3rd Cavalry
Pennsylvania Volunteers
Field and Staff Officers
Name |
Rank |
Date of Muster |
Term/ |
Remarks |
William H. Young | Colonel | 1861 | Resigned October 31, 1861 | |
Wm. W. Averell | Colonel | October 12, 1861 | Promoted to Brig. General, September 26, 1862; to brevet Major General U. S. A., August 7, 1864; to brevet Brig. General and brevet Major General U. S. A., March 13, 1685 | |
John Battalion M’Intosh | Colonel | November 15, 1862 | Promoted from 1st Lt. 5th reg. U. S. Cavalry to Colonel, November 15, 1862; to Brig. General, July 21, 1864 | |
Samuel W. Owen | Lt. Colonel | August 19, 1861 | Resigned October 25, 1862 | |
Edward S. Jones | Lt. Colonel | August 1, 1861 | Promoted from Captain company C, November 20, 1862; commissioned Colonel, August 16, 1864; not mustered; mustered out with regiment, August 24, 1864 | |
Ernest M. Bement | Major | August 19, 1861 | Resigned June 10, 1862 | |
H. C. Cooper | Major | September 16, 1861 | Resigned November, 1861 | |
J. Claude White | Major | August 19, 1861 | Promoted from Captain company L, December 1, 1862; resigned July 15, 1863 | |
0. O. G. Robinson | Major | August 17, 1861 | Promoted from Captain company G, December 11, 1862; mustered out with regiment, August 24, 1864 | |
James W. Walsh | Major | January 1, 1862 | Promoted from Captain company I to Major, December 4, 1863; to Lieut. Colonel, October 31, 1864; to brevet Colonel, April 9, 1865; transferred to battalion, July 27, 1864; to 65th reg. P. V., May 8, 1865 | |
John F. Seal | Adjutant | August 17, 1861 | Mustered out, to date July 29, 1862 | |
Robert Douglass | Adjutant | July 18, 1861 | Resigned July 17, 1862 | |
Abel Wright | Adjutant | December 10, 1861 | Promoted from 1st Lt. company M to Adjutant, September 17, 1862; to Captain company K, May 1, 1863 | |
Harri’n L. Newhall | Adjutant | October 4, 1862 | Promoted from 2d Lt. company B, May 1, 1863; discharged by special order, March 19, 1864 | |
J. T. Walton | Battalion Adjutant | December 20, 1861 | Resigned July 5, 1862 | |
Robert P. Wilson | Battalion Adjutant | January 24, 1862 | Discharged to receive commission in U. S. regular army, October 2, 1862 | |
Philip Pollard | Quarter Master | October 28, 1861 | Promoted to Captain and C. S., November 30, 1862 | |
S. P. Boyer | Quarter Master | August 23, 1861 | Promoted from 1st Lt. company C, May 1, 1863; mustered out with regiment, August 24, 1864 | |
Alex’r M. Wright | Battalion Quarter Master | July 23, 1861 | Promoted from 2d Lt. Co. K, resigned March 29, 1863 | |
W. RedwoodPrice. | Commissary Sergeant | August 13, 1861 | Promoted from 1st Lt. company D, to Commissary Sergeant, January 25, 1862; to Captain company C, May 1, 1863 | |
Samuel C. Wagner | Commissary Sergeant | August 17, 1861 | Promoted from Commissary Sergeant, May 1, 1863; mustered out with regiment, August 24, 1864 | |
Thos. H. Ridgely | Surgeon | August 17, 1861 | Discharged December 9. 1861, to date November 8, 1861 | |
J. L. Stewart | Surgeon | November 8, 1861 | Resigned March 11, 1862 | |
Wm. Battalion Hezlep | Surgeon | March 12, 1862 | Mustered out with regiment, August 24, 1864 | |
Thos. H. Ridgely | Assistant Surgeon | December 4, 1861 | Resigned September 18, 1862 | |
Thos. H. Sherwood | Assistant Surgeon | August 17, 1861 | Promoted to Surgeon 27threg. P.V., April 15, 1864 | |
Henry J. Durant | Assistant Surgeon | November 26, 1861 | Promoted from battalion Hospital Steward, March 26, 1863; transferred to battalion, July 27, 1864; to 65th reg. P. V., June 7, 1865 | |
Theodore T. Tate | Assistant Surgeon | May 29, 1863 | Resigned August 23, 1864 | |
Moses R. Hunter | Chaplin | November 29, 1861 | Resigned November 4, 1863 | |
Joel G. Rammel | Chaplin | July 23, 1861 | Pomoted from Sergeant company B, March 20, 1864; mustered out with regiment, August 24, 1864 | |
Holden Chester | Veterinary Surgeon | August 23, 1861 | Promoted from private company L, February 20, 1864; mustered out with regiment, August 24, 1864 | |
Samuel S. Green | Sergeant Major | August 17, 1861 | Promoted from private Company H to Sergeant Major, November 9, 1861; to 2d Lt. company E, June 23, 1862 | |
Guy C. Humphries | Sergeant Major | August 13, 1861 | Reduced and transferred to company D, April 11, 1863 | |
Sam’l J. M’Cullough | Sergeant Major | August 17, 1861 | Promoted from Sergeant company H, May 12, 1863; commissioned 2d Lt. company H, October 16, 1863; not mustered; mustered out with regiment, August 24, 1864 | |
Wilson P. Dodson | Quarter Master Sergeant | July 23, 1861 | Promoted from Sergeant Co. B to battalion Quarter Master Sergeant, March 18, 1862; to Quarter Master Sergeant, September 1, 1862; mustered out with regiment, August 24, 1864 | |
J. Lee Englebert | Batallion Quarter Master Sergeant | July 23, 1861 | Promoted from Commissary Sergeant to battalion Quarter Master Sergeant; to 2d Lt. company E | |
Jas. H. M’Tiernan | Batallion Quarter Master Sergeant | August 17, 1861 | Promoted from battalion Commissary Sergeant; discharged on Surgeon’s certificate, date unknown | |
Thos. H. Sherwood | Batallion Quarter Master Sergeant | August 1, 1861 | Promoted from Sergeant company C to battalion Quartermaster Sergeant; to 2d Lieut. company L, March 8, 1862 | |
George W. Ewing | Commissary Sergeant | August 17, 1861 | Promoted from Sergeant company G, June 12, 1863; com. 2d Lt. company G July 16, 1864; not mustered; mustered out with regiment, August 24, 1864 | |
Ira L. Long | Battalion Commissary Sergeant | August 17, 1861 | Promoted from private Company H, November 9, 1861; reduced to Master Sergeant, and transferred to company H, February 1, 1862 | |
Paul Murphy | Hospital Steward | August 17, 1861 | Promoted from Corporal company H. March 1, 1863; transferred to battalion, July 27, 1864; Vet | |
Jacob Tomer, Jr. | Hospital Steward | April 1, 1863 | Promoted to Hospital Steward, April 1, 1863; transferred to battalion July 27, 1864; to 65th regiment P. V., June 6, 1865 | |
James M’Elroy | Battalion Hospital Steward | July 23, 1861 | Promoted from private company B, November 1, 1861discharged February 15, 1863 | |
George W. Moore | Battalion Hospital Steward | December 31, 1861 | Discharged, date unknown | |
Henry G. Seaman | Chief Bugler | July 23, 1861 | Promoted from Bugler company B, November 1, 1861; discharged, date unknown | |
Edward D. Bryden | Chief Bugler | August 13, 1861 | Promoted from Bugler company D, August 27, 1863; mustered out with regiment, August 24, 1864 | |
John Keily | Sadler | July 18, 1861 | Reduced and transferred to company A, August 8, 1862 | |
John H. Murphy | Sadler | August 26, 1861 | Promoted from Saddler company M, August 1, 1863; mustered out with regiment, August 24, 1864 |
Source: Bates, Samuel P. History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-65, Harrisburg, 1868-1871.