in the 105th Pennsylvania Volunteers
at Auburn, Va.
October 13, 1863
Source:Â Brookville Republican, October 28 and November 4, 1863
Courtesy of Patricia Steele
In the battle of Auburn, Va., on the 13th inst., we take the following list of casualties in the 105th, from the Pittsburgh Commerical:
Killed: David P. Neil, Company C
Wounded: Capt. J. C. Consor, Company H, severely in shoulder
Lieut. James Miller, Company K, severely in knee
Caleb L. Giles, Company K, severely in neck
Chauncey A. Shaffer, slightly in leg
Corp. Peters, Company G, slightly.
The regiment were acting as skirmishers, and were attacked by those of the enemy when passing through Auburn. The regiment never wavered, not even halting; but moved forward loading and firing as they went, until reinforced by the rest of the Division, when the enemy were dispersed. No regiment in the service can show a better, prouder record than our own noble 105th. They were the favorite regiment of the gallant Kearny, and are equally so with their present commander, Gen. Birney, who is sure to call upon the 105th, when he wants a regiment to undertake a perilous or important expedition. He says he knows he can depend on it.
As a chance is now given to Volunteers, we hope to soon hear that the thinned ranks of this good old regiment are filled up. Those of our young men who wish to take part in the finishing up of the Rebellion, can not enlist in a better regiment; and then by so doing they will have a chance of serving under good officers, and in the company of their acquaintances and associates.