50th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers
Company E
Name |
Rank |
Date of Muster |
Remarks |
William H. Diehl | Captain | September 13, 1861 | Resigned February 3, 1863 |
Henry A. Lantz | Captain | September 30, 1861 | Promoted from Sergeant Major to 1st Lt., January 18, 1862; to Captain, February 4,1863; killed at Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864 |
Richard Herbert | Captain | September 13, 1861 | Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lt., December 17, 1862; to 1st Lt., November 8, 1863; to Captain, May 9, 1865; discharged September 2, 1865 |
Peter A. Lantz | 1st Lt. | September 13, 1861 | Resigned Januarv 18, 1862 |
Nicholas H. Sell | 1st Lt. | September 13, 1861 | Promoted from priv. to Sergeant; to 1st Sergeant; to 1st Lt., April 15, 1865; commissioned Captain, August 1, 1865, not mustered; mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865; Vet |
H. A. Flickinger | 2d Lt. | September 13, 1861 | Resigned January 18, 1862 |
Frank H. Forbes | 2d Lt. | January 1, 1864 | Promoted from Quartermaster Sergeant, May 10, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865; Vet |
Abra’m H. DeTurk | 1st Sergeant | September 13, 1861 | Wounded at Chantilly, Va., September 1862; promoted from priv., to 1st Sergeant, April 1, 1865; commissioned 1st Lt., August 1, 1865, not mustered; mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865; Vet |
Geo. M’Connell | 1st Sergeant | September 13, 1861 | Captured at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, 1864; died while prisoner, date unknown; Vet |
Levi Garrett | Sergeant | September 13, 1861 | Wounded at Antietam, September 17, 1862; promoted from private to Sergeant, April 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865; Vet |
David R. Boughter | Sergeant | September 13, 1861 | Promoted from private to Sergeant, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865; Vet |
M. R. Thompson | Sergeant | September 13, 1861 | Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865; Vet |
Wm. B. Gambler | Sergeant | September 13, 1861 | Promoted to Corporal; to Sergeant, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865; Vet |
Solomon K. Grim | Sergeant | September 13, 1861 | Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant; captured at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, 1864; died while prisoner, date unknown; Vet |
Augustus N. Rhoads | Sergeant | September 13, 1861 | Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps; Vet |
William P. Moyer | Sergeant | September 13, 1861 | Discharged November 21, 1862 |
John Rice | Corporal | September 13, 1861 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865; Vet |
George Rosebury | Corporal | September 13, 1861 | Promoted to Corporal; mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865; Vet |
John B. Kline | Corporal | September 13, 1861 | Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865; Vet |
John P. Yoder | Corporal | September 13, 1861 | Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865; Vet |
James Huy | Corporal | September 13, 1861 | Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865; Vet |
John W. Seiders | Corporal | September 13, 1861 | Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865; Vet |
Thos. C. Garrett | Corporal | February 13, 1864 | Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
George Doran | Corporal | September 13, 1861 | Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865; Vet |
F. R. Hoffman | Corporal | September 13, 1861 | Promoted to Corporal; killed at Spottsylvania Court House-, May 12, 1864; buried in Wilderness Burying Grounds; Vet |
Wm. P. Winters | Corporal | September 13, 1861 | Promoted to Corporal; killed at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, 1864; buried in Wilderness Burying Grounds; Vet |
David W. Boyer | Corporal | September 13, 1861 | Promoted to Corporal; wounded at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, 1864; died June 19, 1864; buried in National Cemeterv. Arlington, Va.; Vet |
John Kelcher | Corporal | September 13, 1861 | Promoted to Corporal; wounded at Wildernes, May 6, 1864; died at Washington, D. C., date unknown; Vet |
Frank R. Smith | Corporal | September 13, 1861 | Mustered out, September 28, 1864, expiration of term |
William Taylor | Musician | February 16, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865; Vet |
Walworth W. Wood | Musician | February 23, 1864 | Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, 14th Regiment U. S. Army, date unknown |
Adams, Anthony | Private | February 10, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Armpriester, Wash | Private | February 9, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Ash, William F. | Private | March 14, 1865 | Substitute; mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Allwine, Jonathan | Private | February 25, 1864 | Killed at Petersburg, Virginia; buried on Mrs. V. Armstead’s property, Virginia |
Adams, William | Private | March 10, 1864 | Substitute; deserted April 3, 1865 |
Boyer, George W. | Private | February 22, 1864 | Died July 18, 1865, of wounds received in riot at Balt. &.Ohio R. R. Depot, Washington, D. C. |
Butler, James | Private | March 7, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Blackburn, Thos | Private | March 16, 1865 | Substitute; mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Bean, Edmond | Private | March 11, 1865 | Substitute; absent, in hospital, at muster out |
Bernell, Richard | Private | March 8, 1865 | Substitute; mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Baldwin, John | Private | March 16, 1865 | Substitute; absent, without leave, at muster out |
Burns, Alfred D. | Private | March 22, 1864 | Killed at Petersburg, Virginia, June 21, 1864; buried in 9th Corps Cemetery. Meade Station, Va. |
Bierd, David | Private | March 2, 1864 | Captured at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, 1864; died while prisoner, date unknown |
Boyer, Jacob | Private | February 24, 1864 | Captured near Petersburg, Virginia; died while prisoner, date unknown; Vet |
Boyer, Gabriel | Private | February 25, 1864 | Captured at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, 1864; died while prisoner, date unknown |
Biery, David. | Private | September 13, 1861 | Mustered out September 28, 1864; expiration of term |
Boor, Tobias | Private | February 24, 1865 | Drafted; discharged by General Order, May 9, 1865 |
Biery, William | Private | September 13, 1861 | Transferred to Company I, date unknown |
Bord, John H. | Private | September 13, 1861 | Wounded at Chantilly, September 1, 1862; discharged February 23, 1863 |
Boughter, John H. | Private | September 13, 1861 | Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862 |
Boyer, Benjamin | Private | September 13, 1861 | Wounded at Bull Run, August 29, 1862; discharged December 17, 1862 |
Blatz, Philip | Private | September 13, 1861 | Discharged September 20, 1862 |
Beale, Joshua W. | Private | February 9, 1864 | Not on muster-out roll |
Carpenter, Aaron L. | Private | February 27, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865; Vet |
Coxe, George | Private | March 9, 1865 | Substitute; absent, in hospital, at muster out |
Christy, William | Private | March 6, 1865 | Substitute; absent, without leave, at muster out |
Carpenter, Wm. J. | Private | February 24, 1865 | Drafted; discharged by General Order, May 9, 1865 |
Carter, Robert | Private | March 10, 1865 | Deserted April 18, 1865 |
Conrad, William | Private | September 13, 1861 | Not on muster-out roll |
Dieter, Charles | Private | March 27, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Deviese, William | Private | March 27, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Drayher, Jeremiah | Private | February il, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Drumbore, Henry | Private | March 14, 1865 | Substitute; mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Drayher, William | Private | September 13, 1861 | Killed at Petersburg, June 18, 1864; buried in 9th Corps Cemetery, Meade Station, Va.; Vet |
Dermer, Joseph C. | Private | March 13, 1865 | Drafted; discharged by General Order, May 9, 1865 |
Derrick, William | Private | September 13, 1861 | Discharged February 17, 1862 |
Dewalt, Benneville | Private | July 27, 1864 | Not on muster-out roll |
Eckenroth, Chas. H. | Private | September 9, 1861 | Mustered out, September 28, 1864, expiration of term |
Eisenhower, Geo, | Private | September 9, 1861 | Mustered out, September 28, 1864, expirationof term |
Ebling, Addi. | Private | September 9, 1861 | Discharged September 20, 1862 |
Fisher, Franklin | Private | March 7, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Flammer, William | Private | September 13, 1861 | Wounded at Antietam, September 171862; mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865; Vet |
Faber, Theodore G. | Private | September 13, 1861 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865; Vet |
Felding, Joseph | Private | March 9, 1865 | Substitute; mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Fox, Edward | Private | February 22, 1864 | Killed at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, 1864; buried in Wilderness burial grounds |
Fisher, Adam | Private | September 13, 1861 | Captured at Spottsyivania Court House, May 12, 1864; died while prisoner, date unknown; Vet |
Fisher, Thomas | Private | March 24, 1865 | Drafted; discharged by G. 0., May 9, 1865 |
Fees, Jeremiah | Private | September 13, 1861 | Transferred to V. R. C., date unknown; Vet |
Fenstemacher, J. | Private | September 13, 1861 | Discharged September 20, 1862 |
Finefrach, Daniel | Private | September 13, 1861 | Discharged November 24, 1862 |
Fisher, Edwvard | Private | September 13, 1861 | Discharged December 6, 1861 |
Gift, Howard W. | Private | February 10, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Granrath, John | Private | September 13, 1861 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865; Vet |
Good, Jacob | Private | September 13, 1861 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865; Vet |
Good John | Private | February 16, 1865 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Gahrett, Percival | Private | February 11, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Garber, John | Private | February 24, 1865 | Drafted; mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Gerrett, Justice | Private | September 13, 1861 | Transferred to Company I, date unknown |
Gift, Alfred W. | Private | September 13, 1861 | Promoted to Conl. Sergt., March 21, 1865; Vet |
Geiger, Henry H. | Private | September 13, 1861 | Discharged February 28, 1862 |
Goodman, Aaron | Private | September 13, 1861 | Not on muster-out roll |
Good, William H. | Private | September 13, 1861 | Discharged May 23, 1862 |
Gambler, Samuel | Private | September 13, 1861 | Deserted June, 1865; Vet |
Haines, William | Private | March 11, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Hissner, Curtis S. | Private | March 9, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Higgins, John | Private | March 20, 1864 | Absent, on detached duty, at muster out |
Hurst, John | Private | March 3, 1864 | Absent, without leave, at muster out |
Hoffman, Elias S. | Private | February 26, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
High, Isaac | Private | September 13, 1861 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865; Vet |
Hunt, David | Private | February 23, 1865 | Drafted; mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Haines, James | Private | March 11, 1864 | Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864; died June 26, 1864; buried in National Cem’y, Arlington, Va. |
Harp, Frederick | Private | March 18, 1864 | Captured near Petersburg, Va.; died at Salisbury. North Carolina, December 9, 1864 |
Heckman, George | Private | September 13, 1861 | Mustered out, September 28, 1864, expiration of term |
Huy, Benneville S. | Private | September 13, 1861 | Mustered out, September 28, 1864, expiration of term |
Hiskey, Edward | Private | September 13, 1861 | Mustered out, September 28, 1864, expiration of term |
Herbst,. William | Private | February 11, 1864 | Discharged n Surgeon’s Certificate, date unknown |
Hannuing, William | Private | February 24, 1865 | Drafted; discharged by General Order, May 8, 1865 |
Herbert, Frank H. | Private | September 13, 1861 | Promoted to Quarter Master Sergeant, date unknown; Vet |
Hobbs, Thomas | Private | March 11, 1865 | Substitute; deserted May 21, 1865 |
Hartman, Christ | Private | September 13, 1861 | Killed on picket at Beaufort, S. C., June 211862 |
Harvey, Frank. | Private | September 13, 1861 | Not on muster-out roll |
Hegan, Barney | Private | March 22, 1864 | Not on muster-out roll |
Irieland, Alexander | Private | September 13, 1861 | Transferred to Company I, date unknown |
Kauffman, Eman’l. | Private | February 26, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Kauffman. Daniel | Private | February 26, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Kline, Charles S. | Private | February.9, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Koch, David | Private | February 9, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Kubb, Peter | Private | November 11, 1864 | Substitute; mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Keyser, Matthias | Private | March 10, 1865 | Substitute; mustered out with Company. July 30, 1865 |
Keller, John | Private | February 12, 1864 | Died at Annapolis, Md., December 29, 1864 |
Kendall, Charles | Private | September 19, 1861 | Captured at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, 1864; died at Florence, S. C., October 12, 1864; Vet |
Kerney, John | Private | September 19, 1861 | Captured at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, 1864; died while prisoner, date unknown; Vet |
Koch, Benjamin | Private | September 19, 1861 | Captured at Spottsvlvania Court House, May 12, 1864; died while prisoner, date unknown; Vet |
Kline, Henry H. | Private | September 19, 1861 | Wounded at South Mountain, September 14 1862; discharged November 22, 1862 |
Leininger, Nathan | Private | September 13, 1861 | Missing in action. September 30, 1864; Vet |
Larrish, John W. | Private | September 13, 1861 | Discharged August 7, 1865, to date July 30, 1865; Vet |
Lewis, Levi | Private | September13, 1861 | Killed at Petersburg, June 28, 1864; buried in 9th Corps Cemetery, Meade Station, Va.; Vet |
Moil, Samuel. | Private | February 28, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Meser, John H. | Private | March 7, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Menard, Jacob | Private | February 9, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Musig, Charles | Private | March 7, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Miller, Jeremiah | Private | November 14, 1864 | Drafted; absent, in arrest, at muster out |
Miller, Wm. H. | Private | July 5, 1864 | Drafted; absent, in arrest, at muster out |
Maxton, William | Private | February 22, 1864 | Prisoner May 12, 1864; died at Andersonville, Ga., August 31, 1864; grave, 7,407. |
Meade, George | Private | March 11, 1865 | Deserted April 3, 1865 |
Mack, Wm. Penn | Private | September 13, 1861 | Not on muster-out roll |
M’Cray, William | Private | March 10, 1865 | Substitute; mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
M’Connell, Casper | Private | September 13, 1861 | Died at Philadelphia, May 28, 1864 |
Noll, Jeremiah | Private | March 7, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Nester, George | Private | March 9, 1865 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Nays, John T. | Private | March 9, 1864 | Killed at Peter.burg, Va., June 27, 1864; buried in 9th Corps Cemetery, MeadeStation, Va. |
Neyer, John | Private | March 21, 1864 | Deserted June, 1865 |
Prescott, George | Private | March 1, 1865 | Substitute; mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Peffer, Samuel | Private | September 13, 1861 | Accidentally killed at Beaufort, S. C., June 2, 1862 |
Rapp, Alonzo | Private | February 9, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Rise, Samuel | Private | March 24, 1864 | Wounded at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, 1864; died at Alexandria, Va., June 7, 1864 |
Rahn, Lewis | Private | February 10, 1864 | Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, date unknown |
Richards, Tobias . | Private | September 13, 1861 | Not on muster-out roll |
Saylor, Nathan | Private | September 13, 1861 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865; Vet |
Smith, William S. | Private | September 13, 1861 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865; Vet |
Smith, Lucas | Private | February 25, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Snyder, Alfred | Private | February 9, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865 |
Stoudt, John W. | Private | February 12, 1864 | Mustered out by General Order, May 26, 1865 |
Snyder, Reuben | Private | September 13, 1861 | Captured May 12, 1864; died while prisoner, date unknown; Vet |
Sigel, Philip | Private | February 10, 1864 | Not on muster-out roll |
Stoudt, Solomon | Private | September 13, 1861 | Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864; died at Washington, D. C., July 25, 1864; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington; Vet |
Saylor, Thomas | Private | September 13, 1861 | Wounded at Wilderness, May 9, 1864; died, date unknown; Vet |
Sell, Daniel K. | Private | September 13, 1861 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate; Vet |
Smith, William | Private | September 13, 1861 | Discharged, date unknown |
Scott, John M. | Private | March 16, 1865 | Substitute; deserted June 20, 1865 |
Snyder, David | Private | *September 13, 1861 | Wounded at Chantilly, September 1, 1862; discharged February 14, 1863 |
Sassaman, Nich’s. | Private | September 13, 1861 | Died at Washington, D. C., October 12, 1861; buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. |
Swoyer, Mayberry | Private | September 13, 1861 | Wounded at Chantilly, September 1, 1861; discharged February 14, 1863 |
Smith, Samuel B. | Private | February 25, 1864 | Not on muster-out roll |
Tobias, Joseph | Private | February 11, 1864 | Killed at Petersburg, June 24, 1864; buried in 9th Corps Cemetery, Meade Station, Va. |
Turner, George | Private | September 13, 1861 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, date unknown; Vet |
Thompson, George | Private | March 18, 1865 | Substitute; deserted April 3, 1865 |
Ulrich, Charles L. | Private | February 27, 1864 | Killed at Petersburg, June 17, 1864 |
Valentine, Levi | Private | *September 21, 1864 | Drafted; discharged by General Order, August 16, 1865 |
Walmer, Israel | Private | *September 13, 1861 | Absent, without leave, at muster out; Vet |
Weisor, Isaac R. | Private | September 13, 1861 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865; Vet |
Whitman, John H. | Private | September 13, 1861 | Mustered out with Company, July 30, 1865; Vet |
Wentzal, Dallas | Private | September 13, 1861 | Mustered out, September 28, 1864, expiration of term |
Wynings, Leonard | Private | September 13, 1861 | Mustered out, September 28, 1864, expiration of term |
Weiser, William | Private | September 13, 1861 | . Mustered out, September 28, 1864, expiration of term |
Wertz, William | Private | February 23, 1865 | Drafted; discharged by General Order, May 9, 1865 |
Williams, Henry | Private | March 11, 1865 | Substitute; deserted May 24, 1865 |
Walmer, Joseph | Private | September 13, 1861 | Killed at Petersburg, June 17, 1864; buried in 9th Corps Cemetery, Meade Station, Va.; Vet |
Weidenhamer, M. | Private | September 13, 1861 | Discharged January 7, 1863 |
Wynings, John | Private | September 13, 1861 | Died at Newport News, Va., August 6, 1862 |
Source: Bates, Samuel P. History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-1865, Harrisburg, 1868-1871.