8th Regiment
Pennsylvania Cavalry
Source: U. S. Army Heritage and Education Center
(formerly the U. S. Army Military History Institute)
laf Nov 00Bates, Samuel P. History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-5. Wilmington, NC:Broadfoot, 1993. Vol. 5, pp. 111-50 (21 photocopied pages).E527B32.1993v5. (Brief history and roster of the regiment).
Carpenter, James E. A List of the Battles, Engagements, Actions and Important Skirmishes in Which the Eighth Pennsylvania Cavalry Participated During the War of l86l-l865. Phila: Allen, Lane and Scott, l886. 8 p. (4 photocopied pages). E527.6.8th.C37 and El73Pl8no248pam3.
_____. Gregg’s Cavalry at Gettysburg. In The Annals of the War Written by Leading Participants North and South. Dayton, OH: Morningside, 1988. pp. 527-35 (5 photocopied pages). E464A6.
Collins, John L. “The Charge of the Eighth Pennsylvania Cavalry.” [At Chancellorsville] In Battles & Leaders of the CW, Vol. 3. NY: Yoseloff, 1956.pp. 186-88 (3 photocopied pages). E470B346v3.
See also by the same author pp. 183-86 (4 photocopied pages) for “When Stonewall Jackson Turned Our Right” & pp.429-33 (5 photocopied pages) for “A Prisoner’s March from Gettysburg to Staunton.”
Dyer, Frederick H. A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion. Vol. 2. Dayton, OH: Morningside, 1979. Ref. See pp. 1561-62 (2 photocopied pages) for a concisesummary of the regiment’s service.
Hodge, G. Woolsey. A Sermon Preached in the Church o fthe Ascension Philadelphia …on the Occasion of the Unveiling of a Mural Tablet in Memory of Major James Edward Carpenter… March 2, l902…. Lancaster, PA: New Era Print Co, 1902? l3 p. (6 photocopied pages). E527.C37H63.
Huey, Pennock. A True History of the Charge of the Eighth Pennsylvania Cavalry at Chancellorsville. Phila: Porter & Coates, l883. 76 p. E475.35H86.
Pennsylvania Gettysburg Battlefield Comm.Pennsylvania at Gettysburg: Ceremonies at the Dedication of the Monuments Erected by the Commonwealth…. Vol. 2. Hbg, PA:Wm S Ray, 1914. pp. 855-67 (8 photocopied pages). E475.53P422v2.(Addresses delivered at the dedication of the regimental monument and a photo of that monument at the Gettysburg National Military Park).
_____. 8th Cav. Regt. Ceremonies at Dedication ofMonument of the Eighth Penna. Cavalry Regiment at Gettysburg, September 1, 1890; With Historical Sketch of the Regiment. n.p., 1890.35 p. E527.6.8th.P4.
Rummel, George A. III. Gettysburg Cavalrymen: 8th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, Army of the Potomac, Cavalry Corps, 2nd Division, 2nd Brigade. Bridgeport, WV: By the Author, 2000. 24 p. E527.6.8th.R86.
Sauers, Richard A. Advance the Colors!: Pennsylvania Civil War Battle Flags. Vol. 2. Hbg, PA:Capitol Preservation Comm, 1991. pp. 309-10 (2 photocopied pages).E527.4S38.1991v2. (Brief unit history with emphasis on the regimental flags).
Taylor, Frank H. Philadelphia in the Civil War.Phila: By the City, 1913. pp. 165-67 2 photocopied pages). E527.97P54T39. (Brie fhistory of the unit).
Wickersham, Charles I. “Personal Recollections of the Cavalry at Chancellorsville.” In War Papers (MOLLUS, Vol. 3)Milwaukee, WI: Burdick & Allen, 1903. pp. 453-62 (6 photo-copied pages).E464M5.1991v48.
The Institute’s Archive includes images of individuals of this unit.
The following pertinent personal papers are in the Institute’s Manuscript Archive:
Davis, Thomas M. – CWMiscColl (Enlisted man and wife’s letters, Dec 4, l86l-Mar 9, l862)
Dollar, John – HCWRTColl (Enlisted man’s diary, Jun28, l862-Sep l8, l864)
McCord, George – SpAmWarSurvey-CWColl (Enlisted men’sletters, Feb l0-Oct l4, l862)
Messeimer, A. M. – LeighColl Bk 42: 2 (Bugler’sletter, May 2l, l862)