5th Pennsylvania Cavalry
Company G
Name |
Rank |
Date of Muster |
Term/ |
Remarks |
Tim’y Hennessey | Captain | August 10, 1864 | Promoted to Major, February 11, 1863 | |
George J. Ker | Captain | June 1, 1864 | Promoted from 1st Lt. Company M, March 1, 1863; wounded at Darbytown Road, Va., October 7, 1864; transferred to Company A, June 2, 1865 | |
Henry A. Vezin | Captain | March 27, 1862 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
George Graves | 1st Lt. | August 10, 1864 | Transferred to Company I, September, 1861 | |
Justinian Alman | 1st Lt. | September 17, 1864 | Promoted from 2d Lieut., Company I to 1st Lieut. November 10, 1861; to Captain Company E, November 21, 1862 | |
Wm. J. Simpson | 1st Lt. | April 7, 1862 | Promoted from 2d Lt., September, 1862; transferred to Company G, October, 1862 | |
Seth H. Yocum | 1st Lt. | July 26, 1864 | Transferred from Company A, November 21, 1862; discharged September 8, 1864 | |
George Smith | 1st Lt. | August 5, 1864 | Wounded at Staunton Bridge, Va., June 25, 1864; promoted from 1st Sergeant Company F to 2d Lt., November 1, 1862; to 1st Lt., September 20, 1864; to Captain Company D, June 7, 1865 | |
Harry P. Robinson | 1st Lt. | July 26, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet | |
James Cromlien | 2d Lt. | August 10, 1864 | Promoted to 1st Lt. and Quarter Master, September 1, 1861 | |
Frederick Meyer | 2d Lt. | October, 1864 | Promoted from Sergeant, October 20, 1861; transferred to Company A, March, 1862 | |
Leopold Rosenthal | 2d Lt. | August 14, 1864 | Promoted to Captain Company A, January 16, 1862 | |
John C. Cassel | 2d Lt. | August 10, 1864 | Promoted to Corporal, September, 1861; to Sergeant, January, 1862; to Quarter Master Sergeant, May, 1862; to 1st Sergeant, July 2, 1863; to 2d Lt., November 26, 1864; transferred to Company A, June 1, 1865; Vet | |
Frank Kleinz | 2d Lt. | September 20, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
William J. Young | 1st Sergeant | August 10, 1864 | Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1862; to Sergeant, November, 1862; to 1st Sergeant, December 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet | |
James W. Bailey | Sergeant | August 10, 1864 | Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1864; to Sergeant, November 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet | |
William Duncan | Sergeant | August 10, 1864 | Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1864; to Sergeant, November 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, Aug 7, 1865; Vet | |
James Notman | Sergeant | August 10, 1864 | Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1864; to Sergeant, December 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet | |
Jacob Aronson | Sergeant | August 10, 1864 | Promoted to Corporal, February 1, 1864; to Sergeant, October 7, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet | |
Francis M’Cann | Sergeant | August 10, 1864 | Promoted to Corporal, March 7, 1862; to Sergeant, March 14, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet | |
Wm. Mendenhall | Sergeant | February 4, 1864 | Absent, on furlough, at muster out | |
Melchior Roth | Sergeant | August 9, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet | |
John H. Armstrong | Sergeant | August 10, 1864 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, date unknown | |
Wm. A. Charles | Sergeant | August 10, 1864 | Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1862; to Sergeant, September 15, 1862mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term | |
Charles Chipman | Sergeant | August 10, 1864 | Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1862; to Sergeant, September 15, 1862; mustered out, August 9, 1864, expirarion of term | |
John S. Ludwick | Sergeant | August 10, 1864 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, April 26, 1862 | |
Samuel H. Bayley | Sergeant | August 10, 1864 | Promoted to 2d Lieutenant Company E, January 26, 1862 | |
I. M. Flannagin | Sergeant | August 10, 1864 | Promoted to Corporal, July 26, 1862; to Sergeant, July 7, 1863; mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term | |
Richard Ker | Sergeant | June 24, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, December 1, 1863; to Sergeant, July 1, 1864; to Regimental Commissary Sergeant, March 10, 1865 | |
Edward Hoffman | Corporal | October 6, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet | |
Adam Snyder | Corporal | August 10, 1864 | Promoted to Corporal. October 17, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet | |
David G. Lewis | Corporal | February 11, 1864 | Promoted to Corporal. November 1, 1864; absent, on furlough, at muster out; Vet. | |
Charles Hart | Corporal | January 5, 1864 | Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Patrick Sullivan | Corporal | August 10, 1864 | Promoted to Corporal, December 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet | |
Charles W. Chew<</TD> | Corporal | August 10, 1864 | Promoted to Corporal, May 14, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet | |
Thos. J. Campbell | Corporal | August 10, 1864 | Deserted; returned; promoted to Corporal, MIay 14, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet | |
Joseph Fladung | Corporal | August 9, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1864; Vet | |
Peter M. Krider | Corporal | August 10, 1864 | Promoted to Corporal, January 1, 1862; mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term | |
Bentley Gaul | Corporal | September 12, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1864; captured at Ream’s Station, Virginia, June 29, 1864; discharged by General Order, June 22. 1865 | |
John Jarvis | Corporal | September 1, 1862 | Promoted to Corporal, March 14, 1865; discharged by General Order, Mav 19, 1865 | |
Alfred D. Krier | Corporal | August 10, 1864 | Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1862; mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term | |
John L. Nolen | Bugler | August 9, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet | |
John M’Feeters | Bugler | August 10, 1864 | Promoted to Bugler, Decenber, l863; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet | |
William Morgie, Jr. | Bugler | August 10, 1864 | Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term | |
David S. Foreman | Blacksmith | October 6, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet | |
Arch’d M’Millen | Blacksmith | August 10, 1864 | Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term | |
Andrew M’Millen | Blacksmith | August 10, 1864 | Not on muster-out roll | |
Alex. Lockhart | Blacksmith | August 10, 1864 | Promoted to Farrier, June 16, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet | |
Jacob Ambruster | Blacksmith | September 8, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865 | |
Louis T. Bush | Blacksmith | August 10, 1864 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, December 10, 1861 | |
William Stuart | Blacksmith | August 28, 1862 | Promoted to Farrier, August 27, 1864; discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865 | |
John Titlow | Blacksmith | August 10, 1864 | Promoted to Farrier, December 1, 1861; mustered out, August 9. 1864, expiration of term | |
John Hartman | Saddler | August 9, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet | |
Fred’k Koberger | Saddler | August.10, 1864 | Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term | |
Adams, Thomas | Private | February 2, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Albert, Jeremiah | Private | February 23, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Antenrith, August | Private | July 25, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Arker, Joseph | Private | February 24, 1864 | Deserted July 16, 1865; returned; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Armstrong, Alex. | Private | August 10, 1864 | Died at Camnp Griffin, Virginia, January, 1862 | |
Beile, Seraphim | Private | July 26, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Brame, Milton | Private | March 22, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Bratton, Edward E. | Private | February 26, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Breeding, Joseph | Private | November 14, 1863 | Mustered out with Company, kugust 7, 1865 | |
Brinker, Adam | Private | February 29, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Beachley, Henry | Private | February 1, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Baumensbaugh, P | Private | September 2, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865 | |
Barrnes, William | Private | September 14, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865 | |
Blanchard, Geo. W | Private | September 10, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, May 19. 1865 | |
Blundin, Richard | Private | August 10, 1864 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, February 1, 1862 | |
Bruce, George W. | Private | September 12, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865 | |
Bower, William | Private | August 10, 1864 | Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term | |
Buchanan, Edward | Private | September 19, 1862 | Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865 | |
Bailey, John | Private | August 10, 1864 | Promoted to 1st Sergeant, 1st Regiment United States Cavalry, date unknown | |
Berriman, Richard | Private | September 13, 1862 | Transferred to Company E, December 2. 1864 | |
Burrows, John | Private | August 10, 1864 | Captured October 7, 1864; died at Andersonville, Ga., January 9, 1865; grave, 12,418; Vet | |
Campbell, James | Private | February 23, 1864 | Mustered outwith Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Carl, William | Private | August 10, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet | |
Carl, William | Private | August 10, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet | |
Clayton, Thomas M. | Private | February 6, 1864 | Absent, on furlough, at muster out | |
Collins, Morris | Private | April 9, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Conner, James | Private | April 3, 1865 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Carlin, William | Private | August 10, 1864 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, February, 1862 | |
Childs, Peter | Private | September 12, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865 | |
Cochran, Matthew | Private | August 31, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865 | |
Clayton, Franklin | Private | September 24, 1862 | Discharged by General Order, MayI 19, 1865 | |
Currie, Frederick | Private | August 10, 1861 | Discharged for wounds received at Williamsburg, Virginia, June 17, 1863 | |
Cummings, Thos. | Private | August 10, 1864 | Died at Alexandria, Va., April, 1862 | |
Collins, Aaron | Private | August 10, 1864 | Died at Williamsburg, Va., December 13, 1862; burial record, December 17, 1862; buried in National Cem’y, Yorktown, Va., section C, grave, 25 | |
Cooper, William T. | Private | September 14, 1864 | Not on muster-out roll | |
Davenport, Benj. | Private | February 11, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Dolan, James | Private | March 22, 1865 | Deserted; returned; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Donovan, Joseph | Private | February 9, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Driver, William H. | Private | January 26, 1864 | Mustered out with cornmpany, August 7, 1865 | |
Dryden, George L. | Private | February 4, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Dubois, Wm., 2d | Private | August 10, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet | |
Duffin, Henry B. | Private | August 10, 1864 | Captured September 9, 1862; discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, January, 1863 | |
Digney, John A. | Private | August 10, 1861 | Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term | |
Dennis, Samuel J | Private | September 29, 1862 | Captured March 10, 1863; discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865 | |
Drummond, Hugh | Private | August 10, 1864 | Wounded at Nottoway Bridge, Va., May 8, 1864; mustered out, expiration of term | |
Dubois, W’m., 1st | Private | August 10, 1864 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, January 9; 1862 | |
Drumheller, John | Private | February 25, 1864 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, February 18, 1865 | |
Dunlap, Thomas | Private | August 18, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865 | |
Devins, John | Private | September 2, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865 | |
Duverdin, Emile. | Private | August 14, 1862 | Deserted June 16, 1863 | |
Dunkerlv, Wm | Private | September 9, 1864 | Killed near Richmond, Va., December 10, 1864 | |
Durkin, John | Private | August 10, 1864 | Captured at Ream’s Station, Va., June 29, 1864; discharged by General Order, June 17, 1865; Vet | |
Edwards, Thomas | Private | January 26, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Elliott, John | Private | April 3, 1865 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Evans, John | Private | February 6, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Edwards, Jos. L. | Private | August 10, 1864 | Captured September 9, 1862; mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term | |
Emory, GeorgeW | Private | August 10, 1864 | Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term | |
Fox, James | Private | April 5, 1865 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Forbes, Charles H. | Private | September 12, 1862 | Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865 | |
Fiss, Augustus L. | Private | August 10, 1861 | Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term | |
Faulkner, Thomas | Private | August 10, 1864 | Transferred to Company I, September 1, 1861 | |
Foley, Edmond. | Private | August 10, 1861 | Deserted February 10, 1865 ; Vet | |
Greenan. John | Private | August 17, 1864 | Captured October 7, 1864; discharged, date unknown | |
Garvin, Joseph | Private | August 10, 1864 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, April, 1862 | |
Glassop, John 1I1. | Private | February 27, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865 | |
Garron, William | Private | August 31, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865 | |
Gormley, William | Private | .August 31, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865 | |
Gilbert, Adam | Private | August 10, 1864 | Deserted June, 1862 | |
Harris, William | Private | February 2, 1864 | Captured at Ream’s Station, Va., June 29, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Heckard, Henry | Private | February 12, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Holmes, Morris | Private | February 1, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Hill, Philip | Private | January 5, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Humes, Thomas | Private | August 10, 1861 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet | |
Hunt, Michael | Private | April 9, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Hilburn, James E. | Private | August 10, 1864 | Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term | |
Hoffman, David B | Private | August 10, 1864 | Mustered out, August 9, 1.864, expiration of term | |
Haughey, Francis | Private | February 28, 1865 | Deserted July 1, 1865 | |
Humes, James | Private | September 1, 1862 | Killed at Staunton Bridge, Va., June 25, 1864 | |
Hoffman, Henry | Private | September 12, 1864 | Not on muster-out roll | |
Johnston, Edwin | Private | February, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, August 7, 1865 | |
Jones, David | Private | August 23, 1864 | Captured October 7, 1864; discharged, date unknown | |
Jennings, Lenmus C. | Private | August 10, 1864 | Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term | |
Jamison, Thomas | Private | August 10, 1864 | Transferred to Company E, January 20, 1865; Vet | |
Kissell, John G. | Private | February 5, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Kuntzman, Christ’n. | Private | August 10, 1864 | Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term | |
Kline, Christian | Private | August 10, 1864 | Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term | |
Kogie, Jacob | Private | August 10, 1864 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, April 26, 1862 | |
Kershaw, James | Private | September 30, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865 | |
Kreigher, Wm. H. | Private | August 10, 1864 | Captured at Ream’s Station, Va., June 29, 1864; died at Andersonville, Ga., November 9, 1864; burial record, November 4, 1864; grave, 11,800; Vet | |
Lloyd, Edmond | Private | January 29, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Lloyd, George | Private | January 29, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Lon’staff, Rob’t M. | Private | February 22, 1864 | Captured at Jarrett’s Station, Weldon R. R., Va., May 19, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Lutz, Alexander | Private | February 27, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Meek, Henry | Private | August 10, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet | |
Magrady, William | Private | March 1, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Miller, Adam | Private | February 9, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Meighen, Bernard | Private | July 30, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet | |
Mooney, John | Private | March 23, 1865 | Discharged by General Order, July 19, 1865 | |
Mullen, William | Private | February 26, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Morrison, Charles | Private | February 23, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Murphy, Charles | Private | February 23, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Mullen, Michael | Private | August 10, 1864 | Discharged January 25, 1863, for wounds received at Williamsburg, Va., September 9, 1862 | |
Morley, Thomas P. | Private | August 10, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865; Vet | |
Messick, James M. | Private | September 17, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865 | |
Morgie, Wm., Sr. | Private | August 10, 1864 | Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term | |
Mason, Edward | Private | September 23, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865 | |
Meniss, Henry K. | Private | August 10, 1864 | Died at Williamsburg, Va., December 12, 1862 | |
Morgan, Thomas | Private | August 10, 1864 | Died at Williarsburg, Va., December, 1862 | |
Mills, Arthur | Private | February 11, 1864 | Captured October 7, 1864; died at St. Clair, Pa., April, 1865 | |
M’Closkey, Robert | Private | August 10, 1864 | Captured October 7, 1864; discharged, date unknown; Vet | |
M’Cormick, John B | Private | February 9, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
M’Davitt, John | Private | October 14, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
M’Ghee, Alexander | Private | March 7, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
M’Hull, Alexander | Private | January 26, 1864 | Wounded and prisoner October 7, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
M’Shier, John | Private | August 10, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
M’Cauley, Michael | Private | August 10, 1864 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, April 26, 62 | |
M’Annay, Patrick | Private | August 31, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, June 21, 1865 | |
M’Hugh, Arthur | Private | August 10, 1864 | Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term | |
Newkirk, Charles | Private | February 1, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Nettle, Oliver | Private | August 10, 1864 | Killed near Richmond, Va., September 29, 1864; Vet | |
Oswald, John | Private | August 10, 1864 | Died at Williamsburg, Va., November, 1862 | |
Porter, John | Private | September 22, 1862 | Discharged, date unknown, for wounds received in action | |
Patterson, Alfred J. | Private | August 10, 1864 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, April 1, 1864 | |
Pritchard, Henry D. | Private | September 10, 1862 | Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865 | |
Press, John | Private | September 14, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865 | |
Powell, John A. | Private | September 2, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865 | |
Price, William | Private | August 27, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865 | |
Pickering, Joshua T. | Private | August 10, 1864 | Killed in action at Darbytown Road, Virginia, October 7, 1864; Vet | |
Renard, Daniel | Private | August 10, 1864 | Absent, on furlough, at muster out; Vet | |
Reichard, John S. | Private | March 24, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Rick, Benjamin F. | Private | February 1, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Rogers, Andrew | Private | February 25, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Roudenbush, J. S. | Private | August 10, 1864 | Absent, on furlough, at muster out; Vet | |
Rogers, Charles | Private | August 10, 1864 | Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term | |
Roman, Anthony D. | Private | August 10, 1864 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, January 1, 1862 | |
Roach, Nicholas | Private | September 13, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, May 9, 1865 | |
Rhine, Michael | Private | August 23, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, May 9, 1865 | |
Riley, Edward | Private | August 11, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, May 9, 1865 | |
Riley, William J. | Private | August 10, 1864 | Deserted, date unknown | |
Rolph, William | Private | September 11, 1862 | Killed near Twelve Mile Ordinary, Va., May, 1863 | |
Scott, John | Private | August 10, 1864 | Captured at Williamsburg, Va., March 5, 1863; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet | |
Seip, Henry | Private | February 27, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Shaner, Charles W. | Private | February 27, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Showers, James W. | Private | February 5, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Shinkle, Thomas | Private | March 2, 1865 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Sullinger, Alex. H. | Private | . February 9, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Smith, Benjamin | Private | August 12, 1864 | Captured October 7, 1864; discharged, date unknown | |
Speelman, Patrick | Private | August 17, 1864 | Captured October 7, 1864; discharged, date unknown | |
Stewart, William J. | Private | February F 7, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, June 21, 1865 | |
Samon, James | Private | August 10, 1861 | Captured at Ream’s Station, Va., June 29, 1864; discharged by General Order, June 17, 1865; Vet | |
Shiveley, John | Private | August 10, 1864 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, May 26, 1862 | |
Spangler, John | Private | August 10, 1864 | Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term | |
Shaw, Charles | Private | August 10, 1864 | Captured at Williamsburg, Va., September 9, 1862; discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, November 4, 1862 | |
Samuels, John | Private | August 10, 1864 | Captured at Williamsburg, Va., September 9, 1862; discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, November 4, 1862 | |
Small, Samuel | Private | August 10, 1864 | Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate, December 24, 1861 | |
Sykes, George | Private | September 23, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865 | |
Sharkey, Joahn | Private | August 10, 1864 | Transferred to Company K, September 1, 1861 | |
Sullivan, Edward | Private | August 10, 1864 | Transferred to Company A, January 23, 1863 | |
Shields, Henry | Private | August 10, 1864 | Transferred to Company E, December 9, 1863 | |
Spangenburg, John | Private | August 10, 1864 | Discharged August 9, 1864, expiration of term | |
Stack, Thomas | Private | August 10, 1864 | Discharged, date unknown; re-enlisted September 12, 1864; discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865 | |
Thomas, John | Private | August 25, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865 | |
Theobold, George | Private | August 22, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865 | |
Tingle, Ananias H. | Private | September 27, 1864 | Killed near Richmond, Va., December 10, 1864 | |
Thomas, Samuel B. | Private | Deserted October, 1864 | ||
Van Winkle, Sam’l. | Private | August 10, 1864 | Deserted May 28, 1865; returned July 30, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet | |
Weise, Theodore F. | Private | January 20, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Williams, Daniel | Private | February 1, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 | |
Wilson, Robert | Private | August 10, 1864 | Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet | |
Waters, Chas. H. | Private | September 12, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865 | |
Wentzell, Jones | Private | August 29, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865 | |
Wallwork, Jos. M. | Private | February 29, 1864 | Promoted to Quarter Master Sergeant, Company A, July 1, 1865 | |
Wallace, Arch. K. | Private | February 18, 1864 | Missing at Jarrett’s Station, Va., May 8, 1864 | |
Whittaker, Jno. W. | Private | August 10, 1864 | Died September 10, 1862, of wounds received at Williamsburg, Virginia, September 9, 1862 | |
Wilson, Solin | Private | September 12, 1862 | Not on muster-out roll | |
Yower, Charles | Private | September 2, 1864 | Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865 |
Source: Bates, Samuel P. History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-65, Harrisburg, 1868-1871.