Death in the 105th
Near Yorktown
Source: The Brookville Republican, July 7, 1862; reprinted July 23, 1908
Transcribed by Shirley Pierce
The correspondent of the New York Tribune, writing from near Yorktown, on the 28th, says:
“I have seen many forms of human suffering (only this afternoon I visited the hospital of Gen. Porter’s division in an upper room of which were men wounded with shot, shell and rifle ball, one through the body, just above the heart) but I have been seldom more affected than by what I beheld this morning. Not six yards from where I write a private in the 105th Pennsylvania, named Sweitzer, from Indiana, Pa., was brought in, pulseless, dying. He had been very imprudent, bathing in the stream adjacent to his camp, only yesterday, on a dull, cold morning, thinking, with his youth and health, he might venture anything. “It is hard, Captain,” he said, as he lay on his hard bed of hay, to the kind officer who, with tears in his eyes, knelt beside him, “to have to die like this, when one came to die for one’s country.” And again, “Tell my mother I died before Yorktown. I should like to have my body sent to her. I wish if it can be done, you would promise me that.” I could not bear to see the end of it. Reader, happily away from such scenes, think of what a life the soldier’s is, and let the name move your pity, your love, honor and gratitude. (The young soldier’s name was James Stewart Sweitzer, and he belonged to Co. K, Captain A. C. Thompson. Editor.)
We are pained to learn that Samuel Geist, a private in Co. G, 105th regiment, Pa. Vols., died the 28th ult. at the camp near Yorktown, Va., of spotted congestive fever. Mr. Geist was a young man, and was from Beaver township, this county. He has fallen in his country’s cause. May he rest in peace.