William S. Wallace
Company H
62d Pennsylvania Volunteers
From the August 25, 1905 McDonald PA Record:
William S. WALLACE, 65 years old, a veteran of the Civil war and a well-known farmer and business man of near Boyce station, died early Tuesday morning at the WALLACE homestead after a brief illness. Mr. WALLACE was born and lived all his life on the farm on which he died.
When the Civil war broke out, Mr. WALLACE enlisted in Company H, Sixty-second Pennsylvania volunteers, under Col. Samuel BLACK, and served throughout the war. He was severely wounded in the second day’s fighting at Gettysburg, and throughout his life carried a souvenir of the occasion in the shape of a Confederate bullet. He recovered from his wound and rejoined his regiment at once.
Mr. WALLACE was almost a life-long member of the Presbyterian church at Bridgeville. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Estella LEEPER WALLACE; one son, J. Luther WALLACE, and three daughters, Mrs. Bert YOUNG, of Beaver; Mrs. Edward FOSTER, of Bridgeville, and Mabel WALLACE, at home.
The funeral service was held from the WALLACE residence at 2 o’clock Thursday afternoon.