Reports from
Deep Bottom, Va.
August 16 – 17, 1864
Colonel C. A. Craig Killed
Source: Brookville Republican, August 31, 1864
Courtesy of Patricia Steele
Deep Bottom, Va.
August 17, 1864Mr. Editor:
Enclosed I send you a list of the killed and wounded of the 105th, in the engagements of the 15th and 16th inst. The list is correct as far as it goes, but is necessarily incomplete. I will send you further particulars, shortly:
Col. Calvin A. Craig
William Shaffer, Company K
Bowersock, Isaac, Company A, bowels, mortalWounded
Captain Barr, Company B, left side of head, severe;
Corporal John R. D. Say, Company I, right side and thumb;
Corporal J. M. Dinsmore, Company E, right arm amputated;
2d Lieut. Judson J. Parsons, Company B, head severely;
James J. Keck, Company A, left arm severe;
Corporal Irwin R. Nichodemus, Company F, right ankle;
William R. Hawthorne, Company G, left arm;
James Scarbough, Company H, left arm amputated;
B. B. Briggs, Company H, right arm. severe;
William Wilson, Company C, right leg, severe;
John Dunkleburg, Company B, arm amputated
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Deep Bottom, Va.
August 16, 1864Dear Editor:
I take this method of announcing the death of the brave and gallant Colonel C. A. Craig. He fell this day at the head of the 2nd brigade, which he has been in command for some days. The whole Regiment mourn his loss. Col. Craig was one of the bravest officers in the army, and was much beloved by all who knew him, both as a companion and a brave soldier. The Regiment has met an irreparible loss in him, and the country one of its bravest defenders.
D. Ramsey Crawford
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Near Deep Bottom, Va.
August 17, 1864We have had some pretty severe fighting since we came here, and yesterday our Reg’t met with a loss which can never be replaced. Col. Craig while gallantly leading the Brigade into action was mortally wounded, and died this morning at 8 o’clock.
Col. Craig was a man who was beloved and respected by all who knew him; he was brave and generous, always had a kind word and pleasant smile for every one In his death the country has lost a devoted patriot–the service, a true and gallant Soldier, and the Regiment its friend and protector. He was commanding the Brigade at the time of his death, and when the news reached the regiment a gloom seemed to settle over all. Â Only the day before he was killed, Gen. Hancock gave him command of one of the most responsible positions on the line, and nobly did he carry out every order given him. O, God, that he could have been spared–it seems so hard that so noble a man must fall. O, cruel war what misery and sorrow thou art sowing throughout our land. Had the Colonel lived a short time he would have been awarded a star, for no Colonel in the Army stood higher in the estimation of his superior officers than did Col. Craig.
Capt. Barr was also dangerously, if not mortally wounded on the same day. Only two enlisted men of the Regiment were killed, one of the old men and a recruit; 28 were wounded, some mortally. Our Reynoldsville boys are all right. We were relieved from the front line this afternoon. Tilton Reynolds