5th Regiment Pennsylvania Cavalry
Source: U. S. Army Heritage and Education Center (formerly the U. S. Army Military History Institute)
USAMHI RefBranch laf;dan Apr 92
Bates, Samuel P. History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-5. Wilmington, NC:Broadfoot, 1993. Vol. 3, pp. 568-631 (32 photocopied pages).E527B32.1993v3. (Brief history and roster of the regiment).
Dyer, Frederick H. A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion. Vol. 2. Dayton, OH: Morningside, 1979. Ref. See pp. 1559-60 (2 photocopied pages) for a concise summary of the regiment’s service.
Longacre, Edward J. “The Most Inept Regiment of the Civil War.” CW Times Illus (Nov l969): pp. 4-7 (4 photocopied pages). Per.
Sauers, Richard A. Advance the Colors!: Pennsylvania Civil War Battle Flags. Vol. 2. Hbg, PA: Capitol Preservation Comm, 1991. pp. 182-83 (2 photocopied pages).E527.4S38.1987v1. (Brief unit history with emphasis on the regimental flags).
Taylor, Frank H. Philadelphia in the Civil War. Phila: By the City, 1913. . pp. 160-62 (2 photocopied pages). E527.97P54T39. (Brief history of the unit).
The Institute’s Archive includes images of individuals of this unit.
The following pertinent personal papers are in the Institute’s Manuscript Archive:
Fitton, Walter H. – CWMiscColl (Officer’s papers and muster roll, l86l-l865)
Hamer, John & Samuel – HCWRTColl (Enlisted men’s letters, diaries, official papers, Sep l7, l86l-Sep l6, l864)
Hinman, Daniel B. – HessColl (Officer’s letter, Apr 3, 1862)