Independent Battery H
Nevin’s Battery
Pennsylvania Volunteers
This Battery was recruited at Pittsburg and vicinity, and was organized on the 30th of September, 1862, with the following officers:
- John I. Nevin, Captain
- Edwin H. Kevin, Jr., Lieutenant
- Theodore M. Finlay, First Lieutenant
- John N. Brown, Second Lieutenant
- John C. Klett, Jr., Second Lieutenant
Immediately after its organization, it was ordered to Hagerstown, Maryland, the army at this time reposing on the left bank of the Potomac, having just previous fought and driven the enemy at Antietam. It was assigned to General Morell’s command, and served with him until December. It was then ordered to Camp Barry, in the District of Columbia-artillery headquarters-where it went into camp for the winter. On the 14th of February, 1863, Captain Nevin, and Lieutenants Klett and Brown, resigned, and William Borrowe, of the Second United States Artillery, was commissioned Captain.
Early in the spring, the Battery was ordered to report to General J. P. Slough, in command at Alexandria, and for a period of nearly two years, it was actively employed in provost duty, rendering efficient service against the commands of Stuart and Moseby.
In January, 1865, it was ordered to return to Camp Barry, and shortly after its transfer, Captain Borrowe was succeeded in command by Lieutenant Nevin, who was thereupon promoted to Captain. Little duty of consequence was required of it here, and early in June, it was ordered to Pittsburg, where, on the 18th, it was mustered out of service.