9th Cavalry 92d Regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteers
The Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry, Ninety-second of the line, at first knownas the Lochiel Cavalry, was organized on the 29th of August, 1861, incompliance with an order of the Hon. Simon Cameron, Secretary of War, with
- Edward C. Williams, of Harrisburg, as Colonel
- Thomas C. James, of Philadelphia, as Lieutenant Colonel
- Thomas J. Jordan, of Harrisburg, as Major
Under this authority, the officers above named appointed the necessary line officers, and directed them to proceed at once to recruit men for their respective companies. The place of rendezvous was at Camp Cameron, near Harrisburg. The regiment was composed of twelve companies, principally raised in the counties of:
- Dauphin
- Luzerne
- Lancaster
- Huntingdon
- Perry,
- Cumberland
- Mifflin
- Blair
- Wayne
- Chester
- Lehigh
- Susquehanna, and the
- City and County of Philadelphia
The field, and many of the line officers and privates had served for the short term in 1861, and Colonel Williams had served in the militia as early as 1832; had served with General Scott, in Mexico, from the capture of Vera Cruz to the first surrender of the Capital,receiving a wound at the storming of Chepultapec; and had commanded, withthe rank of Brigadier General, the brigade known as the Scott Legion ofPhiladelphia, in the three months’ service.
By the 1st of October the companies were full, and the men, by drill and discipline, fitted for the field. On the 20th of November, by order of the Secretary of War, the regiment moved by rail to Pittsburg, and thence by boat to Louisville, Kentucky, where, upon its arrival, it was reported to General Buell, in command of the Department of the Cumberland, and placed in camp at Jeffersonville, Indiana, opposite to Louisville.
Mounted drill was at once commenced, a school for officers established, and by the 10th of January, 1862, by constant hard work and strict discipline, the regiment had acquired suchproficiency that it was ordered to the front, the enemy occupying the line of Greene River. On the advance of Generals Buell and Mitchell, in the early part of February, upon General A. Sidney Johnston’s position at Bowling Green, in compliance with an urgent request made by citizens, and the Legislature of Kentucky, the regiment was ordered to remain for the protection of the State, and was posted, the First Battalion, under command of ColonelWilliams, at Grayson Springs, the Second, under Lieutenant Colonel James, at Calhoun, in Western Kentucky, and the Third, under Major Jordan, at Bacon Creek, on the line of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad.
On the 5th of March the regiment was ordered into Tennessee, the First Battalion to Springfield, the Second to Clarksville, and the Third to Nashville.Soon after reaching Nashville, the Third Battalion was moved to Gallatin, and on the 4th of May, it first met the enemy under Morgan, at Lebanon, where, with the Seventh Pennsylvania and the Third Kentucky Cavalry, it most signally defeated that daring partizan, capturing two hundred and ninety-three of his men, with Lieutenant Colonel Wood, Morgan’s second in command,Morgan himself narrowly escaping capture by the fleetness of his celebrated steed, to the Cumberland River, which he swam, leaving the animal a prize to the regiment. On the 14th of May the Third Battalion marched from Lebanon to Livingston, in Overton county, after Morgan, who was again in the field, and at Spring Creek came upon his rear guard, where, after a spirited action, the guard was captured, with the Quarter-master of Morgan’s Brigade.Pushing on after Morgan, who declined fighting, he was forced to the Cumberland Mountains at Sparta, where his command scattered upon the variousroads leading to Chattanooga.
On the 3d of June, the Third Battalion marched from Lebanon, Tennessee, to Tompkinsville, Kentucky, and on the 6th Captain Hugh M’Cullough was warmly engaged at Moore’s Hill, defeating Colonel Hamilton, who had a largely superior force, with a loss of the leader, Captain M’Cullough, and four men kiiled, and ten badly wounded. Captain M’Cullough, a brave and competent officer, was shot through the stomach, while leading his men to the charge.
On the 9th of July, 1862, Morgan, with a force of over two thousand men, advanced against Tompkinsville. To meet this force Major Jordan, who was in command of the post, had but two hundred and thirty, and after maintaining an unequal contest for two hours, findinghimself being surrounded, he retired to Burksville, Kentucky. In this engagement fifty-seven of the enemy were killed, and one hundred and forty wounded, while the loss in the battalion was only ten killed, fourteen wounded, and nineteen taken prisoners. Among the latter was Major Jordan, who had Hs horse killed in the action. Lieutenant Aaron Sullivan was among the killed.
In the meantime the First Battalion remained at Springfield, and the Second at Clarksville. Finding that the enemy was penetrating Kentucky in large force, the regiment was again united under Colonel Williams, at Lebanon, Kentucky, early in August, and was employed in keeping the State clear of Morgan and his bands, and in watching the advance of Kirby Smith.
After the disastrous battle of Richmond, Kentucky, on the 30th, in connection withthe Ninth Kentucky Cavalry, it covered the retreat of General Nelson toLouisville, fighting daily the enemy’s advance under Jenkins and ColonelScott, of the First Louisiana Cavalry, who displayed great activity, attackingat every favorable point. At Shelbyville it had a sharp encounter, defeatingJenkins, killing twenty-seven of his men, and capturing forty-four. Afterreaching Louisville it was employed in guarding the roads in the direction ofTennessee, on which General Buell was marching for the relief of Kentucky.
Upon General Buell’s arrival, in conjunction with the Second Michigan, it tookthe advance to Perryville, and by its boldness in pushing the enemy’s rear,brought on the sanguinary battle fought there, sustaining the fire of his infantry until relieved by M’Cook’s Corps. It then formed on the right of the line, and by its steadiness, foiled every attempt of the enemy’s cavalry to turn its flank. In this action it had ten killed, and twenty-seven wounded. In general orders issued after the action, General Buell says, “The Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry behaved most bravely, being at one time compelled to stand for three-quarters of an hour under the concentrated fire of three batteries of the enemy’s artillery, and only retiring when ordered to do so.”
By hard service the regiment had by this time become much weakened, andabout one-half of the men were dismounted. It was accordingly ordered toLouisville for fresh horses and equipments. After receiving these, in companywith the Second Michigan, it marched to Nicholasville, to prepare for a raidinto East Tennessee, upon the railroads communicating with the rebel Capital,by which succor should be prevented from reaching General Bragg before theadvance of Rosecrans to Stone River.
On the 22d of December the expedition, under command of General Carter, left Nicholasville, and on reaching Big Hill, all the commissary stores, and one hundred rounds of ammunition per man were distributed, roads and civilization were left behind, and the command took to the deer-paths of Pine, Cumberland, and Clinch Mountains. To one unacquainted with the way, it is difficult to form any adequate conception of the hardships which the troops encountered on this march.
These mountains, cheerless and dark, and savage as when Boone first saw them, are at this point one hundred miles wide, and can only be crossed by following the paths worn by the deer and the Indian ages before. Over these paths, in single file, marched the regiments, traveling day and night, swimming the Cumberland and Clinch rivers, and fording the numerous creeks on the route, until the 1st of January, 1863, when it reached the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, at the bridge spanning the Watauga. This was defended by a company of about four hundred strong, from the command of General Humphrey Marshall, well entrenched.
As time was all important, the cavalry was dismounted, the placecarried by assault, and the bridge, a structure of two long spans, was burned.As it was deemed unwise to cumber the column with prisoners, the capturedparty was at once paroled, and the command moved down the railroad ten ortwelve miles to the point where it crosses the Holston River. The bridge herewas defended by a force of two hundred and fifty men, having stockades andentrenchments skillfully constructed for its defence. Without delay these werestormed, and the entire rebel force taken prisoners. In this action the Ninthlost six killed and twenty-five wounded. Among the latter was Sergeant EllisT. Hamersly, who was shot through the thigh, the missile inflicting a painfuland dangerous wound. All the badly wounded were left with the paroledenemy, the command being without ambulances, with the exception of SergeantHamersly, who resolutely refused to remain, and succeeded in keeping hishorse and moving with the column until it reached Kentucky.
After leavingthe Holston Bridge, and destroying a trestle work of nearly a mile across -swamp, the command faced for Kentucky, and by skillful strategy, joined withsignal enterprize and rapidity of movement, succeeded in eluding the enemy,eight thousand strong, under Marshall, and re-crossed the Cumberland Mountains, returning by the same paths by which it advanced. The success of thisraid, in the face of a greatly superior force of the enemy, was the cause of somuch chagrin to the rebel chieftains, that Marshall, the commander, was relieved and never afterwards restored to his command.
The regiment reached Nicholasville from this raid on the night of the 13thof January, with two-thirds of its men dismounted, the animals, for more thanone hundred miles while crossing the mountains, being without food. In themeantime Colonel Williams, for some cause of difficulty involving a questionof rank, had resigned, and Lieutenant Colonel James, on the 13th of Januarydied. Major Jordan was accordingly promoted to Colonel. After a few day atrest, the regiment marched to Louisville, where it was re-mounted, and thenceby rail to Nashville.
On the 8th of February, two days after its arrival, itproceeded, by order of General Rosecrans, to Franklin, where, after a sharpskirmish, General Forest’s Brigade of the enemy was driven from the town.Colonel Jordan’s command here formed the right wing of the army of the Cumberland, which was now confronting the enemy at Liberty on the left, Shelbyville and Tullohoma in the centre, and Triune and Franklin on its extremeright.
At Spring Hill, fourteen miles in front of Franklin, was the extreme ofthe left wing of the enemy, commanded by General Van Dorn, Wheeler andForest commanding divisions under him, with a force of twelve thousand cavalry. The advance brigade of this force was at Thompson’s Station, nine milesout on the Columbia Pike, the Eighth Mississippi doing picket duty three milesnearer Franklin, and the Fourth Mississippi performing the same duty fivemiles to the right, on the Carter’s Creek Pike. For eighteen days, the Ninth,aided by three hundred men from the Second Michigan Cavalry, without othersupport, confronted this strong rebel force, and daily, to deceive the enemy,made strong attacks upon his advance positions.
This bold strategy was entirely successful, and the weakness of the post was not discovered by Van Dorn, until the morning of the 4th of March, when he advanced in force tostorm the place; but a division of infantry, under Colonel John Coburn, of Indiana, having reached Franklin during the night of the 3d, the whole command marched out on the morning of the 4th, and four miles from Franklin met the enemy. After a hotly contested engagement, which lasted from nine in the morning until three in the afternoon, the enemy was finally driven back to his position at Thompson’s Station. In this action the regiment suffered severely, having twelve killed and fifty-one wounded.
On the following morning, Colonel Coburn, who had assumed command, determined to pursue and drive the enemy from the Station, his chosen ground. Immediately after daylight, Colonel Jordan was ordered to advance with his regiment, and drive theenemy into position. As Jordan moved out, skirmishing opened, and everymoment became heavier. At the hills in front of the Station the enemy madea determined stand, but the First Battalion, under Lieutenant Colonel Savage,and the Second under Major Detweiler, by a most gallant charge, drove himfrom his position, and held the ground until the infantry had formed and advanced to their relief. This action proved disastrous to the Union arms, and Colonel Coburn, with three thousand eight hundred infantry, was captured.Colonel Jordan, with the cavalry, fought his way back to Franklin, bringing off two hundred and twenty prisoners, together with the entire artillery and baggage train of the army and all the wounded that the ambulances could bear. For the heroic part borne by the regiment in this action, it was mentioned honorably in special orders by General Rosecrans.
In the campaign against Bragg in Tennessee, which culminated in the battle of Chickamauga, the regiment took part, and with the First Brigade, First Division of the Cavalry under General Stanley, led the advance of our army. In the initial movements it fought in the battles of Rover, Middletown, and Shelbyville, and at the latter place charged the left flank of the enemy, while the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry charged the centre, and in a most stubborn hand-to-hand encounter, succeeded in capturing nearly a thousand prisoners, with the enemy’s battery, breaking up entirely his cavalry organization, anddriving the few who escaped as mere fugitives upon the main force at Tullahoma. Among the killed was Captain Gilbert Waters. It also participated in the action at Elk River, and by passing the stream above the right flank ofthe enemy, and boldly attacking him, forced him from his position at the fordsin front of General Turchin, enabling his command to pass the river and follow the retreating columns.
At Cowan, a few days later, near the foot of theCumberland Mountains, the regiment captured two hundred of the rear guardof Bragg as he was passing. A few days previous to the battle of Chikcamauga, it penetrated to a point near Lafayette, Georgia, and captured by agallant charge, a part of the advance guard of General Longstreet, then marching from the army of Lee in Virginia, to re-inforce Bragg, and was thus enabledto give Rosecrans the first positive information of Longstreet’ presence. AtChickamauga, the regiment held the right of our line, and after the defeat ofM’Cook’s Corps, closed on the right of General Thomas, and defended his fiankduring the remainder of the battle. For its conduct in this desperate encounter it received from General Thomas a complimentary notice, and Colonel Jordan was commended for his gallantry in the most flattering terms.
During the winter of 1863, and spring of 1864, it was in EastTennessee, and fought in the battles of Dandridge, New Market, Mossy Creek, and Fair Garden, capturing at the latter place the artillery of the enemy. The regiment having re-enlisted was given a furlough of thirty days, and returned to Pennsylvania early in April. By the latter part of May it was again in the field at Louisville, having recruited its thinned ranks in the meantime, to twelve hundred men. While at Louisville receiving arms and horses General John I. Morgan made his last raid into Kentucky, and was pushing for Frankfort, at which place he designed crossing the Kentucky River, and then by overpowering the detachments scattered along the Louisville and Nashville Railroad as guard, breaking up the track, and burning the bridges, cut off Sherman, who was then far on his march to Atlanta, from his base of supplies, and compel him to fall back to Chattanooga. Colonel Jordan at once volunteered to defend Frankfort, and seizing all the horses necessary to remount, command, and arming his men with common muskets, he marched by night to the Capital, fifty-four miles, and successfully held the place, compelling Morgan to abandon his well laid scheme, and fall back towards Pound Gap, near which place he was badly defeated by General Burbridge, who had a division of cavalry in his rear.
The regiment soon after marched to Nashville, and thence to Chattanooga, arriving on the 2d of September. Here it was ascertained that the rebel General Wheeler was crossing the mountains into Middle Tennessee, with all his cavalry. By order of General J. B. Steedman, then in command at Chattanooga, the regiment at once started in pursuit, crossing the mountains direct to M’Minnville, thence to Murfreesboro, where it arrived on the 5th. On the morning of the 6th, it marched out twelve miles on the Woodbury and M’Minnville Road to Readyville, where it attacked and utterly defeated General Dibberel’s Brigade of Wheelers command, taking two hundred and ninety-four prisoners, a large proportion of whom were wounded with sabre cuts. The charge, in this action was led by Major D. H. Kimmel, in a most gallant manner.
The next day by order received by telegraph from General Thomas, Colonel Jordan was placed in command of all the cavalry in Tennessee, and directed to pursue the retreating enemy. He marched the same afternoon, and at Woodbury, just at dusk, met and defeated a part of the rebel General Williams’ Division, under Colonel Anderson. On the following morning he continued the pursuit to M’Minnville, and the day following to Sparta, General Williams constantly avoiding an action, though he had more than double the force under Colonel Jordan. At Sparta the enemy took to the mountains and passed into East Tennessee. For his conduct in refusing to fight, General Williams was placed under arrest by General Wheeler, from which he was not released until the end of the war. In acknowledgment of the good conduct of Colonel Jordan and the troops under his command, of which the Ninth Pennsylvania constituted two-thirds, complimentary orders were issued by General Van Cleve at Murfreesboro, General Milroy at Tullahoma, and General Steedman at Chattanooga.
The regiment then marched to join General Sherman at Marietta, Georgia; and on the 14th of November, started on its march with that great chieftain to the sea. Previous to moving, it was assigned to the First Brigade, Third Division of Cavalry, the whole under command of General Judson Kilpatriek, and was assigned to the right wing of the army, under General Howard, leading his advance to Macon and Milledgeville. On the 16th, the first day out from Atlanta, it encountered General Wheeler, who, with his cavalry occupied the old works of the enemy at Lovejoy’s Station, on the Macon Railroad. Theposition was a formidable one, having been well entrenched by General Hood.As the brigade moved to the attack, the enemy opened a galling fire from four guns; but after a short and sharp encounter, by a most gallant charge, the regiment gained a lodgement in the works, driving the enemy from his guns,and capturing them with more than three hundred prisoners. The guns wereat once manned by the regiment and were retained by it until the end of thewar. They were the same guns that had been surrendered to the superiorforces of the enemy near Macon, by General Stoneman, some months previous.
Early in December, while marching on Macon, it skirmished heavily withthe enemy, and with the brigade pushed the cavalry of Wheeler within thedefences of the city. On the day following, in conjunction with Walcott’sBrigade of Wood’s Division, Fifteenth Corps, it fought in the battle of BearCreek or Griswoldville, defeating Wheeler, but not without severe loss, havingninety five men killed and wounded. Moving through Milledgeville to the leftflank of our army, it demonstrated in the direction of Augusta, and after crossing the Ogeechee at the falls, turned south-east towards Millen, one of the prisonpens for Union soldiers.
When within one day’s march of Waynesboro,Wheeler made a sudden night attack, but was defeated, though he followed upthe command closely to Waynesboro, where he again made a fruitless nightattack. On the day following, it having been discovered that the Union prisoners had been removed from Millen, and the necessity for proceeding furtherin this direction obviated, the command turned towards Louisville, Georgia,to form a junction with General Baird’s Division of Infantry, which wouldcross the Ogeechee at that point. During the day Wheeler followed closely, andat Buckhead Creek made a heavy attack upon the Ninth, which was in therear, in the hope of cutting it off from the rest of the column already acrossthe stream. By a bold charge the enemy was beaten off, and the regiment was enabled to join the remainder of the command now in line of battle and awaiting attack. It had scarcely gained its position, when the enemy advanced, but was met with such a galling fire, that he was compelled to draw off, andthe brigade marched on unmolested to Louisville. In all these engagements,Wheeler’s cavalry outnumbered that opposed to him.
Two days later, the infantry having come up, it again moved on Waynesboro. General Dibberel’s Division of Wheeler’s Cavalry, was found in line of battle at Buckhead Church, and defeated. Pushing forward from its camp atWaynesboro, where it remained one day, the command on the following morning again attacked Wheeler, who had barricaded himself within cannon shotof our front. The Ninth Pennsylvania had the centre, while the Ninth Ohio wasonthe right, and the Fifth Ohio on the left, with the Third and Fifth Kentuckyand Eighth Indiana in reserve. In this order the command moved over a beautifully undulating plain, and in twenty minutes the barricades were stormed,and Wheeler was in full retreat. At Waynesboro he again made a stand, andafter a severe action, he was driven from the town, and retreated across BriarCreek, on the road leading to Augusta.
On the same day the command facedtowards Savannah, where it arrived with the whole army on the 21st of December.After a month’s delay, the regiment again took the field, and entering SouthCarolina at Sister’s Ferry, marched through Robertsville and Barnwell toBlackville, on the Charleston and Augusta Railroad, where it encountered anddefeated a portion of Wheeler’s command, and following the railroad towardsAugusta, two days later, developed the strength and position of the enemy atPolecat Ponds, near Aiken, where he had been re-enforced by Hampton’s Division. On the day following, Wheeler and Hampton attacked with theirwhole force, but were signally defeated.
Without pausing, the brigade movedtowards Columbia, the Capital of the State, and after taking Lexington, andcapturing a portion of Wheeler’s rear guard, moved in the direction of Charlotte, North Carolina, as far as Black Stake’s Station, on the Columbia andCharlotte-Railroad, where it met and defeated a force of the enemy. Crossingthe Catawba at Rocky Mount, and marching thence by Lancaster and Chesterfield Court House, it entered North Carolina, crossing the Great Pedee Rivernear the southern line of the State, and occupied Rockingham. On the morning of the 11th of March, the command reached Fayetteville, the enemy retiring, skirmishing slightly.
After a few days of rest, it moved towards Goldsboro, and on the 16th at Averysboro was engaged in a most determined action, lasting from six in the morning until two in the afternoon, against a division of the rebel army led by M’Laws, which resulted in the capture of a large number of prisoners, with General Rhett of the First Brigade South Carolina Heavy Artillery. In this action Captain E. A. Hancock of the Ninth lost a leg, andCaptain John Boal was killed; and in the brigade, every twelfth man was killedor wounded. The infantry coming up, took up the fighting, and carried therebel breast-works, capturing the artillery and a large number of prisoners.
In February Colonel Jordan was promoted to Brigadier General, the commandof the regiment still resting with Lieutenant Colonel Kimmel, who had beenpromoted to that rank in September previous.
On the 17th, the command marched towards Bentonville, on the left flankof the Twentieth Corps, and with it participated in the battle which ensued onthe 19th, the cavalry assisting materially in securing a triumph on that hotlycontested field. After re-fitting and resting near Goldsboro, the cavalry on the9th of April, again took the field, and while the infantry moved directly onJohnston’s position at Smithfield, it moved by a more circuitous route, by theold battle-field of Bentonville, to reach the rear of the enemy, and capture RSunday, June 24, 2001 18:54:48aleigh. To accomplish this purpose required constant marching, day and night.On the morning of the second day, the cavalry struck the head of the enemy’sretreating columns, and after a fierce and sanguinary conflict, compelled theenemy to march by the flank, between Raleigh and the Neuce River, towardsHillsboro. In this action, Assistant Surgeon James Moore was wounded inthe left lung, while gallantly assisting, by his presence, in urging on the men.
On the morning of the 13th, the First Brigade, under General Jordan, entered Raleigh, the city having been surrendered promptly by the civil authorities on his approach. Passing through the city, the enemy under Wheeler and Hampton, was found in position on the Hillsboro Road, and was immediately attacked. In the engagement which ensued, the Ninth bore the brunt of theaction. The enemy fell back, hotly pursued by the cavalry for ten miles toMorrisville, where he again made a stand. The line was quickly formed, thecharge sounded, and the position carried, the enemy retreating in the wildestconfusion over the plain, broken into fragments by the plunging fire of the artillery from the heights overlooking the valley.
The columns being againformed started in pursuit, when a flag of truce was discovered approaching.It was received by the Ninth, under which was delivered the letter of GeneralJoseph E. Johnston, directed to General Sherman, asking for a meeting to determine the terms of surrender of the army under his command. This was thelast fighting done, and the last guns fired in Sherman’s command, were fromthe battery of the Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry. From Morrisville the command marched to Durham, and the escort to General Sherman when he proceeded to the Burnett House to meet General Johnston, and again upon the occasion of agreeing to the terms of surrender, was furnished by this regiment, Major John M. Porter being in command. After the surrender, the command moved through Greenville to Lexington, where it remained until the 18th of July, when it was mustered out of service. Returning to Harrisburg, it wasfinally disbanded, and the war-worn veterans retired to their homes and thepeaceful avocations of life.
Organized at Harrisburg October and November, 1861.
Left State for Louisville, Ky., November 20, 1861, thence moved to Jeffersonville, Ind., and duty there till January 10, 1862.
1st Battalion at Grayson Springs, Ky.; 2nd Battalion at Calhoun, Ky., and 3rd Battalion at Bacon Creek, Ky., till March 5, 1862.
Ordered to Tennessee, and 1st Battalion at Springfield, 2nd Battalion at Clarksville and 3rd Battalion at Gallatin till August, 1862.
Served unattached, Army Ohio, to September, I862.
3rd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Army Ohio, to November, 1862.
District of Louisville, Ky., Dept. Ohio to December, 1862.
District Central Kentucky, Dept. Ohio, to March, 1863.
1st Brigade, 1st Division, Cavalry Corps, Dept. Cumberland, to May, 1864.
District of Kentucky, Dept. Ohio, to September, 1864.
District of Middle Tennessee, Dept. Cumberland, to October, 1864.
1st Brigade, 3rd Division, Cavalry Corps, Army Cumberland, to November, 1864.
1st Brigade, 3rd Division, Cavalry Corps, Military Division Mississippi, to July, 1865.
Lebanon, Ky., May 4-5, 1862 (3rd Battalion).
Spring Creek May 14 (3rd Battalion).
Tompkinsville June 6 (3rd Battalion).
Operations against Morgan July 4-28.
Tompkinsville July 9 (3rd Battalion).
Glasgow July 10.
Paris July 19.
Regiment assembled at Lebanon, Ky., August. Crab Orchard, Ky., August 22.
Frankfort September 2.
Near Perryville October 6-7.
Doctor’s Fork October 7.
Perryville October 8.
Carter’s Raid from Winchester, Ky., to East Tennessee and Southwest Kentucky December 20, 1862, to January 5, 1863.
Passage of Moccasin Gap December 29.
Watauga Bridge, Carter’s Station and Union December 30.
Carter’s Depot December 31.
Watauga River January 1, 1863. Jonesville, Va., January 2.
Union January 15.
Reconnoissance from Franklin February 21.
Thompson’s Station, Spring Hill, March 4-5 (Detachment).
Expedition from Franklin to Columbia March 8-12.
Thompson’s Station March 9. Rutherford Creek March 10-11.
Spring Hill March 19.
Near Thompson’s Station March 23.
Little Harpeth River March 25.
Near Franklin March 31.
Davis Mills April 5 (Detachment).
Thompson’s Station May 2.
Franklin June 4-5.
Triune June 9 and 11.
Middle Tennessee or Tullahoma Campaign June 23-July 7.
Eaglesville and Rover June 23.
Middleton June 24.
Guy’s Gap and Fosterville June 27.
Capture of Shelbyville June 27.
Bethpage Bridge, Elk River, July 2.
Expedition to Huntsville July 13-22.
Jonesboro July 12.
Chickamauga (Ga.) Campaign August 16-September 22. Rawlingsville September 5. Stevenson, Ala., September 7.
Reconnoissance from Alpine, Ga., toward Rome September 10-11.
Alpine September 12. Dirt Town, Lafayette Road, September 12.
Chattooga River September 12.
Reconnoissance from Lee and Gordon’s Mills toward Lafayette and skirmish September 13. Battle of Chickamauga, Ga., September 19-20.
Buck Town Tavern, near New Market, October 12.
Sparta November 24-26 and December 9.
On road to Coosaville, Cumberland Mountain, December 9.
Operations about Dandridge and Mossy Creek December 24-28.
Dandridge, Tenn., December 24.
Talbot Station December 28.
Mossy Creek, Talbot Station, December 29.
Bend of Chucky Road, near Dandridge, January 16, 1864.
Operations about Dandridge January 16-17.
Dandridge January 17.
Fair Garden January 27.
McNutt’s Bridge January 27.
Veterans on furlough April-May.
Operations against Morgan May 31-June 20.
Defence of Frankfort June 10.
Duty in District of Kentucky till September.
Lawrenceburg September 6.
Readyville, Tenn., September 6.
Woodbury September 10.
Operations against Hood in North Georgia and North Alabama September 29-November 3.
Camp Creek September 30.
Sweetwater and Noyes Creek, near Powder Springs, October 1-3.
Lafayette, Ga., October 12.
March to the sea November 15-December 10.
Lovejoy Station November 16. East Macon November 20.
Gordon November 21.
Clinton November 21-23.
Griswoldsville November 22.
Sylvan Grove November 27.
Waynesboro November 27-28.
Near Louisville November 29.
Millen or Shady Grove November 30.
Waynesboro December 4.
Briar Creek December 7.
Siege of Savannah December 10-21.
Campaign of the Carolinas January to April, 1865.
Johnson’s Station February 10-11.
Phillips Cross Roads March 4.
Rockingham March 7.
Averysboro, N. C., March 16.
Bentonville March 19-21.
Morrisville and occupation of Raleigh April 13.
Bennett’s House April 26.
Surrender of Johnston and his army.
Duty at Lexington, N. C., till July.
Mustered out July 18, 1865.Losses
Regiment lost during service 6 Officers and 66 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 155 Enlisted men by disease. Total 229.
Bates, Samuel P.History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-65, Harrisburg, 1868-1871.
Dyer, Frederick H. A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion Compiled and Arranged from Official Records of the Federal and Confederate Armies, Reports of he Adjutant Generals of the Several States, the Army Registers, and Other Reliable Documents and Sources.Des Moines, Iowa:The Dyer Publishing Company, 1908