99th Regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteers
This regiment was recruited through the agency of Thomas W. Sweeney and William P. Seymour, who had received the requisite authority from the War Department, under date of July 20th, 1861, with the title of the Thirty-second Regiment. On the 8th of August, when only three companies had been recruited and mustered in, it was ordered to Washington, under the command of Romaine Lujeane, an Italian, who had been recommended for the position of Colonel by Messrs. Sweeney and Seymour, he being supposed to possess superior military experience.
After remaining a few weeks in the city, the three companies were ordered to join General Jameson’s Brigade, of Heintzelman’s Division, in camp near Alexandria. Additional companies were recruited and sent forward from Philadelphia, from time to time, and in February 1862, two companies from the Sixty-sixth Regiment, at that time disbanded, were assigned to it, bringing it up to the full strength of a regiment. The men were almost exclusively from the city of Philadelphia, and many of them had served in the three months’ campaign, in the Twenty-second Regiment.
On the 7th of November, 1861, Romaine Lujeane, who had been mustered as Lieutenant Colonel, resigned, and Thomas W. Sweeney was commissioned Colonel; William P. Seymour, Lieutenant Colonel; and Asher S. Leidy, Major.
While in camp near Alexandria, it was engaged in building forts, and in drill and picket duty. On the 19th of February it was ordered back to Washington, and was assigned to garrison duty. It went into camp near Burning Bridge, and garrisoned Forts Mahon, Meigs, Davis, and Baker. Colonel Sweeney, who had resigned towards the close of January, was succeeded by Peter Fritz, and Lieutenant Colonel Seymour, who had also resigned, by Major Leidy, Captain Henry A. Read being appointed Major. The number was also changed from the Thirty-second to the Ninety-ninth.
On the 3d of April, by General Order from Headquarters of the Department of Washington, Colonel Fritz was placed in command of ten forts on the east side of the Anna costa River, stretching from Burning Bridge to opposite Alexandria. The garrisons of these forts were constituted as follows:
- Company K, Captain John W. Moore, Fort Meigs;
- Company C, Captain William J. Uhler, Fort Davis;
- Company B, Captain Peter Fritz, Jr., Fort Baker;
- Company I, Captain John J. Carberry, Fort Ricketts;
- Company A, Captain James Cross, Fort Stanton;
- Company H, Lieutenant Isaac H. Seesholtz, Fort Wagner;
- Company D, Captain Adam Schuh, Fort Carrol;
- Company G, Captain Albanus H. Snyder, Fort Du Pont;
- Company F, Captain Albert H. Wright, Fort Greble;
- Company E, Captain John W. Holbrook, Fort Baker, where the headquarters were established.
On the 10th of June, Colonel Fritz resigned, and Lieutenant Colonel Leidy was promoted to succeed him.
1862 The Peninsula Campaign
On the 29th of June the regiment was ordered to the Peninsula, to join the army of the Potomac. It reached Harrison’s Landing, where the army was in camp, on the 4th of July, and was assigned to the Second Brigade, First Division, Third Corps. It was immediately placed on duty in the trenches and on picket.
While here, Adjutant Edward E. Biles was appointed, by General Kearny, Lieutenant Colonel, to date from July 1st. Remaining here until the middle of August-the army having been ordered to evacuate the Peninsula-it moved with the corps, passing through Orkney, Williamsburg, and Yorktown, and proceeded by transport to Acquia Creek. The commands of Hooker and Kearny were the first to arrive, and were ordered to march immediately to Alexandria, where they arrived on the 23d of August.
1862 Manassas Junction
Taking cars, these troops proceeded to Catlett’s Station, with the intent of joining General Pope’s command. But when the brigade had arrived in the neighborhood of Warrenton Junction, on the morning of the 27th, it was ordered to move with all possible dispatch to the support of Hooker’s Division, which was engaging the corps of Stonewall Jackson near Manassas Junction. After a sharp action the enemy was driven, and the divisions were ordered to form a junction with Pope at Bull Run. A hard march of over twenty miles brought the regiment to the battle-ground at Groveton at eight P. M. The battle opened on its front at seven on the following morning, and was kept up through the entire day, without advantage to the Union side.
On the 29th the battle line was three times changed, and at night the army fell back towards Centreville. The loss in the regiment, in the three days’ fighting, was three killed and ten wounded. At three P. M. of the 1st of September, while on the march, the regiment was arrested by heavy firing to the left of it, and was at once formed in battle-line by General Kearny. Moving through the wood to the left, it went to the support of General Reno’s Division, who had fallen in with Jackson, near Chantilly. Darkness soon put an end to the conflict, and in the morning it was found that the enemy had withdrawn. General Kearny was killed. He was greatly beloved and sincerely mourned by all in his command.
Returning to Alexandria it rested until the 13th, when it moved into Maryland, and reached Rockville on the 16th. Being in rear of the army it was not engaged in either the battle at South Mountain or Antietam. On the 19th it was ordered to guard the line of the Potomac, from Weeden’s Ford to the Monocacy Aqueduct, and subsequently from Edwards’ Ferry to the aqueduct.
On the 28th of October, with the rest of the army, it re-crossed the Potomac. Beyond light skirmishing and long and wearisome marches, the regiment was not engaged until the battle of Fredericksburg.
1862 Battle of Fredericksburg
At eight A. M., on the 13th of December, it crossed the Rappahannock at the lower bridges, and was ordered to the support of Randolph’s Battery, First Rhode Island; at two P. M., it was relieved from this service and led into action. For five hours the fighting was desperate, the brigade holding its position, and resting at night on the field. At four A. M. it was relieved by a regiment of the Excelsior Brigade, of Hooker’s Division. It remained on the field until two A. M. of the 16th, when, with the rest of the army, it went back to camp. In the action it lost six men killed, and five officers and forty-nine men wounded. Colonel Leidy was among the wounded.
On the 20th of January, 1863, it moved at seven A. M. on Burnside’s second campaign, and halted near United States Ford for the pontoon train to come up. Finally it was ordered back to assist in bringing it up, but found it fast in the mud, and on the 23d, the campaign having been abandoned, it returned to camp.
On the 28th, the army Finder command of General Hooker being about to move on the Chancellorsville campaign, the regiment marched with the brigade to Port Royal, seven miles below Fredericksburg, where it remained until the 30th, for the purpose of drawing the attention of the enemy from the real point of crossing, which was to be several miles above.
1863 Chancellorsville
The main body safely over, it started on the 30th on a forced march for Chancellorsville, which it reached on the 1st of May, and was immediately put to intrenching. Birney’s Division, of the Third Corps, which was intended as a reserve, was thrown out to the right between the Eleventh and Twelfth Corps, and was finally ordered forward upon the right centre, striking the rear of Jackson’s rebel column, and taking some prisoners.
When the Eleventh Corps was attacked on flank and rear by Jackson, and routed and driven in towards Chancellorsville, Birney, in his advanced position, was flanked and cut off. But it was now night, and the rebel headlong advance had been stayed by the artillery of Pleasanton. At eleven P. M., Sickles ordered Birney to charge and cut his way back to the main line. The Ninety-ninth was on the right of the first line of battle. It was the grand moonlight charge of Kearny’s old division, and it swept the enemy back over the ground where Jackson received his mortal wound, and recovered lost guns and caissons, and a portion of the abandoned field.
In the morning General Hooker decided to take up a, new line nearer the river, where his forces would be more concentrated, and the commanding ground, which had been gained at a fearful cost, had to be abandoned. Birney’s Division held the rear and retired facing the foe, who pursued closely and kept up a vigorous fire. D’uring the entire day the fighting was severe and little interrupted. During the two succeeding days the skirmishing was brisk. On the morning of the 6th, the command was withdrawn across the river, and the regiment returned to its former camp.
1863 Gettysburg Campaign
Here it remained engaged in guard and picket duty until the 11th of June, when it entered upon the Pennsylvania campaign, and on the evening of the 30th, arrived at Emmettsbarg, Maryland. On the 1st of July firing was heard to the north, and though Sickles had been ordered to move to a position on Pipe Creek, he decided to be guided by the sound of the enemy’s cannon, and at three P. M. commenced. the march towards Gettysburg.
At nine P. M. he arrived upon the field by the Emmettsburg Road, and bivouacked for the night in the fields to the right of it. At eight A. M. on the 2d, the line of battle was formed, looking towards the Blue Ridge; but at two P. M., the enemy demonstrating in force upon the left, Ward’s Brigade was moved to the extreme left of the corps, and formed at right angles to the general line of battle, the Ninety-ninth occupying the extreme left of the brigade in the open field facing the Devil’s Den, and but a short distance from it.
While forming, Major Moore, who was in command, was wounded and taken from the field, and Captain Peter Fritz, Jr., succeeded him. The regiment was hardly in position when the storm of battle burst upon it, and raged with a fury scarcely paralleled. The earnest fighting first opened upon the front of this brigade, and swept on from left to right, until the whole front of the corps was enveloped. With but a slight stone breastwork, scarcely eighteen inches in height, for protection, the regiment held its ground without faltering until half past four, when it was relieved by a force of regulars of the Fifth Corps, and retired, leaving half its number killed and wounded on the field. For its gallantry in holding its position it received the thanks of Generals Ward and Birney, and Captain Fritz was recommended for promotion.
The regiment remained during the morning of the 3d in the third line of battle in the same position which it had held on the previous day, and Major Moore, who had now returned, resumed command. Immediately after the fearful cannonade of the afternoon, and when the flower of the rebel army was led to the last desperate charge, the Ninety-ninth was moved to the support of the Second Corps, and followed it as far as the Emmettsburg Pike, where it remained during the night and all day of the 4th.
On the morning of the 5th it was relieved, and fell back to the wood in the rear, the enemy having retired and being now in full retreat. In this battle Lieutenant John R. Nice was killed, and five other officers were wounded. The regiment joined in the pursuit, passing through Emmettsburg and Keedysville, and formed in battle-line near Funkstown at two A. M. on the 12th. Before preparations were completed for delivering a general battle the enemy escaped across the river, and the campaign was ended.
Crossing the Potomac on the 17th, the regiment moved on south with the army, engaging the enemy at Wapping Heights on the 23d, having three wounded, and halted on the 26th at Hedgeman’s River, near the Warrenton Sulphur Springs, where it remained in camp and on picket until the 10th of October. In the retrograde movement of the army which then commenced, the regiment joined, and in the skirmish at Auburn, on the 12th, lost two wounded, reaching Fairfax Station, the limit of the movement, at night of the 15th.
After a halt of three days it again took up the line of advance, and upon its arrival at Catlett’s Station, was ordered to picket duty, where it remained several days. On the 7th of November the Ninety-ninth Pennsylvania, the Fortieth New York, and Twentieth Indiana were ordered to cross the Rappahannock at Kelly’s Ford, and dislodge the enemy from the opposite shore. The stream was forded in five feet of water, and covering the ridge in front, they succeeded in capturing four hundred prisoners, and opening the way for the advance of the army to Mine Run. The Ninety-ninth lost one killed and seven wounded, Lieutenant Abraham Setley being among the wounded.
1863 Battle of Mine Run
On the afternoon of the 27th, the regiment reached the front at Orange Farm, and formed line of battle, relieving the One Hundred and Twenty-fourth New York. It lost during the night seven wounded. On the following day it reached the enemy’s works at Mine Run and was deployed as skirmishers, capturing forty of the enemy and losing five wounded. Falling back and re-forming, the brigade again advanced, and when within fifty yards of the enemy’s lines threw up breast-works and held the position with small loss, until it was decided to withdraw the army without delivering battle. The regiment then retired, and at Brandy Station went into winter-quarters.1
Early in February, 1864, a large proportion of the men re-enlisted and were given a furlough. They returned to Philadelphia, where recruiting was actively prosecuted, and at the end of the furlough, on the 30th of March, reported at Chester Barracks, from whence two days later they proceeded to the front, reaching the old quarters at Brandy Station on the 7th.
In the meantime the Third Corps had been broken up, and the old Kearny, Birney Division, had been transferred to the Second Corps, now known as the Third Division, and the Second Brigade, to which the Ninety-ninth had been attached, had been changed to the First, General Ward being still in command of it.
Upon the retirement of Colonel Leidy from the command of the regiment on the 9th of April, Lieutenant Colonel Biles was commissioned Colonel, and Major Moore, Lieutenant Colonel.
1864 Wilderness Campaign
The regiment moved from camp on the spring campaign, under Grant, at evening on the 3d of May, and at four o’clock P. M. of the 5th, met the enemy in the Wilderness. It occupied a position on the extreme left of the division, and mainainined its ground during the entire night. Captain Fritz was severely wounded, but remained with his command. At daylight on the morning of the 6th, it advanced with the brigade, the Third Maine and the Fortieth New York having been changed to its left. The First Division of the corps was forced back, and after a severe struggle of two hours the Third also retired to the breast-works at the Brock Road, where at four in the afternoon Longstreet, who was following up this retrograde movement, was checked, and finally driven with great slaughter. The loss in the engagement was seventy-one killed and wounded. Lieutenant Christopher Smith was among the killed.
In a circular issued by General Birney at seven in the evening, the Ninety-ninth Pennsylvania and the Twentieth Indiana were specially thanked for their gallantry in the battle, these two regiments having maintained their position after the entire line beside had been driven back.
Remaining behind the breast-works until five P..M. of the 7th, it was with the rest of the brigade ordered to Chancellorsville to protect the train, but returned at eleven. On the following morning it moved with the army south, the enemy being unwilling to come out from his works, and at eleven arrived at Todd’s Tavern, where it took position in battle line, the left resting on the Spottsylvania Court House Road, and threw up breast-works. On the afternoon of the 9th, with the Twentieth Indiana and One Hundred and Twenty-fourth New York, it crossed the Ny River as division skirmishers.
On the morning of the 10th, with the Twentieth and a section of artillery, under the immediate command of General Birney, it crossed the Po River on a reconnoissance, and upon its return was sent to the assistance of General Barlow’s Division, which had crossed below and was employed in throwing up breastworks. The part which the regiment bore in the charge of the Second Corps, on the 12th of May, is briefly told in the following extract from the report of the action:
‘” At half past two A. M. of the 12th, we arrived in rear of Spottsylvania Court House, our regiment being on the right of the brigade of the first line of battle. At half past three we advanced at quick time until we reached the enemy’s skirmishers, when we charged upon the run. The men poured into the breast-works and advanced along them to the right, the enemy paralyzed by the suddenness of the blow. Two battle flags and two pieces of artillery were captured by the Ninety-ninth, and we claim a fair share of the seven thousand prisoners taken n that memorable morning. As we advanced upon the enemy’s second line, Captain Louis F. Waters and Lieutenant Henry S. Zeisert fell mortally wounded, and Colonel Biles, pierced with five wounds, was carried from the field.”
The command then devolved on Captain Fritz, who held his position in the enemy’s second line for half an hour, when he was forced to fall back to the first, and being himself severely wounded, was succeeded by Lieutenant Thomas A. Kelly, and shortly after by Captain Uhier, there being but four officers and sixty men left out of the three hundred and twenty-five who had crossed the Rapidan.
Great losses had been sustained and but little advantage gained by the army; but the determination to go forward was unwavering. Intrenching, manoeuvring, and fighting until the 17th without any substantial success, at ten P. M. of that day, the Ninety-ninth and Twentieth Indiana were ordered to carry the enemy’s second line, which had been temporarily occupied on the 12th. This was successfully accomplished before morning.
On the following day Lieutenant Colonel Moore, who had been in command of the Seventeenth Maine, returned and resumed command of the regiment, and with the brigade moved to meet the enemy who had attacked the trains. At day-light of the 20th the line again advanced and captured several hundred prisoners. At the Matapony and the North Anna, the enemy was met and driven, and on the 28th the regiment crossed the Pamunky.
On the following day the veterans and recruits of the Twenty-sixth regiment were assigned to the Ninety-ninth. Lieutenant Colonel Moore, on account of sickness, was sent to hospital, and the command again devolved on Captain Uhler.
1864 Before Petersburg
On the 14th of June the brigade crossed the James, and moving up, joined in the operations before Petersburg, which were prosecuted with vigor, with considerable loss in killed and wounded, embracing Lieutenants Isidor Hirsch and Matthew N. Heiskill among the killed.
Deep Bottom
On the 26th of July, with the corps, it crossed the Appomattox and the James, and proceeded to Deep Bottom, where the Ninety-ninth and One Hundred and Tenth, both under command of Colonel Biles, were ordered to reconnoitre the woods in front of the lines. As they advanced, the enemy opened fire, and when they had reached the edge of the woods they were deployed as skirmishers. They were exposed to a heavy fire from the infantry in front, and a hot shelling from a battery of twenty-pounder Parrott guns on the left, but steadily held their position and soon drove the enemy from their front. The First Division having captured the battery, which had proved very annoying, the line was ordered to move forward, and a picket line was established by the command upon the road at the extreme point of the advance. On the evening of the 28th these regiments were relieved and ordered to the rear.
Upon the return of the corps to the lines before Petersburg, General Hancock, in command, issued a congratulatory order, in which he said,
” While all the troops who kept their ranks and sustained the arduous marches are deserving of praise, the following organizations seem to merit particular mention: * * * * and the skirmish line of General Mott’s Division, General De Trobriand’s Brigade, particularly the Ninety-ninth and One Hundred and Tenth Pennsylvania Volunteers, under the command of Colonel E. Biles, for good conduct and bravery in the severe action on the right of the battery.”
On the 12th of August the regiment moved with the corps on a second demonstration upon the enemy’s lines at Deep Bottom. The regiment was immediately deployed as skirmishers, and crossing the breast-works at ten A. M. of the 14th, thrown up by the division in its former operations, advanced at double quick towards the enemy’s entrenchments, and succeeded in establishing a skirmish line. At three in the afternoon it again advanced under a heavy fire, and halted within seven hundred yards of the enemy’s works, driving his skirmishers and capturing seventy-five prisoners. Here it remained during the night, and early on the following morning was saluted by a rapid fire. At nine A. M. it was relieved. Captain Tomlinson was severely wounded. Colonel Biles was wounded, but remained upon the field, and eleven men were more or less severely wounded.
On the 18th the division was detached and ordered to report for special duty to General Meade, in front of Petersburg, and upon its arrival relieved a division of the Ninth Corps on the front line of works, the regiment being stationed on the right of Fort Rice.
On the 9th of September Colonel Biles, in command of his own, the Twenty-second Indiana, and the Second United States Sharpshooters, moved out to the left, and deploying in front of Fort Hell, by means of sap-tools, succeeded in establishing a new line of pits, one Hundred yards in advance of the old line. At eleven in the evening Major Fritz, in command of the Ninety-ninth, in obedience to a signal from Colonel Biles, advanced by the flank from the woods on the left of the Jerusalem Plank Road and captured two hundred prisoners, maintaining his position until day dawned. The Seventeenth Maine, which connected with the regiment on the right, was driven back, leaving a gap in the line of one hundred yards. Seeing this, Major Fritz ordered his regiment to fall back to the line of pits dug during the night. In executing this hazardous movement Captain Kelly and fifty-two men were taken prisoners, Lieutenant Ellsler was killed, and ten men wounded.
A special order from General Hancock, upon this exploit, contained the following complimentary sentiments:
“The Major General commanding takes great pleasure in expressing his gratification with the good conduct of the troops engaged in the successful affair of the morning of the 10th inst., resulting in the dislodgement and capture of a considerable portion of the enemy’s picket line which had for a long time been in too close proximity to our lines. The troops immediately engaged were the Ninety-ninth Pennsylvania, the Twentieth Indiana, and Second United States Sharpshooters, under command of Colonel E. R. Biles. The officers and men remaining amongst the enemy’s pickets during the following day, refusing to surrender, and returning to their command at night when the new lines were established, are thought worthy of particular mention.”
On the evening of the 1st of October the regiment proceeded by rail to Yellow House, and thence marched to the extreme left of the lines at Poplar Grove Church, where it had sharp skirmishing, and at evening fell back to Peeble’s House, having lost during the day ten men wounded. On the 2d it again advanced and was all day engaged in skirmishing. On the 5th it returned to its former position, and Colonel Biles, with four regiments, was ordered to the occupation of a portion of the line, the Ninety-ninth, Lieutenant Colonel Fritz in command, at Fort Hell, the One Hundred and Tenth Pennsylvania at Batteries 20 and 21, the Seventy-third New York at Fort Sedgwick, and the Eighty-sixth New York in reserve. The regiment remained in this position until October 23d, when it moved out to the Boydton Plank Road, Colonel Biles in command of the brigade, where it was warmly engaged, losing ten men killed, and Captain Bonnaffon and Lieutenants Robinson and Potts, and twenty-three ,men, wounded.
Upon its return, the regiment re-occupied Fort Hell, where it remained until the 30th of November, when it again proceeded to the extreme left, and was employed in picketing the line. On the 7th of December it joined in the expedition upon the Weldon Railroad, and after passing Jarrett’s Station commenced the destruction of the road, which was continued a distance of two miles beyond Bellefield.
This work accomplished, the regiment returned and went into winter-quarters in front of Fort Seibert, near the Vaughan Road. In the affair at Hatcher’s Run early in February, 1865, it was engaged, losing twelve men wounded. From the 3d of February to the 25th of March, it was engaged in picket duty along the Vaughan Road. On the morning of the latter day it moved at four in the morning, and crossing Hatcher’s Run, engaged the enemy beyond the Davis House, where Colonel Biles and sixteen men were wounded. On the 26th five hundred drafted men were assigned to the regiment.
Five Forks, Sailor’s Creek, and Appomattox
On the 28th the general advance of the army commenced, and on the 5th of April the corps came up with the enemy at Five Forks, where a severe battle was fought, and on the 6th at Sailor’s Creek it was again engaged, the Ninety-ninth losing Lieutenants Ayars and Clifton wounded, the latter mortally. Following up the retreating foe, he was again encountered on the 8th near Appomattox Court House, where the regiment lost seventy-six men killed and wounded.
On the following day, amid shouts of joy and waving of flags, the announcement was made that the rebel army had surrendered. Under command of Lieutenant Colonel Fritz, the regiment returned by easy marches to Richmond, where it was reviewed by General Meade, and thence to the neighborhood of Washington.
On the 23d of May it participated in the grand review at the Capital, and on the 1st of July was mustered out of service.
1 While in quarters at Brandy Station, George W. Bullock, Esq., of Philadelphia, presented to every officer and man in the regiment, for the second time in its term of service, a pair of woollen gloves. He had previously presented to ten men in each regiment in the Division, who should be reported to him by their officers as having particularly distinguished themselves, a Birney medal. The following are the names of the men who received it in the Ninety-ninth:
- Private Broley and Sergeant Thomas, of company B;
- Sergeant Davis, of company G;
- Corporal Casey, of company K;
- Sergeant Taylor, of company H;
- Sergeant Murray and private Henry Landis, of company A;
- Sergeant Adolphus Garrison, of company C;
- Private Stephen M’Gowan, of company E, and
- Sergeant J. Wesley Chew, of company I.
Source:Â Â Bates, Samuel P. History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-65, Harrisburg, 1868-1871.
Organization: Organized at Philadelphia as 32nd Pennsylvania Volunteers July 26, 1861, to January 18, 1862.
Three Companies moved to Washington, D. C, August 8, 1861.
Attached to Defences of Washington, D.C., to October, 1861.
Jameson’s Brigade, Heintzelman’s Division, Army Potomac, to February, 1862.
Military District of Washington to June, 1862.
3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 3rd Army Corps, Army Potomac, to August, 1863.
3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 3rd Army Corps, to December, 1862.
2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 3rd Army Corps, to August, 1868.
3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 3rd Army Corps, to October, 1863.
2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 3rd Army Corps, to March, 1864.
1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 2nd Army Corps, to July, 1865.Service:
Duty in the Defences of Washington, D. C., till June 29, 1862.
Moved to Harrison’s Landing June 29-July 4, and duty there till August 16.
Movement to Fortress Monroe, thence to Centreville August 16-26.
Pope’s Campaign in Northern Virginia August 26-September 2.
Battles of Groveton August 29; Bull Run August 30; Chantilly September 1.
Duty in the Defences of Washington, D.C., and outpost picket duty till October.
White’s Ford, Md., October 12.
Movement up the Potomac to Leesburg, thence to Falmouth, Va., October 11-November 19.
Battle of Fredericksburg December 12-15.
Burnside’s 2nd Campaign, “Mud March,” January 20-24, 1863.
At Falmouth till April.
Chancellorsville Campaign April 27-May 6.
Battle of Chancellorsville May 1-5.
Gettysburg (Pa.) Campaign June 11-July 24.
Battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3.
Pursuit of Lee July 5-24.
Wapping Heights, Va., July 23.
Duty on line of the Rappahannock till October.
Bristoe Campaign October 9-22.
Auburn October 13.
Advance to line of the Rappahannock November 7-8.
Kelly’s Ford November 7.
Mine Run Campaign November 26-December 2.
Payne’s Farm November 27.
Demonstration on the Rapidan February 6-7, 1864.
Duty near Brandy Station till May.
Rapidan Campaign May 4-June 12.
Battles of the Wilderness May 5-7; Laurel Hill May 8; Spottsylvania May 8-12; Po River May 10; Spottsylvania C. H. May 12-21.
Assault on the Salient May 12.
Harris Farm, Fredericksburg Road May 19.
North Anna River May 23-26.
On line of the Pamunkey May 26-28.
Totopotomoy May 28-31.
Cold Harbor June 1-12.
Before Petersburg June 16-18.
Siege of Petersburg June 16, 1864, to April 2, 1865.
Jerusalem Plank Road June 21-23, 1864.
Demonstration on north side of the James at Deep Bottom July 27-29.
Deep Bottom July 27-28.
Mine Explosion, Petersburg, July 30 (Reserve).
Demonstration on north side of the James at Deep Bottom August 13-18.
Strawberry Plains, Deep Bottom, August 14-18.
Poplar Springs Church September 29-October 2.
Boydton Plank Road, Hatcher’s Run, October 27-28.
Raid on Weldon Railroad December 7-12.
Dabney’s Mills, Hatcher’s Run, February 5-7, 1865.
Watkins’ House, Petersburg, March 25.
Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9.
Crow’s House March 31.
Fall of Petersburg April 2.
Sailor’s Creek April 6.
High Bridge, Farmville, April 7.
Appomattox C. H. April 9.
Surrender of Lee and his army.
At Burkesville till May 2.
March to Washington, D.C., May 2-12.
Grand Review May 23.
Mustered out July 1, 1865.Losses:
Regiment lost during service 9 Officers and 113 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 112 Enlisted men by disease. Total 235.
Source:Â Â Dyer, Frederick H. A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion Compiled and Arranged from Official Records of the Federal and Confederate Armies, Reports of he Adjutant Generals of the Several States, the Army Registers, and Other Reliable Documents and Sources. Des Moines, Iowa: The Dyer Publishing Company, 1908