26th Regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteers
Field and Staff Officers
Name |
Rank |
Date of Muster |
Term/ |
Remarks |
William F. Small | Colonel | June 1, 1861 | Wounded at Williamsburg; discharged June 30, 1862 | |
Benj. C. Tilghman | Colonel | May 29, 1861 | Wounded at Chancellorsville; discharged July 26, 1863, to accept Colonelcy of 3d U. S. Colored Troop; Brevet Brigadier General, March 13, 1865 | |
Rush Van Dyke | Lt. Colonel | June 1, 1861 | Discharged April 10, 1862 | |
Robert L. Bodine | Lt. Colonel | June 1, 1861 | Promoted from priv. to Commissary Sergeant, June 4, 1861; to 2d Lt. Company K, August 21, 1861; to Captain, January 14, 1862; to Major, July 15, 1862; to Lt. Colonel, October 12, 1863; to Colonel, February 20, 1864; to Brevet Brigadier General, March 14, 1864; mustered out with Regiment, June 18, 1864 | |
Casper M. Berry | Major | June 11, 1861 | Discharged July 7, 1862 | |
Sam’l G. Moffltt | Major | May 27, 1861 | Promoted from Captain, Company A, to Major, November 12, 1863; wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863; mustered out with Regiment, June 18, 1864 | |
Joseph Dickinson | Adjutant | June 1, 1861 | Transferred to Staff of General Hooker, August, 1861 | |
Peter P. G. Hall | Adjutant | June 1, 1861 | Discharged by Special Order, February 16, 1863 | |
John S. Riehl | Adjutant | June 1, 1861 | Promoted from 1st Lt. Company D, to Adjutant, February 10,1863; wounded at Mine Run, November 27, 1863; mustered out with Regiment, June 18, 1864 | |
John Adler | Quarter Master | May 31, 1861 | Promoted from 2d Lt. Company I, May 31, 1861; died July 31, 1862 | |
Geo. W. Dickinson | Quarter Master | May 30, 1861 | Promoted from 1st Lt. Company I, to R. Quarter Master, August 1, 1862; mustered out with Regiment, June 18, 1864 | |
St. Jno. W. Mentzer | Surgeon | June 1, 1861 | Promoted to Assistant Surgeon U. S, Volunteers, March 25, 1863 | |
Solomon S. Shultz | Surgeon | August, 1863 | Resigned September 18, 1863; appointed Assistant Surgeon U. S. Volunteers | |
Lewis R. Kirk | Surgeon | November 3, 1862 | Promoted from Assistant Surgeon 112th Regiment P. V., November 3, 1863; mustered out with Regiment, June 18, 1865 | |
Samuel Hopkins | Assistant Surgeon | June 1, 1861 | Discharged, 1861 | |
Jules B. Cohen | Assistant Surgeon | June 1, 1861 | Discharged, 1861 | |
T. W. Alexander | Assistant Surgeon | February, 1862 | Promoted to Surgeon 160th Regiment P. V., October 20, 1862 | |
David Newcomer | Assistant Surgeon | June 21, 1862 | Resigned August, 1862 | |
T. A. F. Magnin | Assistant Surgeon | July 20, 1862 | Resigned December 29, 1862 | |
Isaiah P. Dewling | Assistant Surgeon | July 20, 1862 | Discharged November 19, 1863 | |
H. S. Gross | Assistant Surgeon | August 15, 1862 | Resigned October 17, 1863 | |
William Craig | Assistant Surgeon | Apromoted 1, 1863 | Mustered out with Regiment, June 18, 1864 | |
Charles A. Beck | Chaplain | June 1, 1861 | Resigned July 12, 1862; re-commissioned September 15, 1862; mustered out with Regiment, June 18, 1864 | |
Robert E. Parker | Sergeant Major | May 27, 1861 | Promoted from Sergeant of Company A, August 1, 1863; mustered out with Regiment, June 1, 1864 | |
John W.Woodward | Sergeant Major | May 27, 1861 | Promoted to 1st Lieut. Company I, January 1, 1863 | |
Sam’l G. Wregner | Sergeant Major | May 27, 1861 | Died of wounds received at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863 | |
Chas. W. Vanzant | Commissary Sergeant | May 28, 1861 | Promoted from private of Company A, December 1, 1861; mustered out with Regiment, June 18, 1864 | |
Wm. Sonerbier | Quarter Master Sergeant | May 28, 1861 | Transferred to 99th Regiment P. V., May 30, 1864; Vet | |
Jacob C. Hamilton | Quarter Master Sergeant | May 30, 1861 | Promoted to 2d Lieut. Company I, June 1, 1863 | |
Charles Gass | Hospital Steward | May 28, 1861 | Promoted from private Company E, March 8, 1864; mustered out with Regiment, June 18, 1864 | |
Luther Gerhard | Hospital Steward | May 27, 1861 | Promoted Hospital Steward, United States Army, February 16, 1863 | |
Charles G. Marshall | Musician | May 27, 1861 | Promoted Principal Musician September 30, 1862; mustered out with Regiment, June 18, 1864 | |
Joseph Steiner | Musician | May 27, 1861 | Transferred to 99th Regiment P. V., May 30, 1864; Vet |