63rd Regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteers
Source:Â Â U. S. Army Heritage and Education Center
(formerly the U. S. Army Military History Institute)
U.S. Army Military History Institute
Collections Division
950 Soldiers Drive
Carlisle Barracks, PA 17013-5021
29 Aug 08Bates, Samuel P. Â Â History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-5. Wilmington, NC: Broadfoot, 1993. Vol. 3, pp. 489-521 (17 photocopied pages). E527B32.1993v6. (Brief history and roster of the regiment).
Dyer, Frederick H. Â Â A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion. Â Vol. 2. Â Â Dayton, OH: Morningside, 1979. Â Â Ref. See p. 1595-96 (2 photocopied pages) for a concise summary of the regiment’s service.
Fox, Arthur B. Our Honored Dead: Allegheny County, Pennsylvania in the American Civil War. Chicora, PA: Mechling Bookbindery, 2008. pp. 84-87. F157A4F69.
Hays, Gilbert A. Under the Red Patch: Story of the Sixty Third Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-1864…. Pittsburgh, PA: Regimental Association, 1908. 476 p. E527.5.63d.H38.
“History of Company F.” Typescript, 1989. 23 p. (23 photocopied pages). E527.5.63rdH57.
Marks, James J. The Peninsular Campaign in Virginia: Or, Incidents and Scenes on the Battlefields and in Richmond. Phila: Lippincott, 1864. 144 p. E473.6M34.
Pennsylvania. Gettysburg Battlefield Comm. Pennsylvania at Gettysburg: Ceremonies at the Dedication of the Monuments Erected by the Commonwealth…. Vol. 1. Harrisburg, PA: Wm S Ray, 1914. pp. 390-92 (3 photocopied pages). E475.53P422v1. (Addresses delivered at the dedication of the regimental monument and a photo of that monument at the Gettysburg National Military Park).
Sauers, Richard A. Advance the Colors!: Pennsylvania Civil War Battle Flags. Vol. 1. Hbg, PA: Capitol Preservation Comm, 1987. pp. 177-79 (3 photocopied pages). E527.4S38.1987v1. (Brief unit history with emphasis on the regimental flags).
Our Photo Archive includes images of individuals of this unit.
The following pertinent personal papers are in the Institute’s Manuscript Archive:
Groscort, Daniel – GaryHawbakerColl (typed transcript of diary, Sgt. Co. K)
Wilson Family – HCWRTColl