78th Regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteers
Field and Staff Officers
Name |
Rank |
Date of Muster |
Term/ |
Remarks |
William Sirwell | Colonel | October 12, 1861 | Resigned November 17, 1863; re-commissioned March 9, 1864; discharged November 4, 1864; expiration of term | |
August B. Bonnaffon | Colonel | September 17, 1861 | Promoted from Major to Lt. Colonel, July 25, 1864; to Colonel, March 26, 1865; discharged December. 14, 1865 | |
Archibald Blakeley | Lt. Colonel | September 17, 1861 | Resigned April 8, 1864 | |
Henry W. Torbett | Lt. Colonel | September 10, 1861 | Promoted from Captain Company A, March 26, 1865; mustered out with Regiment, September 11, 1865 | |
Robert M. Smith | Major | September 11, 1861 | Promoted from Captain Company B, March 15, 1865; mustered out with Regiment, September 11, 1865 | |
Joseph W. Powell | Adjutant | October 18, 1861 | Discharged November 4, 1864; expiration of term | |
Abram W. Smith | Adjutant | April 29, 1865 | Absent, with leave, at muster out | |
Adam Lowry | Quarter Master | October 18, 1861 | Died at Chattanooga, Tenn., September 28, 1863 | |
Thos. G. Blakeley | Quarter Master | October 12, 1861 | Promoted from Hospital Steward, November 1, 1863; discharged November 4, 1864; expiration of term | |
William B. M’Cue | Quarter Master | February 29, 1864 | Promoted from 1st Lieutenant Company A, December 4, 1864; mustered out with Regiment, September 11, 1865 | |
John I. Marks | Surgeon | October 15, 1861 | Resigned August 30, 1862 | |
John M’Grath | Surgeon | April 14, 1862 | Resigned June 23, 1863 | |
Joseph B. Downey | Surgeon | August 2, 1862 | Promoted from Assistant Surgeon, 77th Regiment P. V., May 31, 1863; resigned April 5, 1864 | |
William D. Bailey | Surgeon | March 14, 1863 | Promoted from Assistant Surgeon, July 26, 1864; discharged November 4, 1864; expiration of term | |
John T. Walton | Surgeon | June 19, 1865 | Mustered out with Regiment, September 11, 1865 | |
William M. Knox | Assistant Surgeon | October 15, 1861 | Accidentally killed at Louisville, Kentucky, April 27, 1862 | |
Elijah W. Ross | Assistant Surgeon | May 16, 1862 | Resigned January 13, 1863 | |
Victor D. Miller | Assistant Surgeon | August 1, 1862 | Resigned March 9, 1863 | |
W. P. M’Cullough | Assistant Surgeon | April 11, 1863 | Discharged November 4, 1864; expiration of term | |
Oliver P. Bollinger | Assistant Surgeon | April 3, 1865 | Resigned June 22, 1865 | |
Florrilla B. Morris | Assistant Surgeon | April 18, 1865 | Resigned July 1, 1865 | |
Thos. P. Tomlinson | Assistant Surgeon | July 24, 1865 | Died September 7, 1865 | |
Richard C. Christy | Chap’n | October 18, 1861 | Discharged November 4, 1864; expiration of term | |
Henry A. Miller | Sergeant Major | October 12, 1861 | Promoted from Sergeant Company H, February 18, 1863; discharged November 4, 1864; expiration of term | |
Franklin Mechling | Sergeant Major | October 12, 1861 | Promoted to 2d Lieutenant Company B, December 26, 1862 | |
Samuel Edwards | Sergeant Major | February 16, 1865 | Promoted from Sergeant Company I, July 1, 1865; mustered out with Regiment, September 11, 1865 | |
Samuel M. Dumm | Sergeant Major | September 13, 1862 | Promoted from 1st Sergeant Company B, May 1, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 19, 1865 | |
Lewis Martin | Quarter Master Sergeant | October 12, 1861 | Promoted from private Company E, March 1, 1862; discharged November 4, 1864; expiration of term | |
George J. Reese | Quarter Master Sergeant | February 1, 1864 | Promoted from Corporal, Company B, April 1, 1865; mustered out with Regiment, September 11, 1865; Vet | |
Jos. M. Lowry | Comnissary Sergeant | October 12, 1861 | Promoted from private, Company D, April 25, 1864; discharged November 4, 1864; expiration of term | |
John N. M’Leod | Comnissary Sergeant | October 12, 1861 | Transferred as private to Company G, March 1, 1862 | |
Wm. J. Williams | Comnissary Sergeant | October 18, 1861 | Promoted from Quarter Master Sergeant to Commissary Sergeant, May 1, 1862; to 2d Lt. Company G, April 24, 1864 | |
Peter Keck | Comnissary Sergeant | February 8, 1864 | Promoted from Sergeant, Company B, August 27, 1865; mustered out with Regiment, September 11, 1865; Vet | |
John Miller | Comnissary Sergeant | September 20, 1862 | Promoted from Corporal, Company A, May 1, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 19, 1865 | |
Benjamin F. Dean | Principal Musician | October 12, 1861 | Promoted from private, Company H, February 1, 1864; discharged November 4, 1864; expiration of term | |
Gus. Wickenhacker | Principal Musician | October 12, 1861 | Promoted from private, Company K, March 17, 1864; discharged November 4, 1864; expiration of term | |
William H. Jack | Principal Musician | October 18, 1861 | Discharged February 22, 1863 | |
Henry Dresher | Principal Musician | February 15, 1865 | Promoted from private, Company E, September 1, 1865; mustered out with Regiment, September 11, 1865 | |
A. G. Nixon | Principal Musician | February 21, 1865 | Promoted from private, Company E, April 1, 1865; reduced and transferred to Company E, June 15, 1865 | |
A. M. Barnaby | Hospital Steward | October 12, 1861 | Promoted from private, Company E, November 1, 1863; mustered out, November 4, 1864; expiration of term | |
Wm. A. Coulter | Hospital Steward | March 9, 1865 | Promoted from private, Company B, May 1, 1865; absent, on furlough, at muster out |
Source:  Bates, Samuel P.  History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-65, Harrisburg, 1868-1871.