17th Pennsylvania Cavalry
162nd Regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteers
By the call of the President, of the 2d of July, 1862, Pennsylvania was required to furnish three regiments of cavalry. The Seventeenth was one of these, and was recruited:
Company A in Beaver County
Company B in Susquehanna
Company C in Lancaster
Company D in Bradford
Company E in Lebanon
Company F in Cumberland
Company G in Franklin
Company H in Schuylkill
Company I in Perry and in the City of Philadelphia
Company K in Luzerne
Company L in Montgomery and Chester
Company M in WayneThe companies rendezvoused at Camp Simmons, near Harrisburg, where a regimental organization was effected, on the 18th of October, with the following field officers:
- Josiah H. Kellogg, Colonel
- John B. M’Allister, Lieutenant Colonel
- David B. Hartranft, Major
- Coe Durland, Major
- Rueben R. Reinhold, Major.
Colonel Kellogg was a captain in the First United States Cavalry, and a few of both officers and men had served in the Mexican war; but the greater part were unskilled in military duty, being for the most part farmers, lumberman, and mechanics, inured to toil, and fortunately the greater number were unusually good horsemen. A few days after its organization, the regiment moved to Camp M’Clellan, a short distance north of Harrisburg, where sabres and pistols were issued, and a few days later, horses and equipments, and drill was commenced in earnest, Colonel Kellogg putting forth strenuous efforts to perfect its discipline.
On the 25th of November, the regiment moved to Washington, and was encamped for several days on East Capitol Hill, after which it was ordered to the front. On the 22d of December, it reached the town of Occuquan, where Hampton’s Legion was encountered, and after a sharp skirmish, was driven and pursued for some distance across the Occoquan Creek. Here, three companies, C, D, and I, under Major Reinhold, were detailed to picket the creek, from Occoquan to Wolf Run Shoals. They were much harassed by roving parties of partisan rangers, and on the 25th and 26th, the right of the line was attacked by a superior force, which was repulsed, and some prisoners taken.
On the 27th, the detachment was ordered to re-join the regiment, which had, in the meantime, advanced to near Stafford Court House, and moved early; but when nearing Neabsco Creek, word was brought that the enemy had attacked at Dumfries, and that column of cavalry and artillery was moving on the Telegraph Road to Occuquan. Major Reinhold immediately countermarched, and taking position on the heights, on the north bank, successfully foiled every attempt of the enemy to cross.
On the following morning, having been reinforced by a detachment of the Second Pennsylvania Cavalry, it crossed the stream to reconnoiter, and fell in with General Stuart’s command, which immediately attacked. Being overpowered, it was obliged to retire, and re-crossed the creek.
On the 5th of January, 1863, it re-joined the regiment near Stafford Court House. The Seventeenth was here assigned to the Second Brigade, of the First Cavalry Division, where it was associated with the Sixth New York, Sixth United States, and Eighth Pennsylvania, commanded by Colonel Thomas C. Devlin, in which it served throughout its entire term.
On the 18th of February, companies C, and I, Captain Spera, were ordered to escort duty with General Meade, commanding the Fifth Corps where they remained until after the battle of Chancellorsville, and during the engagement, were kept busy in the transmission of orders.
Only three regiments of cavalry, of which the Seventeenth was one, moved with the columns of Hooker on the Chancellorsville campaign, the major part having been dispatched under Averill and Stoneman, to cut the enemy’s communications, and harass his rear. When, on the evening of the 2d of May, the enemy under Jackson had driven the entire Eleventh Corps, and was pushing on victorious to sever the Union Army, and gain its only line of retreat, few troops were in position to stay his course. At this juncture, General Pleasanton, who had been out in advance of the line on the centre, in support of General Sickles, then demonstrating upon Jackson’s flank and rear, happened to be returning with the Eighth and Seventeenth Pennsylvania regiments towards the centre, and had reached the breast-works, just as hordes of Jackson’s men, who were pursuing the routed Eleventh Corps troops, were approaching that part of the field. Divining the condition of affairs by the evidences of rout in the Union columns, Pleasanton order Major Keenan, of the Eighth, to charge with all his force, and with impetuosity, which he knew was an element of the Major’s nature, full upon the head of the rebel advancing column, though he knew that the execution of the order would involve the sacrifice of that gallant regiment. This he did, in order that, by checking for a moment the rebel onslaught, he might gain time to bring his horse artillery into position, and thus interpose some more effectual barrier. “I immediately ran up,” says General Pleasanton, “this battery of mine at a gallop, put it into position, ordered it unlimbered, and double shotted, with canister and directed the men to aim at the ground line of the parapet that the Eleventh Corps had thrown up, about two hundred years off. Our artillery, as a general rule, overshoots, and I ordered them to fire low, because the shot would ricochet. I then set to work with two squadrons of the remaining regiments, (the Seventeenth Pennsylvania,) to clear this field of fugitives, and to stop what cannon and ammunition we could, and put them in position; and I managed to get twenty-two guns loaded, double shotted, and aiming on this space in front of us for about a quarter or half a mine, when the whole woods appeared alive with large bodies of men. This was just at dusk. I was going to give the word ‘fire,’ when one of the soldiers at a piece said: ‘General, that is our flag.’ I said to one of my aids, ‘Mr. Thompson, ride forward there at once, and let me know what flag that is.’ He then went to within about one hundred yards, and those people cried out: ‘Come on, we are friends.’ He started to move on, when the whole line of woods blazed with musketry, and they commenced leaping over this parapet, and charged on the guns; and at about the same time, I saw from eight to ten rebel battle flags run up along the whole line. I immediately gave the order, ‘fire,’ and the fire actually swept the men away; it seemed to blow those men in front, clear over the parapet…We had this fight between musketry and artillery there for nearly an hour. At one time they got with fifty yards of the guns…There were two squadrons of the Seventeenth Cavalry left. This remaining regiment I had was composed of raw men, new troops, and all I could do with them was to make a show. I had them formed in single line, with sabres drawn, with orders to charge in case the enemy came to the guns. They sat in rear of the guns, and I have no doubt that the rebels took them for the head of a heavy column, as the country sloped back behind them, and they could not see what was back of them.”
And thus, was the mad onset of Stonewall Jackson’s army checked by artillery, supported by a single line of raw cavalry. It was a trying position for the regiment, but the firm front presented, saved the day, and enabled Hooker to re-form his shattered columns, and once more present an unbroken line. Early in the evening, Sickles’ troops came up and took position in support of the guns, and the regiment was relieved. In a general order, issued immediately after the battle, General Pleasanton says: “The coolness displayed by the Seventeenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, in rallying fugitives, and supporting the batteries (including Martin’s) which repulsed the enemy’s attack under Jackson, on the evening of 2d instant, has excited the highest admiration.”
Under Buford and Gregg, the cavalry, on the 5th of June, crossed the Rappahannock at Beverly and Kelly’s fords, and boldly attacked the enemy’s cavalry, supported by his infantry. The battle raged most of the day. At length, finding that the rebels were moving up an overpowering force, the Union cavalry retired. In this engagement the Seventeenth participated, and in the retreat was of the rear guard, where it was subjected to a heavy artillery fire. Tow days after the battle, the regiment was posted to picket the line of the river, from Beverly Ford to Sulphur Springs, while the main body of the army was marching northward. It was not withdrawn until the 15th, when it re-joined the division. Early on the morning of the 21st, it was formed in line half a mile west of Middleburg, and met the enemy, repulsing his attack, and driving him in the direction of Upperville. When arrived near the town, it was ordered to charge the left flank of the foe, and in executing it, was brought under a heavy fire of his artillery. He was finally driven in confusion.
As General Buford, who commanded the division, moved northward through Maryland and Pennsylvania, he was hailed with demonstrations of rejoicing, an as he entered Gettysburg, was saluted with shouts and patriotic songs. On the night of the 30th, he encamped near the grounds of Pennsylvania College, and on the morning of the 1st of July, moved out by the Cashtown Road. At a distance of a mile and a half from town, he met the enemy in force. Dispositions were immediately made to resist his further advance, and for four hours, and until the arrival of the First Corps, Buford held at bay a third of the entire rebel army. “Buford, with his four thousand cavalry,” says General Pleasanton, “attacked Hill, and for four hours splendidly resisted his advance, until Reynolds and Howard were able to hurry to the field, and give their assistance. To the intrepidity, courage and fidelity of General Buford and his brave division, the country and the army owe the field of Gettysburg.” As soon as the infantry in force had come up, the cavalry moved upon its flanks, and during the remaining part of the battle, was active in preventing the movement of flanking columns of the enemy, and in protecting the lines of communication with the base of supply. Burford’s Division retired to Taneytown, on the evening of the 2d, Westminster on the 3d, and Frederick on the 5th. On the 6th, it encountered the enemy west of Boonsboro, and after a sharp fight, drove him from his position. On the following morning, he renewed the attack, but was again driven, the Seventeenth Pennsylvania and Ninth New York having a severe encounter while upon the skirmish line. Skirmishing continued daily, until the enemy retired across the river, and the campaign was at an end.
The fall campaign was one of great activity for the cavalry. The part taken by the Seventeenth is reflected by the following extracted from Captain Theodore W. Bean’s manual of the regiment: “At Raccoon Ford,” he says, “you left your horses under shelter, and rushed to the support of your brother comrades in arms, (Fourth New York,) who were gallantly struggling against fearful odds, and under a murderous fire of grape and canister from the enemy, saved them from capture, re-established the line, and held it until relieved by the relieved by the Twelfth Army Corps, for which you received the special commendation of the division commander. In the subsequent movements of the same year, when the wily rebel chief proposed to flank the army of the Potomac, and thus gain possession of the capital, history will accord to the regiment an honorable association with the commands that beat back his advance at Morton’s Ford, Stevensburg, Brandy Station an Oak Hill, where, holding the extreme left of the line, you skillfully changed front as a distinctive organization, by direction of your immediate commander, anticipating a well intended surprise, and repulsing, with heavy loss, a reckless charge of cavalry, for which the enemy at that time were notorious. In the counter movements of the campaign, closing with the battle of Bealton Station, and Rickeysville, the occupation of the line on the Rapidan, and the indecisive engagement at Mine Run, the regiment was present bearing its share of the toils, and sustained its proportion of losses, and, with the command, went into winter-quarters on the battle-beaten plains of Culpepper.”
The regiment was engaged during the winter in picket duty, holding a long line in the direction of James City. On the 27th of February, 1864, a detachment of two hundred men, under command of Captain Spera, was ordered to report to General Kilpatrick, who, with a force of five thousand cavalry, was about to start on a raid upon Richmond. The command moved on the following day, and at Beaver Dam Station, on the Virginia Central Railroad, the work of destruction was commenced. Here, Hall’s Brigade, to which Spera’s detachment belonged, was sent to operate on the Fredericksburg Railroad, and at Taylorsville met a superior force of the enemy, which it failed to dislodge; but near Yellow Tavern, on the Virginia Central, effected the destruction of rolling stock, and there re-joined the main column. Kilpatrick approached within two or three miles of Richmond, carrying the outer works, and throwing Shells into the city, but found the forces opposing him too great to overcome, and retired by Meadow Bridge, where a sharp skirmish occurred. At New Kent Court House, the infantry of Butler was met, whence, some days later, the command returned by transports to Alexandria, and thence to its old camp near Culpepper.
At the opening of the spring campaign the brigade moved to Chancellorsville, and on the 6th of May was sent to the Furnace, on the left of the line, where it met the enemy and fought dismounted, foiling numerous attempts by the rebels to turn that flank, being heavily engaged during the entire day. On the following morning it relieved Gregg’s Division on the Spottsylvania Road, where the enemy was driven with heavy loss, and at night encamped at Todd’s Tavern. On the 8th the fighting was renewed, in which the Seventeenth, holding the Spottsylvania Road, suffered severely. Repeated charges of the enemy were repulsed, and the position held until relieved by the Fifth Corps. On the 9th Sheridan led the cavalry on his grand raid towards Richmond. At Beaver Dam Station many Union prisoners were rescued, and large amounts of rebel stores were destroyed. At Yellow House serious fighting ensued, in which the Seventeenth, dismounted, was of the charging column, and drove the enemy. At night the regiment was put upon the picked line stretching out towards Richmond, reaching near to the rebel fortifications. The First Division repaired Meadow Bridge, which had been destroyed, and in the face of the enemy, with infantry and artillery on the opposite side, the Seventeenth took the lead in crossing, and delivering a most determined charge drove him from his works in confusion. While that battle was raging a severe thunderstorm set in, adding to the terror of the scene. Lieutenant Joseph E. Shultz was killed in the charge. He was short through the heart, expiring almost instantly. Sheridan re-joined the army of the Potomac near Chesterfield Station on the 25th.
Resting but for a day, the cavalry again moved forward, and crossing the Pamunky at New Castle Ferry engaged the enemy, and after several charges drove him from his position. On the 28th two squadrons of the regiment were sent towards Hanover, encountering the enemy’s skirmishers and driving them in, and on the 30th, while reaching out to open communication with the left of the army, brought on the battle of Bethesda Church. On the same day the regiment was engaged near Old Church Tavern, where Lieutenant John Anglun, Regimental Quartermaster, was killed, and Captain William Tice wounded. At Cold Harbor the regiment moved dismounted, and in the charge there delivered, held the left of the line. In its first advance it was repulsed and suffered severe loss, but renewing the charge the enemy was routed and driven. He subsequently made repeated attempts to re-capture his lost works, but was ?? often driven back with loss. At daylight of the 1st of June he made desperate assault, determined upon victory. He was allowed to come within short range, when the artillery and repeating carbines were opened on him with terrible effect, the ground being covered with his slain. When relieved by the infantry, Sheridan led his cavalry in the direction of Lynchburg. On the 10th the regiment was sent to the Spottsylvania battle-ground, where, in a field hospital, thirty-five wounded Union soldiers were found in a famishing condition and brought away. On re-joining the column near Trevilian Station, Sheridan was found hotly engaged. The Seventeenth was immediately sent to the front, and during the 11th and the following day was hotly engaged, and the 24th, in each engagement sustaining considerable losses. On the 26th Sheridan crossed the James, but a month later returned to the left bank and moved up towards Richmond. At Ruffin’s House the enemy’s videttes were found and driven upon his infantry supports. On the morning of the 28th the brigade, dismounted, was sent to dislodge the enemy’s infantry from a strong position on commanding ground in front of Ruffin’s. Difficult ditches had to be crossed, but pushing resolutely forward it opened fire from the repeating carbines, and though losing heavily, drove him out and occupied his ground. On the following day Sheridan re-crossed the James, and soon after retraced his steps for the purpose of misleading the enemy as to his real strength on the Richmond side. On the 30th he returned to the lines before Petersburg.
Early in August Sheridan was ordered to the command of the army in the Shenandoah Valley, and two divisions of cavalry, the First and Third, were sent to his aid. Upon the arrival of the Seventeenth in the valley, Major Reinhold resigned and was honorably discharged, whereupon Captain Weidner H. Spera was promoted to succeed him. On the 11th of August the cavalry moved towards Newtown, driving the enemy, but at six in the evening found him in position, determined to dispute further advance. The Seventeenth was at the front and was immediately ordered to charge. The enemy offered obstinate resistance, but was finally dislodged and retreated rapidly up the valley. On the 16th the enemy attacked the pickets of the brigade near Front Royal, the Seventeenth holding the center of the brigade line. The division was immediately put in motion and repulsed the over-confident foe, capturing to battle-flags and three hundred prisoners. General Devin, commanding the brigade, was wounded in this engagement. On the 25th the command moved forward Kearnysville, where it came up on the enemy’s infantry. Of the battle which ensued, General Sheridan says: “This attack was handsomely made, but instead of finding cavalry his (enemy’s) infantry was encountered, and for a time doubled up and thrown into the utmost confusion. . . . This engagement was a mutual surprise, our cavalry expecting to meet the enemy’s cavalry, and his infantry expecting no opposition whatever.” The Union forces retired in the direction of Shepherdstown, and when near that place the enemy attacked Custer’s Division. For the purpose of diverting attention from Custer the Seventeenth was ordered to charge upon the enemy’s flank. In column of fours it dashed down a narrow road, and drove a body of his infantry from a wood, creating consternation in his ranks. In this charge Lieutenant James Potter was killed. For three weeks almost constant skirmishing was kept up, the Seventeenth participating in the actions at Smithfield on the 29th, at White Post on the 1st of September, at the Berryville and Buncetown crossing of the Opequan on the 7th, in which Captain Martin R. Reinhold was killed, and at Bunker Hill on the 13th.
Sheridan was now about to assume the offensive. At noon of the 18th the cavalry at Bunker Hill was ordered to break camp and move quietly without sound of bugle, and at mile east of Summit Point encamped for the night, drawing sixty rounds of ammunition per man and sending all regimental baggage and supply trains to Harper’s Ferry. At one o’clock on the morning of the 19th reville was sounded, and at two the cavalry moved towards the enemy’s entire line, Sheridan having moved to the attack with his entire army. Step by step the ground was disputed. When within half a mile of the Valley Pike, near the station, the enemy was discovered massing his cavalry to dispute the advance of Averill. At this juncture General Devin was ordered to charge with his brigade. With the Seventeenth in advance, the charge was made, and the enemy driven in great confusion towards Winchester, opening the way for a junction of Torbert’s and Averell’s commands. Moving in line up the pike towards Winchester, the enemy’s line was again charged and driven from its position: The fighting was very severe. General Sheridan says in his report: “I attacked the forces of General Early over the Berryville Pike, at the crossing of the Opequan Creek, and after a most desperate engagement, which lasted from early in the morning until five o’clock in the evening, completely defeating him, driving him through Winchester and capturing about two thousand five hundred prisoners, five pieces of artillery, nine battle flags, and most of their wounded.”
After the battle the regiment was ordered to report for duty to Colonel Edwards, Post Commander at Winchester, and was employed in guarding against the attacks of guerrillas, and in keeping open communication with the base of supplies. On the 15th of October Major Spera was sent with a detachment to Martinsburg, and while there was ordered to escort General Sheridan to the front,* and as with him in that ride rendered famous by the stanzas of T. Buchanan Reed, taking part in the great battle which completely crushed the enemy in the valley, and returned to Winchester with dispatches on the 20th.
Early on the 18th of October Major Spera, in command of a detachment of the Seventeenth Cavalry led his command by Front Royal into the valley of Virginia, and on the 22d met the enemy at White’s Ford, driving him, and again on the following day near Gordonsville, where, finding his infantry in heavy force, Torbert was obliged to fall back. The Seventeenth was of the rear guard in the retreat and successfully held the enemy in check, who made repeated attacks. In repelling one of these, Lieutenant Alfred F. Lee was killed. Returning to the vicinity of Winchester he regiment went into permanent quarters, and during the winter was employed in picket and scout duty, detachments being occasionally sent out against roving bands of the enemy. On the 27th of December Colonel Kellogg was honorably discharged, and Lieutenant Colonel Anderson promoted to succeed him, Major Durland being promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, and Captains Luther B. Kurtz and William Thompson to Majors. On the 31st of December the Second Brigade was sent to Lovettsville, in the Loudon Valley, for the protection of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and for guarding the citizens against lawless bands that were constantly committing depredations.
On the 24th of February 1865, Sheridan led the cavalry in a grand raid upon the James River Canal and other rebel communications in rear of Richmond. At Staunton the head of the column began skirmishing with the enemy. On the 6th of March the command reached Scottsville, and the work of destruction commenced. Locks were blown up, and mills and rebel stores were destroyed. The First and Second brigades went to Howardsville, cutting and demolishing the canal and destroying supplies destined for the rebel army. On the 8th the Second Brigade marched via Howardsville, Scottsville, and Flavanna Court House to Columbia, and thence to Goochland Court House, returning during the night to Columbia, continuing the work of destruction. From the James River the command moved upon the Virginia Central Railroad, which was likewise rendered unserviceable, and on the 26th re-joined the army before Petersburg. “There perhaps never was a march,” says Sheridan, “where nature offered such impediments and showed herself in such gloom as upon this; incessant rain, deep and almost impassable streams, swamps and mud were encountered and overcome with cheerfulness on the part of the troops that was truly admirable?To every officer and man of the First and Third cavalry divisions I return my sincere thanks for patriotic, unmurmuring, and soldierly conduct.”
Sheridan reached the army jus as it was moving on its last campaign, and he at once took the van. At Stony-Creek the cavalry became engaged and the Second Brigade was hastened forward to the support of Davies’ Division, which was forced back, the Seventeenth losing a number wounded and missing in the engagement. At daylight of the 1st of April fighting was renewed, the Union lines charging the enemy in his works, the division capturing six hundred prisoners and two battle flags. The loss in the Seventeenth was severe, Captain James Ham being among the killed and Captains English, Donehoo, Reinhold, and Lieutenant Auglun among the wounded. Rapid marching and hard fighting continued until the 6th, when General Ewell, with one wing of the rebel army, was captured. From that point the cavalry kept up a running fight with the enemy’s advance until he reached Appomattox Court House, where the whole rebel army was forced to lay down its arms. In securing this joyful result the cavalry, led by Sheridan, contributed largely, the Seventeenth sustaining its hard-earned reputation for gallantry to the last. From Appomattox the regiment returned to Petersburg, and after a week’s rest marched to the neighborhood of Washington, where it remained in camp until its final muster out of service, on the 16th of June. A detachment of this regiment was consolidated with parts of the First and Sixth Pennsylvania cavalry regiments, forming the Second Provisional Cavalry, and remained in service until the 7th of August, when it was mustered out at Louisville, Ky. In his farewell order to the Seventeenth, General Devin says: “In five successive campaigns, and in over three score engagements, you have nobly sustained your part. Of the many gallant regiments from your Sate none has a brighter record, none has more freely shed its blood on every battlefield from Gettysburg to Appomattox. Your gallant deeds will be every fresh in the memory of your comrades of the Iron Brigade and the First Division. Soldiers, Farewell!”
Bates, Samuel P. History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-65, Harrisburg, 1868-1871.
Organization: Organized at Harrisburg September to November, 1862.
Left State for Washington, D.C., November 25, 1862.
Attached to Cavalry Brigade, 11th Corps, Army Potomac, to February, 1863.
2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Cavalry Corps, Army Potomac, to August, 1864,
and Army Shenandoah to March, 1865.
2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Cavalry Corps, Army Potomac, to June, 1865.Service:
Camp at East Capital Hill, Defences of Washington, till December, 1862.
Skirmish at Occoquan, Dumfries, Va., December 19.
Occoquan December 19-20 and 27-28.
Frying Pan, near Chantilly, December 29.
Wiggenton’s Mills February 6, 1863.
Kelly’s Ford April 28.
Chancellorsville Campaign April 26-May 8.
Rapidan River April 29.
Chancellorsville April 30-May 6.
Brandy Station and Beverly Ford June 9.
Upperville June 21.
Battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3.
Williamsport, Md., July 6.
Boonsboro July 8.
Benevola or Beaver Creek July 9.
Funkstown July 10-13.
Falling Water July 14.
Kelly’s Ford July 30-August 1.
Brandy Station August 1.
Expedition from Leesburg August 30-September 2.
Advance to the Rapidan September 13-17.
Brandy Station and Culpeper C. H. September 13.
Raccoon Ford September 14-16.
Reconnoissance across the Rapidan September 21-23.
Jack’s Shop, Madison C. H., September 22.
Bristoe Campaign October 9-22.
Raccoon Ford and Morton’s Ford October 10.
Stevensburg October 11.
Near Kelly’s Ford October 11.
Brandy Station or Fleetwood October 12.
Oak Hill October 15.
Advance to line of the Rappahannock November 7-8.
Mine Run Campaign November 26-December 2.
Parker’s Store November 29.
Demonstration on the Rapidan February 6-7, 1864.
Kilpatrick’s Raid on Richmond February 28-March 4.
Fortifications of Richmond March 1.
Ashland March 1.
Reconnoissance to Madison C. H. April 28.
Rapidan Campaign May-June.
Wilderness May 5-7.
Brock Road and the Furnaces May 6.
Todd’s Tavern May 7-8.
Sheridan’s Raid to the James River May 9-24.
North Anna River May 9-10.
Ground Squirrel Church and Yellow Tavern May 11.
Meadow Bridge May 12.
Line of the Pamunkey May 26-28.
Hanovertown May 26.
Hanovertown Ferry and Hanovertown May 27.
Crump’s Creek May 28.
Haw’s Shop May 28.
Totopotomoy May 28-31.
Old Church and Mattadequin Creek May 30.
Bethesda Church, Cold Harbor, May 31-June 1.
Bottom’s Bridge June 1.
Sheridan’s Trevillian Raid June 7-24.
Trevillian Station June 11-12.
Newark or Mallory’s Cross Roads June 12.
White House or St. Peter’s Church June 21.
Black Creek or Tunstall Station June 21.
Baltimore Cross Road, June 22.
Jones’ Bridge June 23.
Demonstration on north side of the James at Deep Bottom July 27-29.
Sheridan’s Shenandoah Valley Campaign August 7-November 28.
Toll Gate, near White Post, August 11.
Near Newtown August 11.
Cedarville, Guard Hill or Front Royal, August 16.
Summit Point August 21.
Kearneysville and Shepherdstown August 25.
Leetown and Smithfield August 28.
Smithfield Crossing of the Opequan August 29.
Berryville September 6.
Sevier’s Ford, Opequan Creek, September 15.
Battle of Opequan, Winchester, September 19.
Middletown and Strasburg September 20.
Near Winchester and Smithfield September 24.
Fisher’s Hill September 29 and October 1.
Newtonia October 11.
Winchester November 16.
Expedition from Winchester into Fauquier and Loudoun Counties November 28-December 3.
Expedition to Gordonsville December 19-28.
Madison C. H. December 21.
Liberty Mills December 22.
Near Gordonsville December 23.
Sheridan’s Expedition from Winchester February 27-March 25, 1865.
Occupation of Staunton March 2.
Waynesboro March 2.
Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9.
Dinwiddie C. H. March 30-31.
Five Forks April 1.
Scott’s Cross Roads April 2.
Tabernacle Church or Beaver Pond Creek April 4.
Sailor’s Creek April 6.
Appomattox Station April 8.
Appomattox C. H. April 9.
Surrender of Lee and his army.
Expedition to Danville April 23-29.
March to Washington, D.C., May.
Grand Review May 23.
Consolidated with 1st and 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry to form 2nd Provisional Cavalry June 17, 1865.Losses:
Regiment lost during service:
6 Officers and 98 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and
128 Enlisted men by disease.
Total 232.Source:
Dyer, Frederick H. A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion Compiled and Arranged from Official Records of the Federal and Confederate Armies, Reports of he Adjutant Generals of the Several States, the Army Registers, and Other Reliable Documents and Sources. Des Moines, Iowa: The Dyer Publishing Company, 1908