105th Regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteers
From the Brookville Republican, January 27, 1864
The 105th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers has re-enlisted almost to a man for three years, and are now at home for the purpose of recruiting their thinned ranks. The regiment was raised by the late Colonel A. A. McKnight of Jefferson County, who fell while nobly leading a charge at the battle of Chancellorsville, May 3d, 1863. No regiment from the State has rendered more efficient service to the Government. It has participated in sixteen battles and skirmishes, in all of which it has had 674 men killed and wounded. There is not an officer in it who has not been wounded in some one of the battles. It is composed of the best material that Jefferson, Westmoreland and Allegheny counties could produce.
Quota Filled
We are informed by Mr. M. M. Meredith that the quota for the borough is almost filled, only two more recruits being needed. Had the efforts of a few citizens been seconded, as they should have been, by the Commissioners, the quota for the whole county would now be filled. We hope that some measures to save the county from a draft will yet be taken.
We believe that nearly of the men who have been recruited by Mr. Meredith have gone into the 105th. Capt. Barr has obtained quite a number of recruits,m and if the other officers are as successful, we can hope to see the old Regiment return again to the field with full ranks.
Synder Township is coming up nobly. We understand they will soon be prepared to offer a local bounty of $100.