Private | January 23, 1862 | Transferred to Company C, September 1, 1864; Vet |
Shuler, William | Private | January 23, 1862 | Promoted to Sergeant Major, January 1, 1863 |
Saylor, Matthias | Private | January 9, 1862 | Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862 |
Shirk, Solomon | Private | January 9, 1862 | Wounded at Antietam, Md., September 14, 1862; died July 4, of wounds received at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863 |
Sheeler, Tobias | Private | January 23, 1862 | Deserted June 12, lS62 |
Sugars, Alfred | Private | February 15, 1862 | Deserted February 19, 1864 |
Tallhelm, Simon J. | Private | September 17, 1862 | Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865 |
Visemiller, Philip | Private | June 6, 1864 | Drafted; mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865 |
Vanlooener, Albert | Private | September 30, 1864 | Drafted; never joined Company |
Vansheitz, Oscar H. | Private | January 23, 1862 | Discharged January 23, 1865, expiration of term |
Wilt, Henry M. | Private | August 29, 1864 | Drafted; mustered out with Company, July 13, 1865 |
Walter, John | Private | September 14, 1864 | Substitute; never joined Company |
Waldsmith, Conrad | Private | January 9, 1862 | Prisoner from August 19, 1864, to May 23, 1865; absent, sick, at muster out; Vet |
Westbrook, George | Private | August 2, 1864 | Substitute; never joined Company |
Welch, Thomas | Private | August 3, 1864 | Substitute; never joined Company |
Weaver, Tobias | Private | January 9, 1862 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, April 1, 1862 |
Wallace, Edw’d. D. | Private | January 23, 1862 | Discharged April 30, I865, expiration of term |
Watson, James A. | Private | January 9, 1862 | Promoted to Hospital Steward, February 26, 1864; Vet |
Young, John | Private | September 9, 1864 | Substitute; never joined Company |
Zairn, Adam | Private | September 2, 1862 | Wounded at Antietam, Md., September 17, 1862; deserted December 29, 1862 |
Source:Â Â Bates, Samuel P. History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-1865 , Harrisburg, 1868-1871.