7th Cavalry Regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteers
THE authority to raise this regiment was given on the 27th of August, 1861, to William B. Sipes, of Philadelphia, by the Hon. Simon Cameron, Secretary of War. Recruiting took place as follows:
- Companies A and F were recruited in Schuylkill County
- Company B in Lycoming and Tioga Counties
- Company C in Tioga and Bradford Counties
- Company D in Northumberland and Montour Counties
- Company E in Clinton and Centre Counties
- Company G in Chester County,
- Company H in Montour and Luzerne Counties
- Company I in Dauphin County
- Company K in Cumberland County
- Company L in Berks County
- Companh M in Allegheny
The companies were recruited, for the most part, by their officers and at their expense, the grade of their commissions depending, as a general rule, upon their success in securing men. Their military experience was in general limited to the three months’ service.
The companies rendezvoused at Camp Cameron, near Harrisburg, where a regimental organization was effected, and the following field officers were commissioned:
- George C. Wynkoop, of Pottsville, Colonel
- William B. Sipes, of Philadelphia, Lieutenant Colonel
- James J. Seibert, of Philadelphia, Major
- James Given, of West Chester, Major
- John E. Wynkoop, of Pottsville, Major
Colonel Wynkoop had been connected with the State militia, as an officer of cavalry, for more than twenty years, had served as Brigadier General of Volunteers in the three months’ service, and it was by the active exertions of Lieutenant Colonel Sipes, who had little military experience beyond that of the three months’ service, that he was selected to lead the regiment.
Clothing was promptly issued to the men upon entering camp, and the regiment was regularly exercised in dismounted drill. Side arms were received while at Camp Cameron, and horses were supplied, but not issued until after leaving it.
On the 18th of December, the colors were presented by Governor Curtin, from the steps of the State Capitol, and on the following day, in pursuance of orders from the Secretary of War, the regiment started for Louisville, Kentucky, where, upon its arrival, it reported to General Buell, in command of the Department of the Cumberland, and was placed in camp of instruction at Jeffersonville, Indiana. Belgian rifles were issued, but were soon after condemned and turned in, and subsequently the Smith and Burnside carbines were given.
Towards the close of January, 1862, the regiment broke camp, and, moving leisurely southward, through Kentucky, arrived at Nashville, Tennessee, soon after its occupation by Union forces. Here, the three battalions were separated:
- The first, under Major Wynkoop, being assigned to General Negley’s Brigade, and sent with him to Columbia;
- The second, under Colonel Wynkoop, to the command of General Dumont, garrisoning at Nashville; and
- The third, under Major Given, to Colone Duffields command, two companies being stationed at Murfreesboro, and two at Lebanon.
The duty imposed, at this time, consisted in scouting in Western and Middle Tennessee, and as far east as the Cumberland Mountains.
On the 1st of May, Captain Newlin, with Company F, while scouting on the Tennessee and Alabama Pike, was met by a party of the enemy, under the rebel chieftain Morgan, near Pulaski, and was driven back in the direction of Columbia, with a loss of two taken prisoners. Halting at Pulaski for a day, Morgan moved in the direction of Murfreesboro, and was met by the Third Battalion and driven in the direction of Lebanon. On the afternoon of the 4th, the Third was reinforced by the Second Battalion, and some Kentucky troops, and continued the pursuit to Lebanon.
At daybreak of the 5th, it having been ascertained that Morgan was comfortably housed in the town, General Dumont, who was in command, determined to attack. Moving forward with as little noise as possible, the Second Battalion in advance, the pickets were met about a mile from town, and the charge sounded. Morgan was taken entirely by surprise, but, throwing his men into the Court House, Academy, and buildings surrounding the square, which commanded the principal streets, offered obstinate resistance. The contest lasted nearly two hours, during which repeated charges were made with the sabre. Morgan was finally compelled to yield, and, drawing off the remnant of his command remaiinig, retreated rapidly towards Carthage, hotly pursued by the Seventh. One hundred and seventy prisoners were taken. The loss in the Seventh was three killed, thirteen wounded, and three taken prisoners. Major Given was among the prisoners, and Adjutant R. F. Moson among the wounded.
On the 1st of June, the First Battalion, under Major Wynkoop, moved with Negley’s column for Chattanooga. At Sweeden’s Cove a skirmish ensued, in which the rebel cavalry was routed. After demonstrating in front of Chattanooga, with the design of drawing rebel troops from Cumberland Gap, the command returned to Shelbyville. On the 6th, the Third Battalion was sent out from Murfreesboro, encountered the enemy under Forrest, near M’Minnville, and drove him into the Cumberland Mountains.
About two weeks later, this battalion, with two companies of the Fourth Kentucky Cavalry, were met by Forrest at Readyville, and were driven back in the direction of Miurfreesboro, with a loss of six taken prisoners. Taking advantage of the information gained from some Union scouts whom he had captured, Forrest made a sudden dash upon Murfreesboro, on the 13th of July, surprised the garrison, consisting of Companies B, G, L, and M, under Major Seibert, the Ninth Michigan Infantry, Second Minnesota Infantry, and the Fourth Kentucky Battery, all under command of General Crittenden, and, after a hard contest, lasting nearly eight hours, compelled its surrender.
A court of inquiry, appointed by an order from headquarters of the Department of the Cumberland, reported, after a careful examination,
“that the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry was immediately overpowered. Officers and men who were able to reach the infantry joined and fought in the ranks.”
The cavalry was now kept actively employed in defending the flanks of the army against the irregular bands of the enemy’s horse that were prowling on every hand.
On the 1st of July, the First Battalion, under command of Major Wynkoop, moving with General Smith’s Brigade, occupied Manchester. On the following day, Captain C. C. Davis of company I, with nine men, was captured while on the picket line.
Early in July, the Second and Third Battalions, under Lieutenant Colonel Sipes, led the advance of General Dumont’s expedition, across the Cumberland Mountains, to Pikeville, where the enemy was met and routed. Shortly afterwards, the same battalions formed part of General Nelson’s command in his advance from M’Minnville to Sparta. At Calf Killer River, Forrest was overtaken and a sharp engagement ensued, in which the battalion lost three men taken prisoners.
The enemy’s cavalry having become very troublesome, General Richard Johnson was ordered to move, with a provisional brigade, consisting of the Second Battalion of the Seventh, the Fourth Kentucky Cavalry, and two companies of the Third Indiana Cavalry, in pursuit. Following him up for about ten days, he was overtaken at Gallatin, oin the morning of the 21st of August. The forces of Morgan and Forrest were united, and greatly outnumbered the Union command. A member of the Seventh thus describes the battle which ensued:
” General Johnson, steadily repressing the desire of his subordinate officers to charge vigorously, formed his men instead, in line, under fire, after the manner of infantry; in a few minutes ordered a retrograde movement over an open field; dismounted the men, and ordered an advance on foot, each man leading his horse; mounted them again to fall back; divided the command and sent each company to a detached and isolated position, all under fire of the entire rebel force, and held them thus until nearly surrounded, when he drew all together and ordered a retreat.
At this stage of the battle I was shot and left on the field, but, from reliable sources, I learn that after retreating about two miles, the command was halted, dismounted, formed in line and held the enemy in check until the flanks were turned, when another retreat was ordered, in which Lieutenant Nicholas A. Wynkoop, son of the Colonel, Battalion Adjutant, and, at the time, acting Aid-de-Camp to General Johnson, was killed.
Arrived near the Cumberland River, another line was formed, dismounted, and the flanks being entirely unguarded, Morgan was enabled to throw forces to the rear to cut off retreat, and pressed heavily on all sides, when General Johnson surrendered. When it became manifest that the General purposed to yield to the enemy, Colonel Wynkoop gathered together such of his command as he could mount, and, with the Colonel of the Third Indiania, assuming a bold front, succeeded in cutting his way out, and reached Nashville.
The loss in the brigade was about forty killed, and three hundred wounded and captured. The weather being very warm, many of the wounded died in rebel hands, though, so far as my experience and observation extended, every possible care and attention to our wounded was given by the rebel surgeons, and citizens of the place.”
When Buell, in September, made his retrograde movement through Kentucky, and subsequently his advance, the First Battalion, under Major Wynkoop, accompanied him, participating in the battle of Perryville, losing four men wounded, and three taken prisoners. The Second and Third Battalions remained with the garrison at Nashville, and was attached to General Negley’s command. They were employed in scouting and foraging, and in assisting to defend the city.
Early in November, 1862, General Bosecrans, who had superseded General Buell in command of the Army of the Cumberland, made a complete reorganization. Up to this time, the cavalry had not been formed in brigades and divisions, but had been scattered over Tennessee, Kentucky, and a portion of Alabama, doing very hard duty but accomplishing very little. General D. S. Stanley was now assigned to the command of the cavalry, and made a thorough organization of it for efficient service, the Seventh being assigned to the First Brigade1 of the Second Division.
Little of importance transpired to break the monotony of the picket and outpost duty, except that foraging was always accompanied by fighting, until the 26th of December, when the army advanced on the enemy at Murfreesboro. The First Brigade led the centre on the Nashville and Murfreesboro Pike, the regiments alternating daily, which brought the Seventh at the head of the column on the 27th. The entire march from Nashville to Stone River was a continuous battle, between the cavalry of the two armies.
Upon the arrival of the division at Stone River, on the 29th, the resistance was found too strong for the cavalry to move, and it was withdrawn to the right flank and rear. On the 30th, a battalion of the Seventh Pennsylvania, and one of the Third Kentucky, formed a chain of videttes in rear of the line of battle, with orders to drive up all stragglers. On the same day, Wheeler captured the train of the Twenty-eighth Brigade, on the Jefferson Pike, between Stewart’s Creek and Lavergne. Taking a battalion of the Seventh and the Fourth Michigan, Colonel Minty moved to its relief.
” I met the enemy,” says Colonel Minty in his report, ” who were chiefly dressed in our uniforms. The Seventh Pennsylvania drove them until after dark.”
On the 31st, the brigade, now reduced to about nine hundred and fifty men, took position, after crossing Overall’s Creek, about three quarters of a mile from the Murfreesboro and Nashville Pike, Captain Jenning’s Battalion being posted in the woods near the right of the Fourth Michigan.
“The enemy,” says Colonel Minty, “advanced rapidly with two thousand five hundred cavalry, mounted and dismounted, and three pieces of artillery, all under command of Generals Wheeler, Wharton, and Buford. They drove back the Fourth Michigan to the line of the First Tennessee skirmishers, and then attacked the Seventh Pennsylvania with great fury, but met with a determined resistance. I went forward to the line of dismounted skirmishers, and endeavored to move it to the right to strengthen the Seventh Pennsylvania, but the moment the right of the line showed itself from behind the fence where it was posted, the whole of the enemy’s fire was directed on it, turning it completely around. At this moment the Fifteenth Pennsylvania gave way and retreated rapidly, leaving the battalion of the Seventh Pennsylvania, and the dismounted men, entirely unsupported, and leaving them no alternative but to retreat.”
When, on this day, the right wing of the army was driven back in confusion, many of the men of the battalion, on the line of the videttes, were captured by the enemy while endeavoring to drive forward the straggling infantry. After the battle was over, and the enemy was making the best of his way from the field, the cavalry was sent in pursuit.
“About six miles out,” says Colonel Minty, ” we met the enemy in force; a sharp skirmish ensued. The Fourth Cavalry, First Tennessee Infantry, and the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, having to bear the brunt of the fight on our side. The enemy was driven from the field with heavy loss, and we returned to within a mile and a half of Murfreesboro and went into camp.”
The loss of the regiment, in this,entire battle, was two killed, nine wounded, and fifty missing.
On the 31st of January, the First Brigade was ordered to proceed to Rover and break up a rebel outpost. Arriving near the place, his pickets were encountered and driven in by the Fourth Michigan, when the Seventh Pennsylvania was ordered to draw sabre and charge, which was executed with a cheer, breaking the rebel line and utterly routing his entire command. The pursuit was maintained for ten miles, causing a loss of half his force. After scouting inside the rebel lines for two weeks, inflicting considerable damage upon the enemy, the brigade returned to camp at Murfreesboro.
Shortly afterward, learning that the enemy had re-occupied Rover in force, and had strengthened it by an intrenched infantry and artillery camp at Unionville, a town five miles from Rover, and sixteen from Shelbyville, where a large part of the rebel army was in camp, General Sheridan was ordered to move with his division to Eagleville, three miles west of Rover, for a diversion in favor of the cavalry. When, therefore, at sunrise on the 4th, the First Brigade attacked the enemy at Rover, the surprise was complete. After a sharp skirmish the pickets were driven in, and the Seventh was ordered to charge with the sabre. It was made in column, half platoon front, and received the concentrated fire of over two thousand rifles; but without faltering, being supported by the Fourth United States on the right, and the Fourth Michigan on the left as carbineers, it dashed forward, broke the centre of the rebel line, and drove it in confusion towards Unionville. Not satisfied with his success, Colonel Minty threw the flanking regiments into columns, on roads parallel with the pike on which the Seventh was moving, and, sounding the charge along the whole line, burst upon the astonished rebels at Unionville, entering their camp on the heels of the flying fugitives from Rover. But little resistance was offered, only one regiment of infantry attempting to form line, the artillery having been moved the day before to resist the threatened advance of Sheridan. The Seventh charged through the camp, and then gave chase to the rebel cavalry retreating towards Shelbyville. The loss of the Seventh was two killed and seven wounded.
From Unionville the command marched, the same day, to Eagleville, where it joined Sheridan, and with him proceeded to Franklin, then to Columbia, skirmishing with Van Dorn and Forrest at Spring Hill, and Rutherford Creek, and returned to Murfreesboro via Franklin, reaching camp on the 15th of March.
The command was engaged with Morgan at Snow Hill, near Liberty, on the 3d of April, with a loss of one killed and one wounded; fought Duke’s Brigade on the 20th; assisted in the capture of M’Minnville, May 6th; repelled a rebel demonstration on Murfreesboro on the 14th; and fought Morgan at Alexandria on the 3d of June; in all of which the Union forces were victorious except the last.
A little later Colonel Wynkoop was honorably discharged, and Lieutenant Colonel Sipes was commissioned to succeed him.
On the 24th, General Rosecrans commenced his advance on Tullahoma and Shelbyville. The cavalry, under General Stanley, moved on the right flank of the army. On the morning of the 27th, Colonel Minty was ordered to charge and carry Guy’s Gap, on the Murfreesboro Pike. With the Fourth Michigan Cavalry leading the advance, and the First Division supporting the flanks, he moved rapidly on through the gap, driving the rebels towards Shelbyville, and making captures on every hand. Arrived within five miles of the town, the enemy opened with artillery from his intrenchments. Colonel Minty promptly deployed the Fourth Michigan, and Fourth United States, as skirmishers, mounted, and held the Seventh in column. The advance was sounded, when, from some cause, the men commenced cheering, the skirmish line charged, and Colonel Minty, taking advantage of the favorable moment, ordered the Seventh to charge also.
Dashing forward with wild shouts, the intrenchments were stormed and taken, with many prisoners, and, nerved by their success, pushed on after the flying foe. A mile from town a rebel regiment was hemmed in, in an open field, and captured, offering little resistance. As the troops advanced towards the town, they were suddenly checked by the rapid fire from a battery of six pieces, posted in the public square.
Colonel Minty at once brought up two pieces of artillery, and, directing the Fourth United States and the Fourth Michigan to take a parallel street to the right, Colonel Jordan, with the Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry, of the First Division, the first street to the left, and three companies of the Seventh, under Captain Davis, to take the centre, the signal to charge was given. The Seventh was obliged to move in the face of the rebel guns, which were trained full upon it, and were served with great rapidity, at first dealing shot and shell, and then double shotted canister. But, unmindful of the storm, Davis dashed up the narrow street, filling it from curb to curb, the shouts of the men ringing above the noise of battle. As they came near, they were saluted by a shower of bullets from the rifles and pistols of the enemy. A short run brought the column hand to hand with the hostile force, and a brief struggle ensued over the guns; but the slash of the sabre, and the rapid rounds from pistols and carbines proved too much for rebel valor. He was driven in confusion, and the powerful battery was captured, as few have been, by a direct charge of cavalry.
After the loss of his artillery, a panic seemed to seize the enemy, and he fled in consternation to the bank of Duck River, a mile away, where he attempted to form a line to cover the passage of his trains. But it was a vain attempt. Charge after charge was delivered with an impetuosity inspired of success, and, finally, a wagon having been overturned upon the bridge, in wild affright the rebels broke, and threw themselves by hundreds into the river, where large numbers were drowned.
Shelbyville, with all its military stores, fell into Union hands, and a powerful impetus was given to the retreat of the entire rebel army. Wheeler’s boasted cavalry was broken, and never afterwards recovered from the blow. Lieutenants Amos B. Rhoades, and Francis W. Reed were among the killed in this engagement.
On the 3d of July the regiment was engaged in a skirmish at Elk River, on the 17th of August, at Sparta, and, early in September, moved with the army on the Chickamauga campaign. The march was wearisome to man and beast, obliged to move with rapidity, and to cross rugged mountains. From the 18th to the 22d, in the preliminary operations, and during the progress of the battle, the regiment was in constant motion, and performed important service.
On the first of August, it marched with the cavalry in pursuit of Wheeler, passing through East and Middle Tennessee, into Alabama. This march lasted eighteen consecutive days and nights, with little rest, and frequent running fights. Early in the year 1864, while stationed at Huntsville, Alabama, a large part of the regiment re-enlisted and was given a veteran furlough. Upon returning, the numbers having been swelled by recruits to about eighteen hundred, rank and file, it was statoned at Columbia, where it was ordered to drill and make preparation for the opening of the spring campaign. While upon furlough, Colonel Sipes drew Spencer carbines, improved sabres and horse equipments for the entire regiment, and, when freshly mounted, as it was at Nashville, it was well prepared for active service.
On the 30th of April, the regiment, under command of Colonel Sipes, broke camp, and, joining Garrard’s Division, set forward with Sherman towards Atlanta. On the 15th of May it was engaged at Rome, and on the 27th, at Dallas and Villa Rica Road, at the latter place, having a sharp skirmish, losing three killed, six wounded, and one taken prisoner; at Big Shanty on June 9th, with one killed, two wounded and two prisoners; at M’Afee Cross Roads, on the 11th, with two killed, and four prisoners; at Monday Creek, on the 20th, with one killed, ten wounded, and six prisoners; at Kenesaw Mountain on the 27th; in a raid on the Augusta and Atlanta Railroad on the 18th of July; in a raid on Covington, and the destruction of the railroad, on the 21st; at Flat Rock, on the 28th, with a loss of two wounded; and on the 1st of August entered the trenches in front of Atlanta.
On the 17th, it moved with Kilpatrick on his raid; on the 19th had a skirmish at Fairburn and Jonesboro; and, on the 20th, a sharp engagement at Lovejoy Station, in which Captain James G. Taylor and Lieutenant Chauncey C. Hemans were among the killed. The loss in this raid was five killed, twenty-four wounded, and fifteen missing.
On the 12th of October it was engaged in the battle at Rome, and, on the following day, made a charge with the sabre on infantry, routing them and capturing two pieces of artillery, losing one killed and four wounded. Two weeks later it was engaged at Lead’s Cross Roads, which closed the campaign.
The regiment having suffered severely in men, horses, and equipments, during a campaign rarely equalled for severity, was no longer fit for the field, and was ordered to Louisville, Kentucky, to be remounted, equipped, and prepared again for active duty.
While here, many of the officers, whose three years’ term of service had expired, were mustered out. Promotions were, accordingly, made, and, as re-organized, the field officers were:
- Charles C. M’Cormick, Colonel
- James F. Andress, Lieutenant Colonel
- Benjamin S. Dartt, Major
- Charles L. Greeno, Major
- Uriah C. Hartranft, Major
After the battle of Nashville, in which General Thomas defeated and put to rout the rebel army under Hood, the regiment was stationed at Gravelly Springs, Alabama, on the Tennessee River, where it was engaged in drilling and completing its organization and equipment for the spring campaign of 1865. On the 22d of March, it joined the command of General James H. Wilson, and with it set out on the expedition from Eastport, Mississippi, across the Gulf States.
On the 1st of April, it was engaged in the battle of Plantersville, Alabama, and on the following day, arrived in front of Selma. The position of the regiment in the line of march for that day, was the third, in the advance brigade of General Long’s Division; but, upon arriving near the city, it was ordered to the front to lead the assault upon the works.
“I directed General Long,” says General Wilson in his report, “to assault the enemy’s works by moving diagonally across the road upon which his troops were posted. * * * Fearing that this affair [the coming up of the enemy on his rear,] might compromise our assault upon the main position, General Long, with admirable judgment, determined to make the assault at once, and, without waiting the signal, gave the order to advance. The troops, dismounted, sprang forward with confident alacrity, and in less than fifteen minutes, without even stopping, wavering, or faltering, had swept over the works and driven the rebels in confusion towards the city. * * The distance which the troops charged, exposed to the enemy’s fire of musketry and artillery, was six hundred yards. Particular attention is invited to that part of General Long’s report which describes the assault. He states that the number actually engaged in the charge, was one thousand five hundred and fifty, officers and men. The portion of the line assaulted was manned by Armstrong’s Brigade, regarded as the best in Forest’s corps, and reported by him at more than fifteen hundred men. The loss from Long’s Division was forty killed, two hundred and sixty wounded, and seven missing. General Long was wounded in the head, Colonels Miller and M’Cormick in the leg, and Colonel Briggs in the breast. I doubt if the history of this, or any other war, will show another instance in which a line of works so strongly constructed, and as well defended,as this, by musketry and artillery, has been stormed and carried by a single line of men without support.”
The regiment was fearfully exposed, and lost heavily in killed and wounded. Lieutenant Jacob Sigmond was among the killed. Colonel M’Cormick fell severely wounded at the foot of the works, as the regiment, in advance of all others, was about entering the fortifications. The command now devolved on Lieutenant Colonel Andress, and under him the regiment participated in the engagement near Columbus, on the 16th of April.
On the 20th it arrived at Macon, Georgia, where, the war having substantially closed, it remained until the 13th of August, when it was mustered out of service.
1Organization of the First Brigade, Colonel R. H. G. Minty, Second Division; Fourth Regiment United States Cavalry, Captain M’Intyre; Fourth Regiment Michigan Cavalry, Colonel Minty; Third Regiment Indiana Cavalry, Colonel Kline; Seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Cavalry, Colonel George C. Wynkoop.
Organization of 7th Regiment Cavalry (3 Years):
Organized at Harrisburg September to December, 1861.
At Camp Cameron, Harrisburg, till December 19, 1861.
Moved to Louisville, Ky., December 19, and ordered to Jeffersonville, Ind.
Duty there till February, 1862.
Served unattached, Army Ohio, to March, 1862.
Negley’s 7th Independent Brigade, Army Ohio (1st Battalion).
Post of Nashville, Tenn., Dept. Ohio (2nd Battalion).
23rd Independent Brigade, Army Ohio (3rd Battalion), to September, 1862.
Cavalry, 8th Division, Army Ohio (1st and 2nd Battalions),
Unattached, Army Ohio (3rd Battalion), to November, 1862.
1st Brigade, Cavalry Division, Army Ohio, to January, 1863.
1st Brigade, 2nd Division, Cavalry Corps, Army Cumberland, to November, 1864.
2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, Cavalry Corps, Military Division Mississippi, to July, 1865
1st Battalion (Cos. “A,” “D,” “H” and “I”) sent to Columbia, Tenn.
Expedition to Rodgersville May 13-14.
Lamb’s Ferry, Ala., May 14.
Advance on Chattanooga June 1.
Sweeden’s Cove June 4. Chattanooga June 7-8.
Occupation of Manchester July 1.
Paris July 19.
Raid on Louisville & Nashville Railroad August 19-23.
Huntsville Road, near Gallatin, August 21.
Brentwood September 19-20. Near Perryville October 6-7.
Chaplin Hills October 8.
Expedition from Crab Orchard to Big Hill and Richmond October 21.
2nd Battalion (Cos. “C,” “E,” “F” and “K”), under Gen. Dumont, in garrison at Nashville, Tenn., and scouting in that vicinity till November.
3rd Battalion (Cos. “B,” “G,” “L” and “M”), in Duffield’s Command, scouting in West and Middle Tennessee.
Lebanon and pursuit to Carthage May 5.
Readyville June 7.
Murfreesboro July 18.
Sparta August 4-5 and 7.
Regiment reunited in November, 1862.
Nashville November 5.
Reconnoissance from Nashville to Franklin December 11-12.
Wilson’s Creek Pike December 11.
Franklin December 12.
Neal, Nashville December 24.
Advance on Murfreesboro December 26-30.
Lavergne December 26-27.
Battle of Stone’s River December 30-31, 1862, and January 1-3, 1863.
Overall’s Creek December 31.
Manchester Pike and Lytle’s Creek January 5, 1863.
Expedition to Franklin January 31-February 13.
Unionville and Rover January 31.
Murfreesboro February 7.
Rover February 13.
Expedition toward Columbia March 4-14.
Unionville and Rover March 4.
Chapel Hill March 5.
Thompson’s Station March 9.
Rutherford Creek March 10-11.
Snow Hill, Woodbury, April 3.
Franklin April 10.
Expedition to McMinnville April 20-30.
Middletown May 21-22.
Near Murfreesboro June 3.
Operations on Edgeville Pike June 4.
Marshall Knob June 4.
Shelbyville Pike June 4.
Scout on Middleton and Eagleville Pike June 10.
Scout on Manchester Pike June 13.
Expedition to Lebanon June 15-17.
Lebanon June 16.
Middle Tennessee or Tullahoma Campaign June 23-July 7.
Guy’s Gap or Fosterville and capture of Shelbyville June 27.
Expedition to Huntsville July 13-22.
Reconnoissance to Rock Island Ferry August 4-5.
Sparta August 9.
Passage of Cumberland Mountains and Tennessee River, and Chickamauga (Ga.) Campaign August 16-September 22.
Calfkiller River, Sparta, August 17.
Battle of Chickamauga September 19-20.
Rossville, Ga., September 21.
Reenlisted at Huntsville, Ala., November 28, 1863.
Atlanta Campaign May to September, 1864.
Demonstration on Rocky Faced Ridge May 8-11.
Battle of Resaca May 14-15.
Tanner’s Bridge and Rome May 15.
Near Dallas May 24.
Operations on line of Pumpkin Vine Creek
and battles about Dallas, New Hope Church and Allatoona Hills May 25-June 5.
Near Big Shanty June 9.
Operations about Marietta and against Kenesaw Mountain June 10-July 2.
McAffee’s Cross Roads June 11.
Powder Springs June 20.
Noonday Creek June 27.
Line of Nickajack Creek July 2-5.
Rottenwood Creek July 4.
Rossville Ferry July 5.
Line of the Chattahoochie July 6-17.
Garrard’s Raid on Covington July 22-24.
Siege of Atlanta July 22-August 25.
Garrard’s Raid to South River July 27-31.
Flat Rock Bridge July 28.
Kilpatrick’s Raid around Atlanta August 18-22.
Flint River and Jonesborough August 19.
Red Oak August 19.
Lovejoy Station August 20.
Operations at Chattahoochie River Bridge August 26-September 2.
Operations in North Georgia and North Alabama against Hood September 29-November 3.
Carter Creek Station October 1.
Near Columbia October 2.
Near Lost Mountain October 4-7.
New Hope Church October 5.
Dallas October 7.
Rome October 10-11.
Narrows October 11.
Coosaville Road, near Rome, October 13.
Near Summerville October 18.
Little River, Ala., October 20.
Leesburg October 21.
Ladiga, Terrapin Creek, October 28.
Ordered to Louisville, Ky., to refit; duty there till December 28.
March to Nashville, Tenn., December 28-January 8, 1865,
thence to Gravelly Springs, Ala., January 25, and duty there till March.
Wilson’s Raid to Selma, Ala., and Macon, Ga., March 22-April 24.
Selma April 2.
Occupation of Montgomery April 12.
Occupation of Macon April 20.
Duty in Georgia and at Nashville, Tenn., till August.
Mustered out August 13, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 8 Officers and 94 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded
and 5 Officers and 185 Enlisted men by disease.
Total 292.
Source: Dyer, Frederick H. A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion Compiled and Arranged from Official Records of the Federal and Confederate Armies, Reports of he Adjutant Generals of the Several States, the Army Registers, and Other Reliable Documents and Sources.Des Moines, Iowa: The Dyer Publishing Company, 1908